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Posts posted by DazednConfused555

  1. Many farang like to point out that they dislike the so-called political correctness in their own country, but try expressing a opinion contrary to their own about Thailand or about farang in Thailand and see what happens. In every online community about Thailand and farang, there is a status quo about what you are not allowed to say, ideas that cannot be expressed, and obvious truths that must be ignored, manipulated and postulated to fit the very sensitive self esteems of the farang community.

  2. I drive very defensively in Bangkok.

    Sukhumwit Road, for example. There is ALWAYS someone trying to get from the left or right lane to the center lane. People will see your distance from them and decide that its safe enough to change lanes in front of you but they are not accounting for your speed as they are not expecting you to be going faster than the last x number of drivers from that distance were going. I have made this mistake and many have made this mistake against me. When there is light traffic, you still have to resist the urge to drive faster than you normally would in moderate traffic as it can cause problems.

    You must always be on the defensive. Check both sides of the back of your vehicle for motorcycles and both front sides before turning anywhere. Scan the sides of the road for pedestrians at all times because they will dart across the street without regard. Go slow as you have to. People rarely beep when you are too slow because Thais are naturally patient. No reason to feel rushed in Bangkok traffic.

  3. It is a Honda city. About 6 month old. Just had it in for the 6month check up. They charged me about a 1000 baht but the bill was all in Thai so I really don't have any idea what they did to it. Probably changed the oil.

    This problem ONLY occurs when the car is left in a very hot environment, like several hours in a hot parking garage with no ventilation or parked in the sun... otherwise, there is no trouble getting cold air... when it is left in a hot environment for a long time, then it will only blow hot air for as long as it takes me to drive home....

    I am obviously not a car person. Thanks for any advice.

  4. Its unrealistic to expect three lanes of traffic to stop every single time a person wants to cross the street. At many crossings, there is almost always someone standing there. What usually happens is, when there are 4 or more people waiting to cross, heavy traffic will slow down and let them cross. Or, one person steps into the street and everyone follows.

    And yes, if there is light traffic, Thai drivers will stop and let them cross. But if you are expecting three lanes of traffic to stop moving instantly during rush hour because you want to cross a three lane street, than you are being very selfish yourself. And no, there is never an excuse to attempt to cross the street at a non-pedestrian crossing. You have no idea how frustrating it is to have to slam the brakes because a human being has decided to give themselves the right of way.

    These are not one lane Hong Kong or Singapore or European style crossings and cannot be compared fairly.

    Plus, often times there is an overpass that is meant to be used for crossing the street but the pedestrian is too lazy.

  5. Maybe you will have more success if you dropped the old imperial measurements and use metric. Also Thai people tend to put more emphasis on the shorter measurement, for instance ask them how big the snake was and they will use there thumb and index finger to show you the width.

    I actually did not mention the word inch at all. I just told them US Passport Photo 5cm by 5cm... They nod like they know exactly what it is I am saying. Then I show them the boxed photo example with the measurements showing how big the head is supposed to be. For the next two shops, they also had the incorrect photo with two lines drawn to show that the head was too big. Not quite sure what else I could have done exactly to have better communicated to them what I wanted.

  6. I bring the paper instructions with the boxed photo example showing that the head cannot be vertically bigger than 1 3/8 inch for a 2x2 US passport photo. The Thai shopkeeper nods along and then brings me a photo where the head is 2inchs vertically.

    I go to another shop, again with the very easy to follow instructions and I take the incorrect photo and I draw two horizontal lines onto it showing them how the 1st shop messed up and that the head must be in between those two lines. So they now have two sets of very simple instructions and they too bring me a photo where the head is 2 inches long vertical.

    I tried a third shop with the same results.

    Which shop location did you use?

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