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Posts posted by JarekN

  1. I can't wait when the shit hits the fan and half of those corrupted will have no choice but to go back to growing rice. All foregingers just need to stop going there, there are so many other places where you won't be treated like a criminal just beacuse you look like an easy target.

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  2. Must be something in the air with all the suicides taking place in TH. Either way the place is turning into a complete shit hole... And to think that few months ago I was actually entertaining the idea of getting a small house there :P Day by day things are getting worse in the LOS, such news will only make tourism go down even further. Hopefully in 6-12 months there will be tons of properties all over Thailand at 50-75% discount... Will be good time to buy something as long as you pickup couple of guns for protection to go with it :D

  3. This sounds like a setup, how did Mr.Lertporn Noja-director of (ATCC) know about it? If he was following/monitoring the girl why did he allow for the act to take place?! Why did they not stop him once he checked into Live In Mansion and wait for the police to get there to proceed with the arrest? And do not tell me that the act had to first take place before anything could be done cause that would be the stupidest thing I've heard today...

  4. "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done." LOL what a freaking joke - how bout they feel stressed cause they have been framed and are afraid for their life - maybe their family has been threatend if they do not play the part... This is all complete BS and frankly unless the Thai Government allows for independed DNA testing to take place there should be a travel advisory regarding Thailand till the test is allowed. There is NO reason for independed testing to take place - that is unless they have something to hide. Nothing else needs to be said...

    • Like 2
  5. LOL good one, wanna find the statistics showing crime against tourists? Further, given how the Thai Police works, I would not be surprised if the actual number of murders was much higher due to the fact that there are so many unusual suicides...

    No need to waste the money, people can just come to Myanmar where none of this shit goes on - no Mafia threatening you, no police extortion, REAL smiles and perhaps the most friendly people on the planet. With that said I hope tourists do not <deleted> this place also like they did so many other places...

    Murders in Myanmar 15,000/year.
    Murders in Thailand 5,000/year.

    Thanks for the offer, I'm staying here.
  6. I too am wondering how come they managed to get the test done so quickly, further how do we know that the sample sent for testing hasn't been switched with sample from another person??? Is there anyone overseeing the testing and sample collection to ensure that is not tampered with?

    Test the two sons so we can move on. With out testing Results I would so far place my money on the sons and their uncle. I think three people were involved in this crime.
    My current thinking (only an idea): An argument between the uncle and the Brits at the bar happens. The uncle and two of his brother's sons confront the Brits at crime location. Matters get out of hand and they kill the man and decide they need to kill the witness also but the sons decide to rape her in the process. The uncle runs off home and the sons leave the island. The uncle is seen in the video running without shirt as it had blood on it and he was in a hurry to get away from the area.
    Maybe ??

    According to ThaiPBS report, above, the uncle and his brother have tested negative.

    Didn't they just provide DNA sample? How can that be known as negative already?

  7. So (if not already) maybe the site should be hosted outside of TH so the BS rules would not have to apply and people could talk in the open???

    To all the 'experts' who have lived on the island or are still living on the island - who claim to know who the 'Big Families' are, are: Why don't you share your intimate knowledge with everyone? What are their names? Who are the crazy rich kids?

    Who are the Bar owners? Who are the corrupt police?

    Leave the island and tell all. If you are already in another country - tell us.

    Here on this site? The press? The Thai Military? The Police?

    So many people have already said that they know what goes on there because they have lived there.

    But, - no one talks. Interesting. Yet you accuse the Thais of not talking.

    If this is all supposed 'common knowledge', - then time to speak up!

    How long have you been on this site?

    TV doesn't allow the naming of names due to Thailand's ridiculous defamation laws. I thought everyone knew that. It's in the rules.

  8. BS, I can let lots of things slide, however the minute someone crosses the line and tries to go after my family they are going down no matter how rich or connected they are...

    And you are proud of running away??? This is exactly why this shit keeps on happening, Thais know that most westerners have no balls to do shit. The way to deal with this situation is to blow off as many heads as possible, starting with the most powerful family involved and going down the line till you are stopped or there is no one else left to shoot. I bet you if few westerners go postal and bunch of those <deleted> get shot they'll think twice about doing this shit.

    Rambo is that you ?

  9. And you are proud of running away??? This is exactly why this shit keeps on happening, Thais know that most westerners have no balls to do shit. The way to deal with this situation is to blow off as many heads as possible, starting with the most powerful family involved and going down the line till you are stopped or there is no one else left to shoot. I bet you if few westerners go postal and bunch of those &lt;deleted&gt; get shot they'll think twice about doing this shit.

    Money always does the trick here in LOS, but what a lame sum to support closure to such a gruesome atrocity? Why can't the government or "other wealthy sources" not cough up 5m and thus have the culprits in custody within just minutes? The government, officials and the "influential rich", must understand that this crime and the unethical and superficial media coverage does damage to the country worth far more than 5 or even 10m THB. Are the lifes of this unfortunate couple worth only 713.000 THB to this country? Another insult to the victims and the parents... Shame, shame... sad.png

    There are two aspects here. One is that a large sum of that money was put up by an individual and it is creditable that at least one Thai person has stood up to be counted.

    It would be much more heartening for the government to offer the reward, thus sending the signal that the country as a whole demands the killers be brought to justice and accepting responsibility in some non specific way.

    Was is disheartening about this place is to read the new forestry director in Phuket has felt he has no choice but to resign because of death threats made to him. We also had a previous Phuket governor say something similar about the 'mafia' and that he was relatively powerless to do anything because they knew where his children went to school.

    As a person who has also been threatened personally and my children also threatened by a gang that stole my property I well understand their fear. Needless to say I ran away too.

    Nobody cares my family have been uprooted and our home thieved from us. Nobody is interested in the government or the justice system and no one wants to help either. Those that pretend to help are just bottom feeding scum lawyers who want money and actively work against you.

    What a sad country where officers cannot do their job because they are threatened by these rich scumbags and that no one has the cahones to stand up against them and bring them to task. It is pathetic!
  10. This whole story looks like a script out of a comedy... SAD! Assuming that they do find the killers chances are that they'll get off very easily as in most casees... Thailand doesn't give a FLYING F about you or anyone else, all they care about is money, the crimes against tourist will keep on happening because they know that tourists are stupid and will keep on coming back over and over. In Cuba crime against tourist will result in the criminal disappearing and for this reason it is an insanely safe place for tourists, maybe the Thais should look to Cuba and learn something...

  11. This has got to be a joke?! Given that their device is unable to test the DNA how is it that they have released the previous suspects since their DNA has not been tested?! Maybe Thailand needs less military officers and better equipment...

  12. Just a big joke, you wanna stop the issue of illegal workers just come up with a high enough fine for those who hire them and do not let em off without paying it... Such a simple solution yet seems like everyone here is unable to implement it. With that said if they can't fix such a small issue how are they expected to ever fix any of the bigger issues...

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