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Posts posted by rebo

  1. On 4/10/2024 at 2:44 AM, worgeordie said:

    Why do they always find the trees after they have been cut down,

    the thieves must have silent chainsaw's as they work away in the

    forest ,as you never hear of anyone caught actually cutting the

    trees down .... then the wood is most likely sent to prison service

    were inmates make it into furniture  ,profit for who..


    regards worgeordie


    Look at the pic: Very often no saws are used but fire. A piece of glowing charcole is put in a hole in the tree and refed day by day. After some weeks the tree falls.

  2. Our cat just brought this snake:

    • Paddy field around Chiang Mai
    • Length about 35 cm, diameter 10 mm
    • Most probably a juvenile keel back, but I can't find this distinctive head pattern and the 2 parallel brown stripes on top of the back anywhere in the net.
    • Belly orange

    Unfortunately I already released it back in the field, so more pics not possible.
    Thanks for identification.


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