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Posts posted by coyc2

  1. I can find a flight which leaves Bangkok on 31st December and lands in Manchester on 1st January

    Wow, you've either found a time-travelling flight or the slowest long-haul flight in history!

    Seriously though, you should be ok. We landed in the UK on the first day my wife's visa was valid. As long as it is valid on the day you land in the UK you should be fine.

  2. We just got our UK settlement visa for my wife (in a record 10 days with no interview !!)

    The visa is valid 1st January and I am looking at flights, and for a 1 way ticket they are expensive ()and costing more than i pay for a return but nevermind.

    I can find a flight which leaves Bangkok on 31st January and lands in Manchester on 1st January which is priced okay (£440 not £600 or £700!!)

    Will the Thai passport control / Immigration have a problem with this ?

    I am sure it will be okay as she can show her ticket etc but my wife likes to worry and is scared they will have a problem with her. She is travelling back alone.

    What do you think ? I appreciate your advise

  3. we have just got to get the affirmation legalized by british consular thursday am then off to the Thai MFA in the afternnon for them to stamp the document before we get married friday morning. we have a 14:45 appointment fri afternoon to submit the application. I am petrified too i just hope its a yes.

    does anyone know if i can pay the visa fee with my debit card. i know you can pay with cheque or cash but i prefer to pay with plastic

    Just a heads up with your tight scheduling, you do know that the British Embassy affirmation to marry takes one day to process and then the MFA is no longer offering the same day express document legalisation anymore unless you have a pressing reason and then have to sit in front of the head of the department and request this. We went to do this recently, we had our 1 month old son with us and that was considered a good enough reason to not have to travel back to Chaeng Wattana again and she let us do same day, other foreigners in front of us in the queue to meet the big boss were getting turned down without good enough reasons and told to return the following day.

    *deleted incorrect info about Embassy* VFS only accept bankers drafts or cashiers cheques for visa fees


    I did it last month and had no problem getting them to do the express in one day - my wife spoke to the big boss for about 30 seconds and they let us - the normal counter staff said no first then we asked them agaan about 10 minutes later they let us !!

    She lives in bangkok and it was a ball ache travelling to embassy twice, and this office but cheaper than paying some agency !! The worst we found was after we married she went to change her house book (like mortgage deed) to her new married name and we queued for twohours then the woman just crossed out her old name and wrote her new one !! we could have done it !!

    Best of luck

  4. I am amazed and handed in our UK settlement visa application on 13th November 2009 and it passed in just 10 days !!

    It was prepared by ourselves (a lot of hard work by us but we saved a lot of money) and as she had her our house, a degree and previous checkable work history and I hit the criteria it helped - we handed in about 8 kil0 of documents !!

    no interview !!

    Record speed and I hope others are fortunate for a quick favourable result.

    i do have one question - Its valid from 1st January and looking at flights they are expensive in new year but theres one taking off on 31st DEC at 8pm - my wife is worried the immigration in Bangkok airport will make a problem as its the day before but the plane would not land until the 1st !! I look at it that the first is when she can enter england but dont want her to have any problems. Any Advise - will she be okay ?


  5. Hi,

    I am currently getting everything ready to apply for a Settlement Visa for my fiance )we marry in 3 weeks and will apply a week or two later.

    I believe we hit all the silly criteria and and can prove what they require and got a Visiotrs visa earlier this year without any hicups, BUT I have a question when I look at the Settlement visa application form !!

    Can someone on a settlement visa work in the UK ???

    Question 8.6.7 is - Do you intend to work in the uk ? Yes or No (if yes supply details)

    Whats the "correct" answer ?

    In my case my wife really wants to get a job but I dont want to answer wrong - I worry answer yes and they start thinking is she married just so she can work in UK and answer No do they start thinking she wants to claim benefits !!

    Can anyone help ?



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