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Posts posted by brandy

  1. As long as the phone isnt locked to any particular network then you can interchange sims anywhere.

    You can get a phone in Thailand for 500 baht so why not get a cheap local phone and keep your Oz phone seperate.

    No need for swapping then at all.

    Thanks for the reply

    I don't want to buy 2 smart phones and spend half the year in Nth Thailand so internet access gets me by when chasing the sports scores or news from home.

  2. I live in That Phanom, half way between Nakon Phanom and Mukdahan and love the place. No tourists, acouple of falangs to talk to, quite a few I wouldn't bother with but the locals are great and the missus is happy. Right on the Mekong.

  3. What a pathetic excuse to say "Not get a fair trial because of racism" in Australia, Factually incorrect and their lawyer must be desperate or else he knows something about the Thai judiciary I dont know.. ? Yes Im sure he does, Another reason why NO government from the "developed world" should allow a foriegner to be extradited to Thailand for a "trial"

    Out of curiosity, would you want to be tried in Thailand for murder of a Thai man? Or would you prefer to be tried back home?

    Do you think you would get a fair trial in Thailand, as a farang accused of murdering a Thai? I think the concern about not getting a fair trial in a foreign country is a valid one.

    That said, extradition should proceed in my opinion, because Australia is where the evidences are, and while they are innocent until proven guilty, proving them guilty should be given a fair chance. What kind of investigation could be done in Thailand for a murder in Australia? And the victim's family shouldn't be forced to fly to Thailand to seek justice for a crime committed in Australia

    I dont disagree with you or the points you make however we are a very hypocritical mob.

    Remember Schapelle Corby and the cries of 'bring her back" , 'she's not getting a fair trial', blah, blah blah. This was for a drug trafficker.

    then remember the aussie boy sentenced to death in singapore IIRC because of drug trafficking? Asian australian boy FWIW. Quite sad i dont even recall his name dont you think?

    Anything to do with aussie perception of one being more 'aussie' than the other?

    Anyone claiming there isnt sufficient grounds to claim 'racism' in Australia is either ignorant or has their head buried in the sand.

    I hope Corby dies in prison, that was the media calling for to be brought home. Everyone I know in Oz thinks she should rot where she is so don't let the media be your guide.

  4. Once again Thailand want things their own way and applying the typical double standards to this case as they do will everything else. I truly hope that justice is done however I am not holding my breath for Thailand to do the right thing.

    Just not true... Most countries in the world do not extradite their fellow countrymen to other countries for trials, if the accused does want to have the trial in his homecountry. Most countries for example do not extradite anybody to the US for crimes that could be punished with execution. If I as Swiss would be accused i.e. for drug smuggeling in Thailand and be caught in Switzerland, Swiss courts will never extradite me to Thailand.

    For the other side, when caught in a foreign country, whether being Australian or Britisch or Swiss... too bad luck for you guys, cause every country will try you in their own courts for crimes committed in their country and NOT extradite you before the ruling of their own court. Few years later you might be allowed to return for the rest of your jail time...

    And finally... for all of you who think Australia is such a nice country... read a bit what Amnesty International thinks about racial discrimination in Australia, read about what Australians do with the native people (Aborigines), read about plans Australia has with refugees (sending them back without hearing them or locking them on an island hundreds of miles from their coast...) and then tell me again that all is good within your country... or read about the border protection policy of your fellow "The Nationals" politicians...

    And all this... can be said about Switzerland as well... so before blaming and bashing the Thai, look at your own country...

    Hey mate have a look at Europe now. It's a basket case with ethnic gangs, racial hatred and all manner of social problems due to multi cultural problems. The last time I went out in Bradford when in England I was the only white person there. Australia should have the right to reject illegal immigrants (they are not refugees) and are coming to Australia because they get everything for free at the expense of other people who apply to immigrate through the correct channels.

    As far as Aboriginals go the Australian taxpayer has spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to better the plight of Aboriginals to the point now that they refuse to help themselves or get a job because they are welfare dependant and a very high % are alcohol and drug abusers. That is not white Australians fault so why don't you spend six months in a town like Port Hedland and then make an informed view. You do not have a clue of the situation so don't pretend you do.

    The so called Australia Day race riots were caused by years of Arab male immigrants slandering young Australian women and girls at the beaches because they wore AUSTRALIAN bathers (bikini's). Words like we are going to anally rape your slut arse you fuc_king white maggot whore. Well there fathers, brothers and cousins decided enough was enough and gave a few of them a bashing only for the media around the world to label us the racists. 7 out of the 8 high profile bashings of Indian students in Australia were carried out by fellow Indian students.

  5. I am in Thailand 3 weeks on 3 weeks off for work and always bring cash with me. I am not sure about other countries but Australian banks rip you off on the exchange rate by about 4 baht per $ compared to changing it a the the exchange booths. The exchange on Sukhumvit Soi 7/1 is consistantly the best that I have found. If your here short time then bring cash. Best bang for ya buck.

  6. Hello, I was hoping someone could tell me what pay tv company provides ABC so I can watch the footy whilst in That Phanom.

    GF currently has true visions, can I get it added or do I have to sign up with another provider.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  7. Researchers at Yale University of Medicine concluded in 1994 that chili pepper consumption may cause increased risk of stomach cancer. Compared to nonconsumers of chili peppers, consumers had an increased risk of stomach cancer (odds ratio 5.49; 95%). Among consumers, there was a highly significant trend of increasing risk with increasing self-rated level of chili pepper consumption (high, medium, or low). That said the study said that "definite conclusion is not warranted" because there was no assesment of dose relationship.

    Another recent study by Mexico National Institute of Public Health found higher rates of gastric cancer in people with high chillie intake (9-25 jalapenos a day!).

    I think this might have something to do with it. My girlfriends family has a high rate of stomach cancer in the past and the way they all eat chilli I am surprised they have got a stomach left between them. They also eat som tam with nom pla (i think that is what is called) everyday. I tried a small bit one day and it nearly took my tounge off. Also they tend to eat alot of raw prawn and fish in her area and Japan has the highest rate of stomach cancer in Asia. Maybe the mercury?

  8. I go to the meat works up that way everytime I am at That Phanom and the beef is excellent. Not as good as an Ozzie scotch fillet but great for Thailand.

    I am told they supply all the 5 star hotels and eateries in Bangkok.

    It's a French Thai company so does anyone know the french word for scotch fillet as I usually buy the Rib Eye.?

  9. Hi everyone,

    I have just joined this site and am now a regular visitor to That Phanom. I work a 3 week on 3 week off roster and get up north on most visits to the LOS. I love the place but it would be nice to have a chat and or a beer with some other Falangs when I am up there as my Isaan and Thai are very limited. My GF speaks good english but not to many others.


  10. Hi Nowhereman60

    What Mr Conrad Has stated is about right, but you can get the VIP coach from Mo-Chit to That Phanom direct

    Coach leaves twice a day, 999 is the right coach company as Mr Conrad correctly stated

    The overnight bus is ok, stops around midnight for a VIP meal near Kohn Kean VIP being something warm with rice

    Arriving in That at around 04-30 - 05-30 depending on traffic,

    Day time coach is a good way to see the north eastern area very well

    I have used it a few times when unable to fly into Nakhon Phanom

    Which may be a better idea 45 min flight from BKK and around 45km from That Phanom, If you are visiting family get them to collect you as there is no taxi service in Nakhon Phanom airport, Bus from Nakhon Bus station every 30 mins to That Phanom, but you cant get to the bus station from the airport without transport

    I may be able to help arrange a car to pick you up and take you to That Phanom from Nakhon Phanom airport PM Me if I can help

    Any other info etc on That Phanom required feel free to ask


    Two notes:

    -- Can't fly to NKP right now, PBAir doesn't have any airplanes and no other airline has yet taken up the route;

    -- Last time flew to NKP, Feb 2008, there were a couple of "taxi" vans at the airport for transport any hotel downtown. They filled up the van and made different drop offs.


    Does anyone know if any flights to NKP or Sakon Nakon soon?

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