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Posts posted by amatoti

  1. I still believe Thailand is a nice country with friendly people, I live in South Africa, here we had about 18000 murders last year, South Africa is one of the worlds worst and dangerous place, I will be moving to Thailand soon, I am married to a Thai lady and have a small 1 year old baby daughter, since I believe Thailand is a better and safer counrty I can't wait to get there.

    I know every country has its problems, we have a saying here that " if you mingle with pig food, the pigs will eat you", so beware of whom you mingle with is my motto.

  2. and to think, the next football world cup will be held in South Africa in 2010, I fear all the naive fans who will be going there, they have no idea what is awaiting them, but all I know is that I do not want to be there, i'll much rather take my chances and watch it in a local bar in Pattaya, much safer...but I'll keep my voice down...lol

  3. guys I agree, stop bashing Thailand and Pattaya,

    I live in the crime capital city of the world, Johannesburg South Africa, here we have an average 100 murders a day, not to even mention the armed robberies, rape and other crimes, beleive me, Pattaya is a pleasure it is very unfortunate than an isolated incident happened, but it is still way way better than any part of Africa.

    I will be moving to Pattaya in the near future, just to get away of this barbarous country and lost continent

    So, sit back, relax and enjoy the world cup and enjoy all that Thailand and Pattaya has to offer.

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