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Posts posted by glomp

  1. The tgf is the daughter of a woman chief, although the husband sure likes to be "vice chief" :)

    The drama lama followed the family around for a while after the deposed previous cheif needed money again. There was a long campaign with death threats, mercenary monks reiling people up and other nasty shit.

    At the village vote she wanted out but the village refused and voted her back in.

    For some reason the village wanted a chief that records any and all donations and let anyone who feels like it check the books. The alternative was fat dude with a huge cowboy hat that never recorded anything, never told people where the money went and rarely produced funds to ad to the temple.....

    So i guess "revolutions" do happen from time to time.

  2. So your arguments are "have a US bank" ? Good luck for you being able to be customers for these wunderbanks than never doubt your claims from dody receipts that might or might not have your sig.

    Not everyone comes from the US or buys one millon bath toys each day. I'd rather have my savings in my portfolio getting 13% than having to worry about some dickhole copying the card and causing me alot of grief for 4%.

  3. I have this totaly radical idea, im sure i will make millions somehow from this easy to implement but really hard and difficult to grasp idea. I did focus groups, funded two academic papers and interviwed several hundred people about this. After many years of trial and error i think i have found the solution.

    I will recomend people to pay CASH in countries where fraud and card skimming is rife. Im sure i can patent or somehow monetise this idea as nobody seems to have thought about this before.

  4. WatersEdge, you just made one of the best replies to a thread i have ever read :)

    You touched on the issue about anectdotal stories, my question was perhaps more about why the heck farmers or gentleman farmers don't continue doing it if they get such good results from trying.

  5. There are several anecdotal tales of falangs fertilising old rice(choose your crop) lands and growing "alot more" than the thai farmers for a few square meters of test growing.

    My question for you is how realistic it would be to run a pig/chicken farm as a "driver" for farming. Lets say pigs are bred and grown at cost or a small profit integrated with a larger area of rice/trees/cassava/dragon fruit to build top soil.

    Combine the animal <deleted> with worms seems like a "no brainer" way to grow excelent top soil to grow just about anything.

    Would the machine work required to distribute the "optimal" top soil cancel out the gains? I hope you understand what i mean :lol:

  6. What is it with magnets that make people just go bonkers?

    Many of the crazy Internet inventions that piss on the laws of physics contains magnets and when people read "magnets" their eyes just glase over and read everything after as "magic".

    If you thought this device was real my sincere advice for you is to get some sort of trustee to handle your financial matters for you.

  7. I don't recal if it was here or some other forum but one farang farmer got cleaned out, he put up a cash reward. Didn't take long and now he has a shit list of people not to be trusted or given work.

    If the family wont act as the village mafia and look out for your shit it apears you will get taken for a ride?

  8. I realized after posting that i should have mentioned "to get a 9 to 5 workday". Khonwan covered it nicely.

    I have never farmed in my life, i just like to check out numbers, returns and practices on farming because it intrigues me as a city person :lol:

    As the chicken guy said, "i only got in to it because the family knew it". My might be fam knows playing the lottery and directing others to work so no farming for me ;)

  9. So if im reading you correctly, to get a "reasonable" family providing income of 40k per month you would need to have quite a few of the critters.

    Pigs sold	Total pigs
    55	216,37		1186,55
    59	68,39		375,05
    61	50,96		279,48
    63	40,61		222,73
    65	33,76		185,13

    Pigs sold is the amount divided by profits per 100kg pig "farrow to finish" from the excel files.

    To always have the required amount of pigs each month one months worth of pigs are multiplied by 5,48 as the mean growing time in months.

    This also assumes the taxman doesn't know where you live and no pigs get sick or die and work is free.

    For pig farmers sake i hope my math sucks, much like my grades from school suggests :D

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