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Posts posted by elshaheen

  1. She's your daughter and if she descovers a keylogger montoring her every move. She won't trust you again and to win that trust back will be difficult in the future.

    Don't do it and find some other way to monitor her or talk to her and explain your concerns to her.

  2. What I’ve done in the past when I get a new system and try to play oversized movies. I would get exactly the same errors your talking about. One way I solved this was to go onto download.com and download some of the Codec packages on there. They have many different versions, depending on what player you are using. Once installed, your player should move along more smoothly.

  3. Is California wow Thai owned or Foreign owned. Since its trademark says it's in Californai, but I've never seen on here.

    Why would this matter? So if it's Thai owned then it wouldn't be a surprise right?

    Poorly run companies are all crap, regardless of origins.

    To answer your question: the founder of the brand is a foreigner. White, if that helps you to judge further. But the people behind the funding (and apparently backed the marketing scheme) were from the Major Cineplex group.

    Thanks. I had no idea.

  4. I had the same thing happen on Rama 4 past Tesco / Lotus. The taxi driver saw the police and told me to fasten my seatbelt. When we pulled over the police officer ask me to get out the car. He looked through my wallet that at my passport. He then started to search my bags and stopped.

    He found a Quran and a traditional Muslim Attire for prayer services. He asked me where I was coming from and I mentioned the British Club to give a talk there.

    The officer put all my things back in my bag and told me to get back in the car and to go. I told my Muslim friend and he said the police officer thought I was with the Saudi Embassy and let me go.

  5. chiang mai is still open (sort of open) there is repair signs on over 50 per cent of the machines, classes have been cut back because staff has quit, i just got my bill to pay my quarterly fee of 2400thb, yeah right, i pay the fee and come in next week and there is a sign on the door, (SORRY OUT OF BUSINESS, HA HA YOU GOT SCREWED). The sad part is they don't tell anyone what is going on. Chiang Mai Calif Wow always had good enrollment, why are they letting it go down the shitter?

    Is California wow Thai owned or Foreign owned. Since its trademark says it's in Californai, but I've never seen on here.

  6. There are many discos in Thailand that are a firetrap for most people who go in those places. The owners won't fix it to make their establishments safe for poeple who go there. If anything happens, they have friends on the police force who will cover them. There was a club in Silom in one of the gay districs that had been sited a number of years for being a death trap in case of fire. All the emergancy exits could not use.

  7. Well, the older releases of Joomla 1.5 > are being phased out. What you may want to do is upgrade to the latest version of Joomla which has more security features then reinstall or seek an alternative version of Virtuemart. Get some fresh new plug-ins, components and etc. then reinstall them. Though, this will take some time, but you will have the experience to do it again.

    I had several Joomla boards and some had been hacked, but I learned different tricks to avoid those attacks. You really need to learn those tricks.

  8. Govt clueless on how to deal with South

    BANGKOK: -- The strife-torn Southern provinces have always been an enigma in the modern history of Thailand and will likely remain a serious security threat for decades to come.

    This wouldn’t surprise me. Thai government in their advanced skills at negotiation with others from a different culture even the other culture resides in their own boundaries is fruitless.

    The Southern Thai’s don’t trust the PM or her staff. Why, she is the sister of Thaksin Shinawatra and they don’t trust anyone from that family or administration.

    What the Thai government needs to do is to appoint a Muslim negotiator or a mediator period to handle this situation and try to bring a settlement without using force. Why, because they will trust a Muslim not a Shinawatra.

  9. Most religions don’t like it when you insult there religious leader in most cases. Islam or Muslims hold the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH – peace be upon him) to a higher standard. Since he is the one who helped establish Islam for his people and the rest of the world. I have read on different occasions were someone insults the Prophet through cartoons, writings and etc and that person or organization is put on notice. Some demand the death penalty or flogging etc.

    If you are a non-Muslim and insult Islam or the Prophet in anyway a Muslim may come up to you and inform you kindly that you are insulting the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and try to refrain from doing it any further. If you are in Iran the people and government take it more seriously and often hang those who do insult the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

  10. Greetings;

    There are many ways to look for a teaching job here in Bangkok and throughout Thailand.

    What you will need:

    1. 1. A University degree from an accredited university with a degree in English or Education with a teacher certification. Or any four year degree in most any fields will suffice.
    2. 2. If you don’t have a university degree, you might get a teaching certification such as a TEFL or a CELTA if you just want to get your foot in the door. Most schools don’t make it absolutely necessary for you to have a degree, but they quality of your work and the feedback they get from the parents.

    One is a website called Ajarn.com which has multiple listings from schools and agencies here in Thailand.

    Teacher placement agencies here in Bangkok don’t really care if you are from Ireland or some other country that has a funny accent.

    Or if you like to work in a particular area of Bangkok, you can always do an Google map search on that area and see if there are any schools in that area. Write down the names of the school and their exact location and go pay them a visit. Be reminded, they might already be under contract through an agency and you might get referred to them or they may interview you for the position if the agency they deal with hasn’t been forthcoming with good teachers. I’ve done this quite a bit and found it to be quite rewarding.

    Post an ad on craigslist.com or view their teaching advertisements. But be warned, there are some agencies on there that are scams and will rip you off.

    Overall, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.

  11. Most jobs in Thailand for Expats are teaching jobs, sorry to disappoint you. But, if you have a degree say in Business Finance or Real Estate or Insurance you might be able to approach some of those firms for job. Jobs for expats often can be found on JobsDB Thailand. Sometimes ajarn.com will get a few job postings like this but rarely.

    Call centers in Bangkok or in Asia are notorious for being scams and they hire people from those nationalities they target in their scams. I remember last year, there was an advertisement flyer posted in some of the taverns in Silom looking for Call Center reps and the position was at Silom Complex. I did happen to listen to the interview at Starbucks on the corner of Rama 4, but it sounded like a joke to me since the woman was interviewing some young European lad for the potion.

  12. It depends on many factors.

    Have you built websites before or have limited knowledge of creating a website.

    Do you want to hire someone either a freelancer or not. What is your budget.

    Now, for what you are asking, you can do it relatively inexpensive for what you want to provide.

    I would use Joomla 1.5 or higher version with a template which you can download for free. Ocommerce component to attach to your site.

    Designing of graphics, either you or someone you know or hire.

  13. There are some Viet food stalls over on Samsen road before you go over the bridge heading to Pinklao. The name Samsen means "Vietnamese". Mostly all they have is rolls and some dishes.

  14. Thai police arrest 19 North Korean refugees

    Bangkok, June 22, 2012 (AFP) - Police arrested 19 North Korean refugees in northern Thailand on Friday who asked to be sent to a "third country", most likely South Korea, officials said, and charged them with illegal entry.

    From what I gather from this article, North Koreans are still not satisfied with their new leader Kim Jong Un and desire to be with their southern counterparts – South Koreans.

    From what I remember when North Koreans settle in South Korea, they are welcome with open arms and the process of reassimilation begins back into South Koreas culture. I have read stories about the plight of North Koreans coming to Thailand seeking Asylum and end up being sent to South Korea to live, to get job training and start a new life.

    I know that the journey from North Korea to say Thailand is very traitorous and chances of being caught is horrifying. I know that Thailand and South Korea have good relations with each other so North Koreans feel comfortable to escape to Thailand and seek refuge knowing they will have to serve a little time and if they are fined South Korean embassy in Thailand will simply pay it off for them.

    Here is an article about North Koreans coming to South Korea.


  15. How about helping to prevent certain cancers? Every time someone lights up a cigarette in public, pull it out of his or her mouth and stomp on it. Then. of course, there are the cancers caused by toxins in the environment. How about helping to eliminate carcinogens used for agriculture or poured into the waterways, making motor vehicles cleaner, etc.

    Oh, I forgot. If we do nothing, the everyone profits. The tobacco companies, chemical companies, the auto companies, petrol companies and finally the pharmaceutical companies and health care providers.The only ones getting the short end in this process are the common people.

    You are right but thisw is Thailand my freind only money counts, murder, is not even on the list,

    Vitually everything in Thailand our south East Asia is a cancer risk. From the food we eat esp the seafood, to the products we drink, the air we breath, and etc.

    Each year, the Government sprays schools with a form of DDT to help reduce insects.

    So, when living in Thailand everyone including you is a cancer risk.

  16. From what I’ve read so far, Thailand is only focusing on using Chemo therapy to treat cancer patients for cancers such as Lymphoma. They feel this is the only option.

    As a former cancer survivor who has had Lymphoma both Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s for over 20 years with it reoccurring every five years. Now, there are some new treatments that have come out in the last few months and have been getting better and better as time goes on. These new treatments target the cancer cells themselves and kill them not killing the whole body like Chemo does.

    I do hope Thailand medical professionals view newer treatments for cancers such as Breast cancers, lymphoma, Prostrate and countless others.

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