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About seykota

  • Birthday 11/03/1959

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    Khon Kaen

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    Sydney/Khon Kaen

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  1. Making this information public = Bad idea = morons will try to find them
  2. TiT = Porn is OK, but Ganga is evil. Go figure?
  3. Desperate to increase tourism = keep ganga available= pretty simple. Better than the plan to make inter-province bus services a tourist attraction = stupid Though TIT
  4. If it's health issues they're concerned about = Ban alcohol & tobacco, while keeping cannabis freely available. Undertake a serious, independent 'health' review before making laws to placate the alcohol & tobacco lobby.
  5. I taught Economics at universities in Thailand and China. We moved to Beijing when he was 11 and completed Yr 6 at a Bi-lingual school in Khon Kaen. Only the very expensive "international" schools in Beijing teach in English prior to Yr 9, thus as he could not speak Chinese, he studied Yr 9 (he was already a quite big lad for his age). His class went to a private school in Missouri, USA in Yr 10, to complete their US high school certificate. He completed Yr 10 in the USA at 13 yrs, purely due to circumstances. When he returned to Beijing, I gave him the choice: 1. keep studying at his Beijing school or study online with Open Universities Australia https://www.open.edu.au/ which does not have an age limit. He graduated last year (19 yrs + 1 month) with Bachelor degree in Entertainment Industries plus Minor in Ancient History from Macquarie University , Sydney Australia . He moved to Sydney as an "on-campus student in 2017 . So there you go.
  6. My son is a dual national (Thai Australian) he's 19 years old and has already graduated with a Bachelor Degree from Macquarie University in Sydney. He registered in Khon Kaen today, however the officer told him that 'volunteering = 6 months' is only available if he graduated from a Thai university. I can only find that a 'university degree' is required, nothing about being restricted to Thailand institutions'. I have already checked this site https://www.thaicitizenship.com/thai-military-service/ "3) Volunteering after graduating from university Following graduation, a university graduate is allowed to volunteer to join the armed forces prior to or on conscription day, and as a result only serve 6 months. Could anyone clarify for us, please? p.s The officer made it quite obvious to my son that there was another option = a financial gift. However, my son refused the offer. Many thanks, Seykota
  7. In 2006, I had a tank 'parked' outside my condo in Bangkok (next to Siam Uni) during the curfew. Many students couldn't get to uni due to the curfew time restrictions (no online classes in 2006). Numerous people were shot during the protests. People are in jail for allegedly speaking about a certain families (Thaksin and ,,,,,,,,,). Ask some punters in Issan if they believe their votes really count = certain party wins election leads to coup. < freedom travel is allowed." = I agree Yes, things have changed = the coup leader installed himself as prime minister and changed the constitution. Great.... not
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