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Posts posted by thaiedward

  1. From a source which I respect, the recent insurgency is also USA/NeoCon sponsored, armed and trained by you-know-who. Where did the "insurgents" obtain their ordnance & blitzkrieg tactical training? Why has "support" for the US-installed "democratic" gov't of Iraq crept away? I don't know the answers...yet the masters of war are generating huge profits from their corporate armories. Population control anyone?.

  2. He killed a mafioso who was extorting him. He served 14 years in prison and survived other mafioso payback hits. He got out of prison for medical and he headed for Thailand for some r & r. The Germans should be sending him some weinerschnitzel every month for taking out the mafioso and serving notice on them. But they asked the Thais , or paid some money, to have him fast tracked back to Germany. The mafioso in Germany probably paid someone off to get the paperwork done to make this happen.


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  3. well I hope they were more civilised than they were in Australia and didn't use young children to spread hatred. In Sydney they had an 8 yr old girl addressing a group to rise up against infidels and calling for a Jihad (Brainwashed child) and 4 yr olds carrying signs demanding death. Child protection are now involved.

    Your Australian PM has exhibited a proper response to the intolerance by Muslims of the very place&people who host their presence.

    I endeavor to create sincere and kind relationships with ALL people without regard to their homeland, race or creed.

    A quite-recent trip to KL reminded yours-truly of how difficult this can be with Muslim persons.

    It's possible that most persons/citizens are brainwashed to varying degrees but Muslims take the cake.

    "It's our country

  4. What a crazy way to end your life. Can't imagine multiple crocs ripping you apart.

    Well; that would be one heck-of-a-lot quicker that 'being devoured' by just a single croc' - no ? ?


    Not sure about crocs but with alligators, they prefer to "age" their meat by stashing their kill within their territory under a river-bank or some-such when they're in their natural habitat. At a croc farm it's doubtful that the creatures posses a "territory" per se and they may well consume their prey right-away.

    Alligators bite then spin and twist so it's not easy to calculate how quickly death arrives whether it's one 'gator' or numerous 'crocs'. It seems to to me that any such victim would succumb to shock.

    That having been said, I hope this lady suffered not-too-much having been tortured in her mind (if the story's true).

  5. I come from a background in industrial construction in the US and have worked with some of the largest cranes on our planet. I've witnessed two major accidents with no loss of life (since the lift-areas had been cleared of all personnel). The causes were either mechanical and/or human (computer?) error.

    When driving on the high-roads through BKK, I count the number of tower-cranes on the horizons as economic indicators and I am proud for Thailand. At the same time, I wish that Siam could adopt more-uniform building codes and then to enforce them. But if wishes were horses then beggars would ride.

  6. Too young, R.I.P.

    One question though, looking at the car in the picture and reading the topic description I'm wondering if seat belts were used and if the Air Cushion system functioned

    I was wondering about the very same things.

    Are the road-side barricades of Bangkok's elevated expressways sufficiently tall and adequately stout?

    RIP to the departed.

  7. hahaha funny... looking for foreign money and once it is build, they will just take over.... what about that german company that never got paid more than 20 years ago to make a highway or was it a part of the old airport here in thailand ?

    why would any other country invest in such projects, where corruption money to be collected, costs to be tripple for the "right" reasons, is more important than anything else ?

    why in so many years of living here or comming here for hollidays, there is no rail link from the airport directly to, let's say pattaya for one... or other (past) "top" tourist destinations

    BINGO! How stupid do they want the tourists (and the lo-so's) to be? Perhaps we shall know more in the by and by.

  8. Hi, D. and welcome to the forum.

    I have a "cherry" 1950's American-made Harmony acoustic/electric mandolin.

    Plus a "nearly-cherry" 1980's Fender Pro Reverb Amp (tubes, not transistors). The amp was never "worked" on-stage since I purchased it new to go along with my pedal-steel.

    Amazingly enough, after all these years, both of these items ended-up here in BKK (and so have I).

    I'd prefer a package deal where both items are sold together.

    If interested, PM me and we'll have a conversation.

  9. The German Chancellor said during the press conference that a MoU, proposed by Thai government, will be negotiated by German government owned "Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH" (english: German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) Ltd.),

    Further they spoke about a visit of the German Federal Minister of Commerce in September where they discuss cooperation in the private sector.

    German chancellor also offered help in areas of renewable energy, state of the art coal-fired power plants and vocational training / university education.

    Note: GIZ has a regional office in Bangkok. According to GIZ homepage, there are 25 foreign experts, 75 national (I guess Thai) experts, 11 CIM experts and 15 "weltwärts"- volunteers currently in Thailand.

    Notes of the press conference (in German) at the official website of the German Chancellor: http://www.bundeskan...m-thailand.html

    edit: They also mentioned cooperation for food safety (To avoid Thai exports send back from the EU, by not passing standard tests there.)

    The site pointed to has the press statement from the 18th. In German, but never mind. Interesting is the sentence

    "We agree to further extend our relations/cooperations, especially the strategies regarding 'democratisation', 'judicial state (rule of law)' and 'human rights'." (apologies, my German starts to get rusty)

    (Wir sind uns einig, dass wir die Beziehungen weiter ausbauen wollen, vor allem was die Strategien bezüglich Demokratisierung, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Menschenrechte betrifft.)

    BTW to put things in perspective. The press statement ends with two questions from the press, both to PM Merkel. First one about saving the Euro, second one 'did you hear about Syria?'

    I fully agree! "Democratization" has shed its true meaning and now provides a cover for endless, hegemonic military adventures intended to benefit the few, not the many.

  10. The last time he visited the U.S. something bad happened. If I were him, I would not go.

    He is lucky Mr Lee Harvey Ozwald is no longer with us IMO.

    I know what you mean but Oswald was just a fall-guy...a patsy...a red-herring set-up to attract attention away from the actual perpetrators who assassinated JFK simply because he wouldn't go along with the masters of war to Vietnam. It's all about money. Big money.

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  11. I don't see China as wanting to be a threat to the US. They are suppliers, competitors and have behaved in a friendly manner. No need for this war talk. US just wants to move out of its bases in Japan since the whole country is radiated. US wants to have bases in Asia to maintain the balance of power but it doesn't take resources from anyone. You mistake the US for the British empire of years ago. (They really should give all the gold, etc. they took from weaker countries back to those countries... and how is it that Billions of acres of land in foreign countries is still held by the British?).

    wacko.png ???

    "China no threat to USA"

    "Whole of Japan is radiated"

    "US does not take resources from anyone"

    "Billions of acres in foreign countries still held by British"

    Not quite sure which statement wins the prize for the most inane!!!

    Thanks for most-reasonable post.

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