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Posts posted by Mon

  1. Hi Spuds

    sorry to hear about your GF visa refusal.

    I have spent the last 6 months stuying the visa rules and processes. Regarding visitor visas it is mostly down to the status of the person applying for the visa as the Embassy need assurances that she will return to Thailand. I have spoken to advisers and they say that she must have some kind of employment status and have some money in the bank.

    When my GF applied for her visitors visa we had known each other for 2.5 years however when she went for her interview the Embassy were looking for most of the information from her. This being employment and financial status and a couple of questions about myself. She received her visa a few days later. Does your GF have a job in Thailand ? Does she have sufficient( not sure what exactly is sufficient ) funds in her bank ??

    Sometimes it can be a lottery when applying for a visa, the best thing Spuds is to wait for 2-3 months and apply again. It is an interesting point that the Embassy said to try again in a month, this dosen't seem practical because your relationship would only be 7 months old then and the reason you were refused was due to the short time that you have been together. Don't be disheartened Spuds, if at first you don't suceed, try try again.



  2. Thanks Guys.

    I was also advised today regarding the FLR(O) form which seems to be the best course to take.

    One thing worries me though is that in the British Embassy in BKK my GF signed a form stating she would return to Thailand in 1 month, her situation has changed now and she would like to extend her visa. Would she have problems in the future with obtaining visas in BKK as she is altering the visa that was issued by the British Embassy in BKK or will they be OK as the Home Office here has sanctioned the extension. We will eventually be applying for a Fiance visa.

    Thank you for your help.



  3. Hi all

    My girlfriend is in the UK with me at the moment on a 1 month visitor visa. Unfortunatley my Father has been in hospital for virtually the whole of her stay so we haven't been able to do much or go anywhere during this time apart from the hospital visits.

    When she returns to Thailand next month how soon can she apply for another visitors visa as we weren't able to do any travelling during her visit here ?? She also has a multiple Europe also for 1 month.

    Thank you for any help.



  4. Hi Guys

    Thank you for feedback and advice.

    Just clarify from my original post, we are engaged at present and plan to Marry in the near future. We have photos and movie film of the engagement ceremony.

    I have been to Thailand in November 2001 and March 2004. Wiser thinking now I should of travelled there more often, we were just saving for the future and planning the engagement.

    As stated, the emphasis is on me to prove that the relationship is genuine, as it is, this should come across as truthful when my Fiancee is interviewed.

    Richard, I have sent a copy of my properties deeds, is this ok or do I need to send a valuation report additionally ? Also what may they ask her regarding her curriculum vitae ?

    Tyler, should I be with my Fiancee in Bangkok when she submits her application and/or when she has her interview ??

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.



  5. Hi all

    I am at the final stages of applying for a Settlement Visa for my Thai Fiancee. I would appreicate any assistance.

    My situation is as follows;

    I met my now Fiancee in Bangkok November 2001, I was on vacation for one week and we met on my first day and by the end of my vacation we began our relationship. At that time she owned a small Women's clothes shop however now she helps on her Family's Tree farm and attends college aswell.

    Since we met we have kept in regular contact on the telephone( I have bills with her telephone numbers ), I have numerous International phone cards( I 'm not sure if these hold any weight ), greeting cards and a couple of letters from earlier this year. I have sent all the relevant documents to her ( Confirmation of my home ownership, Bank and Building Society statements, attested copy of my passport, Mortgage statement, letter to British Embassy explaining our application and relationship ). My Fiancee can speak English very well also.

    I returned to Thailand in March this year where we were engaged, we had the Religious ceremony and a celebration with many of her friends and family. We have known each other for 2.5 years now and we plan to marry in the near future. My financial position is as follows; I am a British citizen, I own my own proprty, I am a Director, I don't have any Children( so far as I know ) and I have never been married. My Fiancee has no children and has never been married. My Fiancee is 29 years old and I am 34 years old.

    I have been studying the whole visa rules for a few weeks now, I've also spoken to the UKVISA department in London and to my Lawyer and I think I have covered most aspects.

    I would appreciate any help regarding my situation, Is our relationship strong enough for the application of a Settlement Visa ? Are there any additional documents that I have to provide ?? What is the British Embassy looking for to substantiate our application ?? I read on another report on this forum that applying for a visa is " an Art and not a Science ". This is an interesting comment, thus it makes me understand a little more the whole Visa application procedure.

    Thank you in advance of any assistance.



  6. Hi twix

    I am in a very similar position as you are. I will tell you what I have found out.

    I have known my Fiancee for 2.5 years and have visited Thailand twice in that time to see her, recently in March this year where we were Engaged . We have kept in contact on the telephone frequently and have a few letters.

    Anyway, I have spoken to a couple of lawyers and to the UK Visa department in London. I asked them what was the best Visa option for my Fiancee to come to the UK, toying between the visitor or settlement Visa. I wanted her to come to the UK for 6 months so that we can spend some together, to see if she feels happy to live in our wonderful country, or opt straight for the settlement Visa. The advice that I was given was to apply for the settlement Visa and not the Visitor Visa. They said this is because if she applies for the visitors Visa she would most likely be refused by the British Embassy because we are engaged and they might think we were trying to " get around the system ".( the settlement Visa is much more expensive). It never crossed my mind but they are the experts.

    We thought it would be better to have the visitors Visa as it would show the Embassy that we wanted to live together initially for 6 months in the UK , my Fiancee would then return to Thailand and we would then apply for the settlement Visa. At this point we would have those 6 months were we have lived together in the UK and that she and I are happy together here and want to live happily ever after, as they say. We feel that we haven't " lived together " long enough to be successful with the settlement Visa.

    The advisers that I spoke to said that we would have a very good chance of a successful settlement Visa because we met 2.5 years ago in Bangkok, have kept in regular contact, we became engaged recently and my financial position is good.

    For you to go to Thailand for a few months is an OK idea as you can live together and have some quality time.

    There are a couple of websites you can visit, ukvisas.gov.uk and britishemb.or.th.

    I have to leave work now, there is more that I can say about this topic, I can give more info if you require it. Good luck.



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