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Posts posted by matthewt

  1. In Thailand as in all countries there will be people scamming, people robbing you ect...... That is a fact of life and truthfully to dwell on this as they say in Thailand--- For What??. In most countries underground casino's is a way of life. The amount of money these establishments bring in is alot. As long as there is a criminal element there will be illegal casino's. Thailand is a great country to live in with its access to fresh fruit/vegetables and the great weather and low rental condos/houses. Hence making it an ideal place for people who are on a fixed income to live. To focus on the negative aspects (which all countries have) is really not the way to go. The logic is---if it is so bad here, why are you here in the first place? I know, cheap girls and great weather....LOL. Take care.......

    • Like 2
  2. First....There is always more to the story then what is printed. It is very easy to make a judgement on limited information. It is also easy to say .....no my girlfriend or wife is a good girl who would never do that........LOL.......The reality is that this is not our country and based on corruption and 'the rules changing' that to have or 'invest' all of your net worth is very questionable to do. The truth is if I was a Thai girl I would do the same thing and take all I could get. Why not??? Most relationships even by Vegas standards ( getting married is a 50/50 shot whether it works out) will fail. Then what?? As a Thai girl who has invested time and energy into a relationship, what does she end up with?? Walk in her shoes before a judgement is made and get all the facts.

  3. Let's look at what was reported....

    1) Staying at the Icon Place Hotel ------where the best room rate room rate is 1020 THB


    2) Pick up two 'freelancers' on the street.

    3) Had valuables and items worth 1 million Baht stolen

    First let's look at their pictures------do these guys look like they have 1 million Baht in items/cash to leave around their hotel room??? And if they do why pick up girls on the street(to save bar fine??) who are in Pattaya terms old and not a cute young girl 20 something years old. Realizing that they are bringing strangers in their rooms, why would you not use the safe or even have the hotel reception take their ID's to protect the hotel?? The reply's in this post are right on the money----no pun intended. Again more to this story then is being reported. It does make for interesting reading though.

  4. These are a few thoughts..... 1) Crime is everywhere in the world and Thailand is no different. The logic is--- more people = more crime. In the USA--

    walking in the Bronx(as one reader mentioned) or Harlem in NYC or lets go to Los Angeles and go to east LA will

    get you the same results or worse. So you have a British man walking late at night down a "questionable" soi in the

    early hours of the morning and has a drunken Thai man bump into him, instead of trying to smooth things over, the

    situation escalates where he is stabbed in the neck. Violence is never condoned in any situation and

    why have a 'stubborn' I am better or bigger then you attitude?? Does not make what the Thai man did was right but

    I would say Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right. The reality is that as Farangs this is not our country. Now lets post

    some recent stabbings in England......




    I can say that after reading about these recent stabbings in England it is very easy to have the same attitude about

    England and English people. Is it right?? Of course not, just narrow minded thinking. England is a beautiful place

    to visit and live and has alot to offer.(just like Thailand)

    • Like 1
  5. Let me see...... a mobile phone and his passport was found on him. The expression is....'Never judge a book by its cover' . IF this was in fact a robbery then why not take the phone---sell it--- and also the passport which to the right people a valid passport can be worth $$$. Also the article states he was left at a bus stop---- which indicates that his supposed robbers were nice enough to leave him where he would be found. Does this sound like Thailand to you??? Too many holes in this limited story........

  6. Well, well ,well......first declaring these items as they say in Thailand----- FOR WHAT???? As other members have posted there is no date stamped on the gold on when you have bought it. Even though 40 Baht of gold is alot and you plan on coming back to Thailand anyways, so why ask such a stupid question that at any internet cafe you can find out the answer in 5 minutes?? Is the idea to impress the members here that you own 40 Baht of gold? As for keeping records ect... again the stupid questions keep coming. May be you are bored, who knows?? As for getting a safety box at a bank, yes it is very hard to get unless you have a alot of money in the bank. Also there are many rules and regulations that govern these boxes. As for worrying about the way the banks are around the world and the fact it might get stolen when you are away. All i can say is WOW. I would suggest to elevate the level of your thinking. Go to an internet cafe and study....study...study. If you need to find a safety box in Bangkok, I would suggest this company which is Swiss run and very good. http://www.safedepositboxbangkok.com/ Take care.....

  7. Thai people do not take care of their cars. So on that point what type of car would you get for 200K. Also factor in insurance for a year for around 15K. What is your goal?? To try to save money by buying a cheap charlie car??? That will need to be fixed when broken.(yes I know you can fix it) For what so you can use it for six weeks a year where more then likely the Thai women's boyfriend or real husband will use it for the balance of the year?? Ask the right questions get the right answers. It is not being negative just if you are trying to save money that way then as mentioned by other members-----get a scooter---. Otherwise buy a new car which will be great on gas and leave it in storage when you are not here. When you return every year you will have a great low mileage car to use for 6 weeks or longer. That is the easy way to go. Good luck

  8. Let me get this right.....4 months ago 150K was withdrawn and only now you have noticed it. mmmmmmm also you do not check your deposits or update your bank book to see that everything was done right??? Also you might have been 'distracted' ???.......my advice is go to the main branch and explain why you have not checked your account for 4 months and how you might have been distracted and see if they keep a straight face.....come on---- what world do you live in that you have very little regard for your personal finance????......I suspect that there is more to this story then we are getting....good luck

  9. My thai-national fiance is going for her final interview in about 10 days.(Bangkok) She was told from other people that she might have to pay a 7000THB fee once approved. This is for a K-1 visa to come to the U.S.A.. My question is.....Is there any hidden fees like that??/ The $455 was paid here in the U.S. and I am surprised if there are any more fees. Anyones help will be appreciated.

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