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Posts posted by craigoaus

  1. I'm confused the article was about the official interest dropping not the baht being devalued. Is there a policy of devaluation? The Australian Reserve Bank has been dropping the official interest for some time now and there has not been talk of devaluation. The Aus dollar has dropped against the U.S. dollar but we are being told this is due mainly to the dollar strengthening.

  2. All these negative comments, all from people who know nothing about this guy at all..

    He is charged with an offence, that's a long way from being convicted of it. He's innocent until found guilty remember.

    You don't usually get to be Pres of a motorcycle club without being an exceptional man.

    Of course, this man and other biker gangs live by a code of values that is alien to 99% of Thai Visa posters.

    Best advice, if you don't know what you are talking about or have nothing constructive to add... just keep quiet.

    You assume the people commenting know nothing and your assumption is wrong.


    I believe this fellow and his mates were all caught on CTV when they started all the fighting in Broadbeach, I guess he may be able to get out of it on a technicality but there is no doubt of his involvement. After the ruckus at Broadbeach after the coppers broke it all up and carted some of to the police station these clowns then decided to give the police at the police a hard time.

  3. Need a spot of business advice, 'my thai family' and myself make a living selling on eBay. We would clear $6000 a month on average. All our business is done through eBay Australia and the payments are initially made to Aus bank accounts which we then transfer to Thai accounts.

    My partner is making noises about buying a house here and wants to borrow the money from the bank. She had one of her mates supply a letter saying she works for her but the banks wouldn't cop that one and wanted tax documents etc.

    I am not prepared to buy a property here (heard too many horror stories).

    Th easiest way around this as I see it is to at least register a business or what ever is required in Thailand. I have put this to 'the family' and nothing has happened so I have decided 'bugger it' I'll try and get something going....

    Problem is I do not know what I need to get going!! I do not care if I am associated with the business but I guess it would be easier if I was for whip cracking purposes. I do not live in Thailand at the moment but am doing a commute every couple of months.

    Any advice would be appreciated...

  4. From what I can gather the consulate has some discretion as to issuing more than 3 visas but nothing was said about a time frame. The thing seems to be that the applicant does not appear to be working in Thailand. So maybe a gap between visas might do the trick. Its early days though so more information may come to light.

    My agent did advise getting a new passport and this would solve all problems. If I was to go down this track I would apply for it in Malaysia rather than here in Thailand.

    I will be morre than happy to a 'break' in Malaysia, not being here in Thailand for Boom Boom or the Grog my lifestyle would not be all that different

  5. Spoke to my Visa Agent in Penang today. He confirms that the Thai Consulate is only going to issue 3 back to back visas. If you apply for one now and have a 'collection' of tourist visas they will issue one more with the stamp about you may be refused the next time. He said that this was up to the officer issuing the visa catch him/her on a good day visa may not be endorsed with the warning.

    He went on to say that the reason the consualte is doing this is to try and stop people working illegally here and if I was to show proof of income from overseas or prove I am not working there may also be no problem.

    Hopefully my bank statements from Aus will do the job.

  6. I thought this post was about hotel bookings being down, not the state of exchange rates!

    It is about Bangkok hotel bookings and it is funny to see how a thread can change into something completely different :D

    Strange. :D:o


    My apologies for introducing another topic to the thread but I thought that the two topics are in a way related as they are both affected by the political situation here at the moment and I was hoping to get some informed opinion (my thanks for those who did reply).

    To get back to hotel bookings, on my last trip to Penang I found quite a few people having their holiday there (Penang) rather than going to Bali or Phuket which were the prefered past holiday destinations.

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