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Posts posted by linbs

  1. It's amazing how unfriendly and disgusting some comments on this forum are... as for the pictures - good idea and composition is not bad but only problem is the focus... in the monk picture the focus is on the guy behind him in the striped blue t-shirt and another one is not fully in focus at all. The suggestion: if your camera has the option of manually selecting the focus point - use it. Automatically any camera might always choose the wrong focus point.

    But good attempt. Keep on trying!!! That what makes you better!

    Have fun!

  2. during my learning days, my teacher always emphasize that "always start with basic", "camera is just a tool and the person that make it great".

    D70 is good camera in overall, i saw one up for sale for 10k baht with kit.

    Don't worry about the cost in learning photography, it is low cost in the beginning and will get very high if your daughter really go for it.

    The stuffs needed for learning (according to my experience):

    1. good camera and lens, if you buy it without lens you can buy other brand for it (sigma, tamron, etc); it's cheaper that OEM

    2. Tripod, buy standard one. you don't need manfroto or other heavy type (profesional one). just standard one is ok ( i recommend SLIK brand)

    3. Good flash. Yes, D70 come with built-in flash but it is not enough for learning. OEM is expensive, so buy other brand as long the TTL function is there and with good GN number (GN 30 or 40 is enough)

    4. Plenty of books to read......this is important to develop that photography sense and learn which is good pic and composition.

    One thing to keep in mind that photoshop is a NO NO during the learning phase.


    I agree with sapi and I think these are very good suggestions. The only thing I don't agree with is the last photoshop one... if you can make an average shot into something interesting and artistic - go for photoshop, it increases your photoshop skills as well for sure... but of course you also learn by your mistakes, understanding what you could do better in camera in those shots...

  3. 4789891055_bb183bec1e_b.jpg



    that is one of the best bird photographs i've ever seen... guaranteed to make anyone smile.. nice capture angiud :thumbsup:

    a competition winner if ever there was one...

    Very nice capture! A lot of expression! I bet it would also look great in b/w.

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