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Posts posted by laduladiva

  1. I just asked a simpel question, no need to jump down my neck. My experience of teachers in thailand is that are here for the easy sex. Had a crap night again hanging around with perverts. Fucing qualified english teachers my arse. Are there any farangs here who are not perverted ######s who use Thai girls or boys for their own advantage. Maby thailand is the wrong place for me as Im a gay gye who is not into paying or using every sweet gye or girl I meet. My impresion of Thailand is that it has been destroyed by farangs. Dirty old perverts. I think Thai people are the sweetest people Ive ever meet, but the farangs. I dont have any time for. I might just meet the wrong people, but ###### people like that really piss me off.
  2. Thanks for the reply. They like marmite ?? and does the averge thai drink a lot. One of them is male and the other female. Does that make any diffrence in what to get them ?
  3. I'm just trying to point out that you should'nt justify the discrimination of any people becuse of what they're government sais and does. I do agree with you that the US gov is one if not the most hypocritical gov we have in the "western world". Its true that the gov has a don't do as I say, do as I do approach and I don't think anyone can say anything to prove that it dose'nt , but before we start slaiting the US gov we should look at our own Governments a bit more.
  4. Just as we've heard in other threads here about the stereotypical Thai Bar Girl. Yes there may be one or 2 that don't fit the stereotype...

    No facts to support my argument, just lots of personal observations. I have lived as an expat for the last 8 years, visited probably 20 different countries in that time and been exposed to many "stereotypical Yanks


    Here you seem to be stereotyping most Americans which you meet. I can understand why they might retaliate If you keep discussing you' politics on how perfect Australia is and how crap the US is.

    I'm just wondering what you're opinion is on how the Austaralian goverment did and is treating the Aborigine people, what would be you're ethical explibnation about the Stolen Generation???

    I don't want to seem like I'm trying to put down Australians here I'm just trying to make a point that no goverment is perfect, I think most goverments are a pile of crap personally.

  5. Sorry Brian, kind whent of on one. I'm just really sick of listning to some British people having a go at anyone who comes from a nation that has ever beat them in power, or football, I do agree with the point you are making but I think it goes for any nation in power. You can even find it in you're own nation if I was to mention the aborigenes. I think the world would be a lot better place if the more powerful nation would spend more time effort and money in helping the other nations getting along whith each other a better rather then taking sides, and I do think it was wrong of you to steriotype all the Americans, sure if you discuss politics with anyone, youre going to find that most people will follow they're own contry as thats what they've been taught to do but with everything else peopel are just people no matter where they're from. I'm sure you don't like to steriotypes as steriotypical Aussy living in Ramsey street , Ordering you're partner around to get you youre next Fosters whilst youre whatching rugby on TV. The same as I don't like being steriotyped as a steriotypical Pommy.

    There I go again .......

  6. like to add to my statement that I'm not pro God bless the most perfect nation American fan or whatever it is. I personally think all the more powerful nations in the world are full of shit, (trying to make peace in the world with a hidden agenda) but the point I was making was just becuse a contrys goverment is full of ######s, dosen't mean the people are. Well thats just my opinion.
  7. I think there are  ######s in every society and the examples youre using seem to be about the US Goverment rather then the people it self. Im British and I sure as hel_l dont agree with all the shit the British goverment come out with .Personally ive meet a lot more arse hole drunken british people who think its justified to beat the shit out of peopel because they lost a football match( as good example), then Ive been "exposed" to arse hole yanks,also I wouldnt like to be steriotyped as one of those idot football fans.

    Where are you from by the way Brian, to me you sound like a "steriotypical" British man who's jealous of the Yanks because theyve taken over Britains place in the world.

  8. Thanks for youre replys. I have just sent off for my 1 year mulitiply entery immigrant b visa. The school says they are going to suply me with a work permit but I dont have a degree so I very much doubt itnI have been  in contact with other teachers  at the school who say the accomodation is basic. Room with bed wadrobe. Shared living rooms with tv and shared fridge. Im pritty sure that I have got the job as I have sign the contract and they have posten me all the papers which I have sent to the Thai conculate. Got most of my clothing and stuff sorted, but I also would like to travel and see thailand a bit. Some other peopel in this forum have told me this is plenty of money but what do you think. Dont really want to do anything fancy  pritty happy with traveling cheap, basic but SAFE, as long as Im safe Im happy . thanks guys  Ladula  :o

    Ps and Im traveling alone and not meeting anyone out there.

  9. Im moving to petchaburi in the start of June to teach English. Have a job set up with free accommadation. Was just hoping for some advise on how much money I should bring with me for the first month.Not planning to do anything fancy when I first get there just going to get used to life in Thailand and take it somewhat easy . Was thinking of taking 20 000 bht with me as thats how much I get paid every month from the school. Do you guys think this would be sufficient for an easy one month as Im not going to be paing any rent. As you can probarly tell im not that clued up at the moment and just whant to make sure . Would be great for some good advise with not to may sarcastic comments ( he he ). Hope youre all having a good day where ever you all are , and thanks for taking the time to read my question .

    ladula  :o

  10. Hello again Jason,

    I have a rubish Education. Finisht school at 16 like you do here in the uk went to college for one year and quit. I dont know what that equivalent is in America but its quite rubish here. Went on web sights with Teaching posting on sent them my cv with a covering letter telling them how wicked I would be for the job ( I ignored the part about bachelors degree). Also Important to put down on your cv that you have done some private tuition. I sent my cv to about 40 schoos and started getting phone calls and e mails back around 4 days later. Got a job starting the 1 st of june in the end,so leaving shortly for thailand. Web sights I found good where ajarn.com,Englishexpert.com and dave's esl cafe  (eslcafe.com). I dont know if they need anymore teachers where Im going to work but I can ask them .

    Good luck and dont listen to that other jonnie bkk it seems you want different things out of life , I recon youre going for the right reasons

  11. Hey Jason, you said you wanted to work in Thailand. Have you ever thought about teaching English. Im 21 years old and British  with no special skills and I got a job there no problem.

    I just e mailed a load of schools and got quite a few offers. I have a friend who did as well in China and Koria ,she didnt have any special skills either and managed to have enough cash to travel around SE Asia.

  12. South Africa is a really nice place, I loved it. The people are friendly and its a really scenic place. Unfortunatly I didnt travel around that much becuse I was only there for a few months. I was manly in the Cape town aria. Cape town ahd buitfull beaches and at one of teh beaches they have penguines ( the bolders ). It does have its problems like anyuwhere but I didnt really feel any more threeten there thenI do when Im in London. I would highly advice going there
  13. Sorry to keep asking the same questions but I just need some advise from someone who knows. Im in the uk at the moment and comming to Thailand soon to live for around a year, seem to be getting contredictive advise . Should I take maleria medicine or not. Some places say that the strain of maleria in thailand is imune to the medicen you get, can someone give me some more advice on what vaccinations to take etc.

    Ps Im 21 years old healthy and planning to go to phetchaburi but also whant to travel all over thailand and go to many rural arieas as well as urban, hope this helps and

    Thanks for reading this and have a good day/eavening.  

  14. cheers guys for youre relpys. Was verry helpfull. Im 21 yeas old and living in the uk. im aware of the lower cost of living and have been to places with lower cost of living ie South Africa. I was just panicing because some web pages make out that you need to earn twise as much. Thanks again guys  :o  
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