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  1. Meanwhile, god knows how many innocent people rot in jail still because they objected to his ugly upending of this country.
  2. It probably will as it’s tied to the FTA Thailand has been struggling to get and put a lot of time and energy into for years.
  3. That's just an oft-repeated myth. Thailand includes deaths after the accident like most other countries (you can find multiple sources confirmed that via Google) but it doesn't excuse the appalling lack of enforcement and governance that kills and maims some 200k a year. Just now I was almost hit by a car running a red light on a crossing with a cop watching. The country needs to have a will to fix this but right now that's totally absent and we have a nation of appalling drivers who, if polls are to be believed, think they drive well.
  4. Kids swim in it all the time. And yes, they are likely killing themselves. That khlong could be one of the city's great treasures.
  5. No, this thread is about weed, already either decriminalised or defacto decriminalised in much of the the world seemingly without much problem.
  6. Bear in mind too, that this government has not to date managed to pass anything. Even the gay marriage act is still not on the books. They are, by any reasonable barometer, totally useless. Still, that's why the junta installed them, so they'd not change anything. And if they do pull this off, the only beneficiaries will be corrupt cops and the people with undue influence who will own the "medical" weed business. As always in LOS, follow the corruption.
  7. It doesn’t matter how long I’m here i never fail to be amazed by how evil, broken and corrupt the elite and their mafia courts are.
  8. And countless young Thais who will be subject to corrupt police, have their lives ruined by jail and legal records, all because of some nutty populist drive by Thaksin and his somewhat incompetent and insubstantial Public Health Minister lacky (who now wants to also start a "drug war"). This is about Thaksin wanting to somehow revive his PT party, one struggling in the polls badly, and letting the cops have their bribes back. Meanwhile around the world deregulation continues with the USA moving ganja from Class 3 to Class 1 nationwide and Germany decriminalising. What do these countries know that has eluded Thailand's not-exactly world-standard scientists? Why are the real public health emergencies being looked at instead: killer air quality and hundreds of thousands maimed or killed needlessly on the roads every year? I don't smoke the stuff and dislike the smell but the hypocrisy, corruption and plain idiocy this move to recriminalise marijuana shows appalls me.
  9. The CC invents the law as their masters wish. They are not a judicial body as most countries know one, they are closer to old-fashioned mafia enforcers. Much like the EC.
  10. And still silence from this useless Junta appointed government. The companies that instruct the farmers to burn are literally too close to the power structure to be threatened. People die as a result and nobody in the cabinet or govt cares. Only "good people" matter in Thailand.
  11. As we know, they are not even that stringent in the navy, with ships sinking in the gulf in still unexplained ways.
  12. I don't think that's possible but he's Theresa May, Bojo or Liz Truss level incompetent. It's hard to reach that level.
  13. For decades I’ve been saying myself,”it’s getting better” but it never does. A broken feudal kleptocracy where the poor get poorer and the rich get vastly richer. And if the people complain they beat and shoot them. Possibly the dimmest thing I’ve ever read on the internet.
  14. Add to that ancient cumbersome security machinery and processing procedures. Most airports don't ask you to remove shoes and belts anymore, and many don't want computers taken out. Instead of fiddling about buying useless submarines maybe the money would be better spent on security at the airport. I still think Swampy is a quantum leap ahead of grubby old KLIA. Rude staff, broken everything and shabby facilities.
  15. He doesn't have a boss, he is the boss, hence why they have actively tried to kill the craft beer industry which any fool could see would be a money maker for the country as a whole (see Vietnam and Singapore) and actually offer up some "soft power" to send around the world.
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