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Posts posted by pacosvillage

  1. This reply is mainly for us U.S. Citizens.

    Any opening of a business in Thailand may or may not be fraught with pitfalls, and graft. And how you do it will be tough regardless of situation.

    But, Americans should check with the local embassy about capitalizing on the Amity Treaty, and first step is to know if the Treaty is still in force and not under focus of PM and his people for cancellation. If that turns out to confirm treaty is still applicable for us, then there is a process in US Embassy and in Thai government to apply for Treaty applicability verification, and company creation plan. More info than that should come from official source, not me, but start thinking on that question if you want to open business in Thailand.

    Amity, in a loose translation give U.S. business people ( from the little I know not offerred to most other countries, but because US allows THais to open and fully own and run a company in US, it gives a quid pro quo) the ability to open a company and own 100% of shares and decision making ownership. You still need the overpriced lawyers and accountants in your business, and you commit to a quota of employee positions based on some trigger (maybe revenue or something like that). But you don't get stuck with having to marry to have a wife partner. Again, get the fact and clear on what the treaty provides, then react, but sniff it out.

    Treaty article in wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Amity_and_Economic_Relations_%28Thailand%E2%80%93United_States%29

  2. Always enjoyed staying at Hollanda Montri guesthouse on the river. No pool but clean and simple rooms and good food.

    I stayed at Hollanda Mondri in May this year for a week and it was a wonderful choice. Food is superb, rooms Spartan but good AC and cable if needed. tuktuk always outside. Staff is really pleasurable and extend themselves when asked.

    One treat that makes this a JEWEL is that every other Sunday afternoon they have a great Jazz/rock jam session. I met some really great players from around the world, from big name bands who are doing the simpler life thing like I do and had a great time.

    Can't beat the rates, but check with their website to get better than commercial websites.

    Sawasdee krup,


  3. Here is a free tip for Thailand. In Las Vegas , Nevada, the city " leaders" decided they did not want the reputation for the city to be sin and gambling. They then tried to redo all publicity to push for family tourism. Revenues fell WAY off, they came to their senses, and the new promotion became" what goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas". Thailand can certainly do whatever it wants, but if it kills off the sex trade just be sure to have regular jobs for all the girls from Issan...... This kind of government social engineering is made all the more funny by the fact that 80 to 90 percent of the sex trade is for the benefit of and used by Thai men. But I suppose that segment will not be going away. :whistling:

    On a side note, if they really do want family tourism, the government is going to have to do something about the endless scams. Those do not go well with families. Kids watching their dad get beaten up by jet ski thugs could have a detrimental effect on future families visiting......

    Despite the economy giving LV a proper beating over the last several years, LV casinos are way, way more profitable as family tourism centers. Your average Las Vegas hotel/casino makes more money off of room rates, food, beverage, and entertainment than they do from gambling. It's also built up a huge convention business and nearly anytime you're in Vegas you're sure to be there during some huge convention.

    That was not the case 30 years ago and does show that even Sin City can change if given the right incentive (i.e. increased profits). Macau has taken over as the #1 gambling town in the world but that is mostly because they still cater to the hard-core gambling junkies. When the revenues from gambling flatten look for them to start building more family-oriented entertainment.

    The problem for Thailand is that making that change from being a city known for vices to one known as a family tourism destination requires investment. Las Vegas didn't just declare themselves family ready. Casinos invested hundreds of millions of dollars into building non-gambling entertainment. They cleaned things up. They moved the hooker off the strip. The local government stepped up patrols in tourist areas.

    These are all things Thailand has not done and doesn't seem likely to do anytime in the near future. You can't even walk down Sukhumvit Road without spraining your ankle on some broken sidewalk tile. There are no plans to build any mega resorts or world class entertainment.

    Furthermore, there's no real change in the Thai attitude. What's the biggest shows you can take someone to see in Bangkok? Ladyboy cabaret? Thai dancing? Go to Singapore and you can see world-class productions of The Lion King, Swan Lake, and Richard III. Thailand had the opportunity to change its image a long time ago with us farangs. Thailand could have went upscale but upscale means farang standards which is something that Thailand has resisted in the past and still resists today.

    For instance, TAT is desperately trying to lure Indians to Thailand. Of course, there are many businesses in Thailand that will straight out refuse Indian customers. Instead of massive campaigns by TAT and other government agencies to change the Thai attitude towards Indians they just sort of expect the Indians to put up with being treated like dirt.

    The problem with Thai tourism and any sort of effort to shake the sex tourism reputation is that Thailand itself will need to change. As long as Thailand refuses to provide a reason for families or more upscale tourists to visit those people will continue to go to Hong Kong, Singapore, Maldives, Bali, etc.

    You can put a dress and perfume on a pig but it is still a pig. Thailand doesn't show respect for foriegners , only takes their money, is and politically backward- not to mention unstable, so recent from killing in the streets you would try to have me feel my children would enjoy and be safe, I don't think so.. I';ve seen how hotels in Phuket have become Family-friendly in their ads, but still let katoy and hookers hang in their lobbies day and night for a percentage. What amount of PR can change that?
  4. Men from all over the world come her for Thai girls and some for boys, and many for golf. Take the girls out of the equation and what will be the result?

    Uhm. I dunno. Busy boys and packed golf courses? :huh:

    More like packed boys and busy golf courses :) . This article and the prospects is a joke. Tourists will make of Thailand what they want out of it or keep thier dollars and go to Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam if they want to be allowed the freedom of drink and pretty ladies.
  5. Any speculation on how the party power change could effect western tourism for Thailand. If it does is the urban traveller or countryside travellers that gets effected most. Above and beyond the normal overcharging, being looked down on, only treated nicely when the USD$ is involved, etc. Conservatism increase?

  6. I have to agree. Its fine to protest; what the Red Shirts did before goes beyond the realms of a peaceful protest. The leaders of this need to be held accountable. The law should protect us from what happened; you cannot allow a group to inflict terror on to those who live and work in the area where the reds protested. Before you flame me, the yellow shirts and any other group should also keep to a peaceful protest within the law and not affect people going about their day to day business.

    MaiChai, I guess you are american ?

    How can you imagine people could improve their living conditions without showing they are ready to fight. See what is happening in the Maghreb, half of the planet inhabitants are willing to free themselves from their dictators and from american domination. American way is to extol peacefull changes and to make wars far from their backgrounds.

    Note: I am French, we have beheaded our king !...

    WEll I am American and we always hear thoughts like yours that extol the lack of merit of American influence, but all of your countries governments and citizens keep their hands out wanting the American dollar for doing nothing. It has been made to be a cliche to the ears of many of us Americans- Yankee go home, but send us your money. (World-class leftist beggars).

  7. How would the release of the leaders help the people of Thailand?

    they were imprisoned for representing some populist program, demanding release of the prisoners the protesters defend this program. Quite a large proportion of the society do share similar views - todays large crowd's prove it

    No I'm afraid you're wrong on both counts.

    Firstly they were imprisoned for inciting and/or organising terrorist acts but, hey, these are minor details.

    Secondly, even if 1% actually show up to these demos, 10,000, 30,000 or even 120,000 does not represent "a large proportion of the society". It represents a small one.

    I respectively disagree with your comment that a small representation isn't possible in getting the result. If you look at Egypt conflict only 200,000 people out of 82 million caused the end of Mu Barrack. And the one thing we can count on with these little reds is that they are unpredictable and don't use intellect in their thinking- only emotions and also the 500B that Thaksin gives them.

  8. I am in the Cafe business ( a European Country Deli theme, sitdown and takeaway menu) and plan to open main one in Bangkok other three smaller takeway only on Phuket (Patong) , Koh Samui, and either Pattay or Krabi area. Does anyone know of friends or themsleves that have asnwered the question of "it being better to be foreign corporation in Thailand running these cafes or a Thailand corp? My intentions so far form research were to incoporate in Hong Kong and assign my folks to Thailand as employees.

    I already have a copr in US that is used to run our cafe in LA. if that helps to give a clearer picture to my question.

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