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Posts posted by cib

  1. Hello,

    I was looking for the exact dates of the different celebrations and it gets a bit confused...

    The official day will be Thursday 10. What about the parade and everything else?

    Do somebody knows when will be the MaeJo Lantern release? Some people says the 29th October, some other the 5th Nov...

    We are planning a trip and we wonder if we should go the week end of the 5/6 and stay until the 11 in the morning, or if it's better to stay the following week-end (12 - 13 Nov)

    Thanks for any information you may have!

  2. I agree and I would thank some of the guys in Loy Kroh who kindly understood and let me go when I said I needed to go to work. (yeah not all farangs are retired people or tourists on holiday), I was obviously not dressed like I was ready to play...

    But the last stupid-looking guy who splashed me anyway...he already knows what I think about him.

  3. Sorry guys, but when you are talking about Best Food, Kraft, Heinz, you are not talking about mayonnaise but about disgusting so-called sauce.

    You can find reasonably good mayonnaise in Carrefour (brand name=Carrefour) or make it yourself...At least, it is easy to find good and very good mustard in Chiang Mai to make it!

  4. whats the approx. market price atm?

    And where do you find them?

    I love truffles (even if these ones are probably not as tasty as the ones from Periguord or from Bourgogne, I am sure it is good enough)

    I use to mix them with buttter then spread on good bread or cook with it.

    They are found just below ground level in the forested areas around here and appear to have a month or so-long season around the start of the rains. Price here at the beginning of the season was up to 200 B/l but now as low as 30B. They do appear to be in fact a member of the truffle family of which there are more than 100 variants (and like everything else in the world are doubtless of inferior quality to anything French!). I like em though...

    Thank you but my question was more about the places where they sell truffles ;)

    I mean: Warorot? Rimping?

  5. whats the approx. market price atm?

    And where do you find them?

    I love truffles (even if these ones are probably not as tasty as the ones from Periguord or from Bourgogne, I am sure it is good enough)

    I use to mix them with buttter then spread on good bread or cook with it.

  6. wikipedia:

    Political Connection

    Air Bagan is owned by an arms dealer and businessman by the name of U Tay Za. He has close business and working relations with the ruling military junta of Myanmar. As one of the supposed large beneficiaries of the Burmese military junta, Air Bagan and its owner have allegedly accumulated a vast fortune.

    Well, it is up to you to support this kind of people...

  7. Butter is Better, really?

    Franckly, I was disappointed with this new place. I know that it is not easy to start a restaurant, and the owner was very nice, but the dishes were too small and the level was still far from the previous Bake and Bite (or maybe it is just my tastes, don't know).

    I will go again in a couple of weeks to check the evolution...

  8. A mass is a church service :D

    Thanks for your answer. I saw somewhere that there is a service in english at the cathedral at 11am but I wasn't sure...

    The egg stuff is a strong symbol in so many religions that I really don't thing anyone stole it :)

  9. As a non-pratiquant catholic, I don't go very often to church (let say, twice a year), but I would like to celebrate at least Easter.

    Does somebody know where and when the mass will take place tomorrow?

    Thanks a lot

  10. I tried the big "Fish Spa" near Pantip Plazza and it was actually really fun.

    A bit weird in the beginning but my skin was really soft after that, and I think I will do it again soon.

    They clean your feet before enterring the aquarium, of course, and everything looks pretty clean.

    You should try : at least, it will be a good laugh :)

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