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Posts posted by gravion

  1. It is not illegal to look for work. Only for working you would need a work permit, working without a work permit is illegal. To get a work permit, you need a non-immigrant visa.

    If you stop volunteering you need to cancel your permisison to stay the same day and than can ask for a new permission to stay based on your employment.

    But are you on a multi entry visa or on a 1 year extension from immigration inside Thailand?

    im currently on double entry tourist visa, but i heard it's getting hard to keep getting them, also it's tiring for me. so im looking into either volunteering, ED, or something... till i get employed.... <- is that possible if u only got like a BA...? LOL

  2. when i was using IE, it used to download on my flashget automatically.

    in firefox i could copy the dl link and paste on flashget, but there are some sites that do not allow me copy the link and downloads it no slow, unstable firefox downloader...

    so how do u disable auto dl from firefox browser?

  3. Hiya around next week i wanna goto BKK. But air fare costs like total of 5000-6000B return by airasia.

    Im interested in going by train and cost way cheaper right? im totally new to this, i could book one from the chiang mai railway station?

    do i need to take a passport? also hows the trip like...? is it like 4 ppl in one room sort of style?

    as for bus im not really keen on riding on it for like 13 hrs?? im gonna puke...

  4. lol i can see why ppl can be bothered getting thai licence...

    i just been to immigration and theres heaps of ppl.... man i reckon theres some rich retired, etc folks out there, but i could feel the tight tension in that place... also thais working there seems to enjoy us forigners hardend out. aww....

  5. &lt;deleted&gt; is certificate of residence... i live in an apartment atm.. so do i go beg the immigration to write me some statement that i live here etc?

    by meaning mood, prolly i have to go hard meaning present alll the documents beforehand i reckon.

    i just dont wanna take thai written exam,its all multi choice right? but heard its pretty hard with many different rules... such questions involve i think is like whats the distance u need to keep from like a long object being hanging out from the front vehicle.. 20m, 25m, 30m ... lol ffffs

  6. ive got international permit, and actual licence so i dont need to take any written test right?

    i heard somewhere that i cant convert becasue im on tourist visa. am i right on this?

    some ppl i know r driving without licence, and some got car licence but riding bikes...

  7. They do have eBay here, its called shopping.co.th, but don't bother buying a 2nd hand computer whatever you do! Like the others have already said, they are absolutely thrashed and are way over-priced. For a little more, you can buy a new one with a warranty.

    is there english version for the site? cuz i think my region or sumthing is set as thailand it prolly comes under thai?

  8. ive got 125cc wave, but me cruzing yo dawg. i got into accident, me skidding off on nimahemin rd. now im scared.. when riding, clutches, crank or something get entangled or jammed which caused me to skid b4.

    but hard days, gotta feel high with sort of cool moves, like cool u turn manuever... or suddenly throttoling hard... its like alcohol i guess. feeellls gooood,

    anyone seen cartoon movies like AKIRA, FINAL FANTASY 7 ADVENT CHILDREN? man when u seem em, u gotta be cruzing hard yo dawg.

    i wanna get those thick azz tire types of bike yo. prolly heavy frame so more stable ya? but iz gonna be vandalized by the locals... lol :) also no parking at some places...

  9. har har har... can not fully trust foreign women eh.... heeheehee or women?

    why not just rent for the rest of ur life??? u can move when u got crappy neighbours, or like when ur home get infested with bugs or sumthing.. lol leaking homes.. or like being TARGETED lol constant vandalism...

    as for condos i dont know why ppl buy em... smalls rooms, thin walls, neighbours... crap! u prolly can hear ppl from up/down.sides

    anyone been to hillside4 condos? expensive, yet crap facility, jailed for life BR4! that place looks like a morgue 4 sure cuz! har har...

    sorry i might sound not as professional or wutever as u expats.. i just wanna gain some knowledge cool!

    oh yeah also ive seen some deals on real estate shops, house with land etc...

  10. im curious. when u build ur home, its under ur missus name right? so when u die the property will completely belong to her family?

    ive seen the preowned houses with land inc. but someone told me when i die, the land + propety will belong to the originals

  11. reckon only the young thai who wanna be flash eh? especially girl?

    oldies mentality is prolly different? 30-40s still most likely be show off too...

    im 24 and my parents seem to have money for rest of their retirement.

    but im totally opposite to most thais. i wear shitty 3 year old t-shirt with holes... my cell phone is 3 year old motorolla monochrome screen.

    i also do not wish to spend much in accommo. it doesnt mean i dont like to spend money, i sometimes feel good by getting all those paper outter my wallet. iz al weeiiird cuz

  12. Im wondering how thai ppl have cars, electronics, just being generally happy with their life.

    Becuz mostlikely they earn like 7000-10000baht per month, and they gotta pay rent, power, net, etc.

    I know a person whos parents work as a sompat cook... which i assume is not much income coming in. but the person seems to be happy allround, dressed nicely,clean, attending uni and got some gadgets etc.

    I heard some1 saying they have huge debt and have different mentality compareted to ordinals..

    what u long expats opinion bout this?

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