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Posts posted by retireAt45

  1. Your pics are great, but in some parts of 2nd road, in the Mikes Shopping Mall area stretching up to Pattaya Klang, the flooding was much worse. I was driving along there and have no idea how my slow slung car kept going as all around me vehicles and bikes were breaking down, and I was alarmed to see even the Baht Bus exhausts were completely submerged, and the water was washing the feet of the passengers.

    I was terrified my car would conk out so I decided to turn left into Siam Bayview Hotel to find some parking. Big mistake, the hotel driveway was even deeper than the road, and I have no idea how I managed to drive through the deep water and up the slope at the front of the hotel.

    When I waded back to the road, the water was well above my knees, and I am 6 foot tall. My exhaust must have been several inches under water. Maybe it's because it is a diesel engine, like the baht buses. Does anyone know about this? Can diesel engines run with their exhausts submereged?

    Please be extremely careful. In the street of Pattaya there are many live electric wires hanging on the electric poles. News regarding unlucky Pattaya residents or tourists nearly got electrocuted by these wires during raining season are very common. Please be extremely careful.

  2. Many thanks for the photos. The photos highlighted one of the many infrastructure problems of Pattaya City facing many years ago. For the past 5 years, the City Hall of Pattaya had introduced many multimillions Dollar projects to prevent flooding in the City, but the problem of flooding never solved.

  3. Good day! Readers.

    In most South East Asia countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines, do welcome foreign retirees of age 45 years old or even lower. Unfortunately, the requirement for Retirement Visa of Thailand is 50 years old and above. Is the government of Thailand planning to lower the age limit for Retirement Visa from 50 to 45 years old in the coming future?

    Thank you for reading.

    I believe you are wrong about singapore. There is no retirement visa there.

    I apologise for my mistake. Singapore government do offer a Long Stay Visa for five years to foreigners of age 45 years old and above. The good news is it can be renewed so this Long Stay Visa is very similar to a Retirement Visa of Thailand; the bad news is you need to be a millionaire in order to qualify to apply.

    Best regards.

  4. I think more likely to raise the retirement age than lower it in Thailand. :)

    I completely disagree. The most recent change was lowering it from age 55 to age 50, so there is no logical reason to think they would raise it up from age 50. I don't expect a lowering either, but not impossible. I think that bottom line Thais think age 50 is old, so 50 fits for Thailand.

    For someone who is 45, they could theoretically stretch the ED visa for 5 years while waiting for the "golden" number.

    Many thanks for all the replies.

    Is ED Visa for 5 years 100% feasible? My feeling is that the Thai Language School will definitely assist the 45 years old retiree to renew his/her ED Visa every year but I am very sure that the Thai Immigration (TI) or rather the Thai Government (TG) will give this retiree a very hard time. The worst case is TI or TG might even disapprove his/her ED Visa extension after one year or two years.

    Best regards

  5. Good day! Readers.

    In most South East Asia countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines, do welcome foreign retirees of age 45 years old or even lower. Unfortunately, the requirement for Retirement Visa of Thailand is 50 years old and above. Is the government of Thailand planning to lower the age limit for Retirement Visa from 50 to 45 years old in the coming future?

    Thank you for reading.

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