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Posts posted by Pava

  1. I posted a message, but it didn't appear, so here it goes again! If the original ones appears later, I apologize!

    We are moving from Beijing to Bangkok and want to bring our toy poodle. However, we have been told that there is a new restriction forbidding the entry of animals from China. One agent advises this is true, another advises there is no such restriction. Has anyone moved a pet recently from China or does anyone know if there is such a rule? If there is such a rule, does anyone have any suggestions on how we can make this move? One final question.......I can't seem to find an asian airline that allows pets in the cabin as carry on baggage. It would make the trip a lot less stressful for all if we could take our dog into the cabin vs. cargo or excess baggage.

    Many thanks!


  2. We are moving to Bangkok and bringing our toy poodle. We have been getting conflicting information from the movers and the airlines regarding dogs entering Thailand from China. Some are saying that there is a recently new restriction forbidding animals to enter from China. Others are saying there is no such restriction. Online we also find conflicting info and the embassy and consulate advise that they don't know and it's not their responsibility to advise on animals.

    Please help! We are so lost and confused! I don't want to arrive and find out that our pet must be sent back or must be put down etc.!

    Also we were advised that they must fly as cargo and not as excess baggage. Has anyone experienced this? I heard it is very noisy and scary, and they must be dropped off 5 or 6 hours before the flight. And our experience here in China is that there is not much compassion for animals anyways, so we are so scared to imagine what they will endure for those hours.

    Any help or advise would be very much appreciated!


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