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Posts posted by samuicanuk

  1. Hi, I am looking to rent residence one bedroom house or apartment/condo in that area starting 1 May, maybe earlier and if possible. Would definitely like a pool....budget 15,000 but if quite nice per the market would pay up to 20,000/month. Willing to sign a one year contract. Please PM if you have any such...photos also would be VERY appreciated. Thanks! :)

  2. it might have a boat liscence. if anyone stops them they can say that they are parked. i am sure they have got the right people to back them up if it is still there

    interesting, define "right people" :D:)

    Knuckles dragging on the ground and a large bulge in their suit jacket! :D

    i mean the right back up. like lawyers and stuff. people with that sorte of money would have sorte the best legal advise before doing stuff. they probably have a pet lawyer with them every where they go

    right :D ...let me see....a "pet lawyer" = can do illegal...gotcha :D ...thanks :D

  3. I did take a pole out and tried to fish (the water is no deeper than a meter at the best of times) and although I was the only person on the walkway, some Thai came out and said I could not be there and that it was for guests only. Then an elderly foreign man came and barked, "Thanks for understanding!" I didn't understand and said what has been posted, that the beach is crown land. I was told it was private property and was given the impression that I was not welcome to come back.

    I am not sure how after seeing the posted video anyone can say this is an improvement on the scene.

    it might have a boat liscence. if anyone stops them they can say that they are parked. i am sure they have got the right people to back them up if it is still there

    interesting, define "right people" :D:)

  4. I don't see your problem with this pier: apart from a little "eyesore" this thing don stink, don't make noise or endanger swimmers. There are many, many bigger eyesores and pollution problems: eg. jet ski-s, large scale deforestation, untreated sewage, huge ugly buildings etc. In fact the whole island lies to shatters. What is your point?

    don't see the problem?...can we start with the legality issue? :)

  5. although upon an actual look at the very blurry picture, one could only hope the ground cover grows back.

    unfortunately samui is already something of an armpit and seems intent on continuing that trend.

    just last week i sat in an airport bus heading towards bophut with a group of tourist who complained the whole way about how ugly the drive was.

    i just lauged and caught my connecting boat.

    time on island less than 1 hour: another perfect stay on samui.

    ts, it's a case of absolute rubbish comment. Don't like it? Stay away.Why do you need to post where it does not concern you?Stay where you are & leave it to us. Just keep on catching your connections.Will never forget your deleted comments. So be gone now thank you. :D

    I agree 100%. Just naff off and don't post anything on this forum. I hate posters who have nothing to say but moan, moan, moan. Don't like Samui, don't come back! :D

    probably been enough said about this T.s but i can't help put the boot in. agreed only moan if u have a solution to the problem in this case piss off and do't come back or maybe u will have something to really moan about. hard core samui style. Have a nice day !!!!

    oh you are so very "hard core" "samui style" Big C :) ...we know, that is why I for one never read your posts and generally skip over your responses in threads (yes all, I know they are funny if you have the time for a laugh but I don't these days)....to "samui hard core for me" :D

    For the rest of you who live here including me, those of you that have a brain, and any shred of ethics...PLEASE DO keep "whining"....that is the beginning of ideas and how things get changed :D

  6. although upon an actual look at the very blurry picture, one could only hope the ground cover grows back.

    unfortunately samui is already something of an armpit and seems intent on continuing that trend.

    just last week i sat in an airport bus heading towards bophut with a group of tourist who complained the whole way about how ugly the drive was.

    i just lauged and caught my connecting boat.

    time on island less than 1 hour: another perfect stay on samui.

    ts, it's a case of absolute rubbish comment. Don't like it? Stay away.Why do you need to post where it does not concern you?Stay where you are & leave it to us. Just keep on catching your connections.Will never forget your deleted comments. So be gone now thank you. :D

    I agree 100%. Just naff off and don't post anything on this forum. I hate posters who have nothing to say but moan, moan, moan. Don't like Samui, don't come back! :)

    dont agree at all...dont like it...change it for the better! :D:D

  7. My motto. if you don't like where you live, move!!!! :D

    my motto: if you are 100% content with where you live, you are probably brain-dead :D ...and if you are not 100% content with where you live then not pointing out what is unsatisfactory is immoral and lazy of you, and then, ideally from there you do what you can to address it. :)

  8. Infinity will complete - search the web and you can find all you need to know.

    Personally I find the issue on samui to be the rampant shop house development that creeps all over the island. These usless, ugly shop/dwellings are built by locals with no regard for asthetics or demand and supply considerations. This is the blight in samui. A few foreign developers making the news is small play in comparison.

    You mean the ugly "Western houses" with no no Thai roof that you can see from see. :D

    Yeahhhh, me, western , must have pool on roof.

    Shop houses is and has been a part of Thailand before you came here.

    sorry but could care less that shop houses were here before...that does not mean they are not horribly ugly and WAY over built on this island..half or more are empty and they will stay that way...that is what happens when, excuse me but this just true, poor lower society uneducated, etc people get a little or a TON of baht for selling some land then think they get even more rich from building those monstrosities and...idiotic and unfortunate for the island. Sorry again but a roof top pool on a western style building...even the ugliest eye sore on the island (those white things on the hillside to east a bit and above the airport) are better to look at than shop houses.

    Thai houses for Thailand.

    If you want to have a roof top swimming pool, I suggest Ibiza. :D

    :) ....and zillions of Thai shop house for Thailand too! :D

  9. Infinity will complete - search the web and you can find all you need to know.

    Personally I find the issue on samui to be the rampant shop house development that creeps all over the island. These usless, ugly shop/dwellings are built by locals with no regard for asthetics or demand and supply considerations. This is the blight in samui. A few foreign developers making the news is small play in comparison.

    You mean the ugly "Western houses" with no no Thai roof that you can see from see. :)

    Yeahhhh, me, western , must have pool on roof.

    Shop houses is and has been a part of Thailand before you came here.

    sorry but could care less that shop houses were here before...that does not mean they are not horribly ugly and WAY over built on this island..half or more are empty and they will stay that way...that is what happens when, excuse me but this just true, poor lower society uneducated, etc people get a little or a TON of baht for selling some land then think they get even more rich from building those monstrosities and...idiotic and unfortunate for the island. Sorry again but a roof top pool on a western style building...even the ugliest eye sore on the island (those white things on the hillside to east a bit and above the airport) are better to look at than shop houses.

  10. Looking from below it is well on the way to completion - i would say this is a project that will be finished quite soon

    its 90 % complete, all my old clients i sold units there have already transfered

    They have plans for a beach bar/restaurant in Bang Po also

    not a plan, a contract agreement to build !, last i heard the land was secured in April/May . Should be located 100 M either way of the 7/11 next to the road that leads to the development, can anyone living in Bang Por confirm that this is being built , or a structure that looks like a beach club?

    Many Thanks


    only transferred 90% or less?? :) ...does not sound like a great investment, pay 100% and get 90% or less. But sounds like a great money maker for developer and agents :D

  11. 1. I am shocked that still so many people pay whatever price is asked, supporting this kind of nightly terror and anarchy. Wish they'd charge you 1000 Baht!

    2. After puyai baan (head of Bantai / Kpg), villagers and party organizers had an agreement last year on 1 event / party / month, which is totally ignored since this highseason, the guys in brown might have seen a chance for a massive hike in their financial participation.

    3. Thanks to all of you partypeople, keeping my family, especially my two young daughters awake for so many nights.

    Party - no problem, but not open air (!!!), keeping all the village of Bantai / Phangan and now also Lamai & Chaweng sleepless!

    Being a holiday island isn't a permit for terrorize us so many nights!

    1. Terror and anarchy??? :D Nothing like understatement to get your point of view across. :)

    2.TITS. This Is Thailand. Get used to it.

    3. Two young daughters??????????????????? MOVE! :D

    Chaweng is not sleepless! I live here! Nor is Lamai. I have many friends who live all round the island and it's only the "I'm retired and you must change" brigade who moan!

    Again, if you feel terrorised, why the hel_l are you here? MOVE :D

    You people should get out more and live and let live.....

    And get a life.

    completely disagree with the member of of the criminal motorcycle gang there :D

  12. A new bike is not 11,600 baht. not even remotely close.

    Negotiate, they will most likely come down if you approach this in a civil manner without losing your temper. If you have already lost your temper and shouted obscenities at them, then negotiation will be that much more difficult.

    but. then neither is 11,600 anywhere remotely close for scratches.

    make clear to them you will not pay that.

    yes, wrong move to give your passport, to anyone, hotels too...

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