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Posts posted by smotherb

  1. Condolences to the family...fearing but not believing their last goodbye would really be the last.

    Even if the autopsy established foul play, what are the chances of punishment should they capture a suspect?

    The article indicates an alleged murderer has been identified for years of the young woman yet he still walks free.

    Alleged murderers are entitled to walk free. Convicted murderers belong in prison. There is a big difference.

    yes, a good lawyer

  2. When the story 1st came out most people concluded, including myself that the husband was involved. A kindergarten child could have come up with a better lie than the husband tried to feed the police.

    Yeah, he should have used Uncle Guido. Guido schedules the date and time and guarantees his work. He tells you to go out of town and establish an unbreakable alibi(he recommends you go to a police station and report a minor theft). At the appointed time, he will break into your house, kill your spouse and rob you blind.

  3. Back in the day, I would perform fortunetelling sessions using, shall we say, pre-natal exam techniques, instead of palm reading, to forecast marriage, children and potential customers for the working girls. I never ceased to be amazed at how gullible/impressed they are when I could describe their next customer and tell her exactly how much he will offer--duh, he and I just happened to be in cahoots. All you need is to do it successfully in one bar one night. By the next night--even later that night--you'll have to take appointments. Of course, it has its drawn-backs; it only works for a day or two, so you move to another location; and the pay may not cover expenses, but it has some great benefits.

  4. Back in the day, I would perform fortunetelling sessions using, shall we say, pre-natal exam techniques, instead of palm reading, to forecast marriage, children and potential customers for the working girls. I never ceased to be amazed at how gullible/impressed they are when I could describe their next customer and tell her exactly how much he will offer--duh, he and I just happened to be in cahoots. All you need is to do it successfully in one bar one night. By the next night--even later that night--you'll have to take appointments. Of course, it has its drawn-backs; it only works for a day or two, so you move to another location; and the pay may not cover expenses, but it has some great benefits.

  5. 5 generations of monks in a Napalese temple, a farming community based on permaculture and renewable living or maybe setup a small Amish community in Chaing Mai, use your imagination, thats what its there for!

    Yeah, if that is the life you want. You could also be a family of beggars or thieves. However, B2M is chicken feed. How many posters here think B2M is enough for one lifetime, let alone five?

  6. Damn, aren't we a pessimist? Perhaps you need to edit your response to say, "you" cannot teach a Thai anything.

    I'm not a foreigner.

    What's your point? I still say, "Perhaps you need to edit your response to say, "you" cannot teach a Thai anything." I am a foreigner and I have taught Thais, both here and in a doctoral program in Florida.

    Supposedly Yingluck learned English and got a degree while in the USA.

    We've all seen the result of her learning English. One of your students?

    I stand by my outrageous claim.

    I wouldn't consider your statement that you are not a foreigner to be an outrageous claim.

  7. In my experience I've always found that people who worship the heat are a little, well, simple..

    Being hot/sweating is a not a comfortable or pleasant experience in any way....the exception maybe if you fancy half hour on the beach or by the pool, but that's about it IMO..

    Great news Pat, air conditioning is available.

    What everywhere you go??? Now that would be good.

    Yes, have air con inside, but who wants to be holed up all day at home with all the doors and windows closed not wanting to go outside because it's too frigging hot?? Pretty sad way to live IMO.

    Well, let's see, I can leave my a/c house, get on my Harley, and ride in the countryside. No problem with the heat when the wind is in your face. You can ride to a male or female friends' a/c or pool house. I can also ride to little a/c drinking holes, restaurants, barber and massage parlors, etc. Have you tried the malls? These new Central Festival Malls with the ice skating rinks are great--ever seen a Thai ice skate? Be smarter than the problem, any old fart can just bitch about things--things they should have known, too.

  8. Educational Philosophy of the 21st Century

    Thailand is not the only country doing poorly in Math, Science, Reading, Geography, History or any other subject, except perhaps, playing video games. I have been involved in course development at two universities. The primary trend in both curricula was to lessen the complexity of the assignments.

    It is strikingly apparent, the Educational Philosophy of the 21st Century; dumb down the curricula.

    For example, math skills are atrocious worldwide. Lets take a look at the same math problem over the years:

    1950s Math

    A vendor has 100 teapots which cost him $5 each. He sells 4/5 of them for a 30% profit each. Without using a slide rule, calculate the percentage between his initial purchase price and his total sales?

    1970s Math

    A vendor has 100 teapots which cost him $5 each. He sells 80 of them for a 30% profit each. Without using a calculator, compute his profit over his initial purchase price?

    1990s Math

    A vendor has 100 teapots which cost him $5 each. He sells 80 of them for $6.50 each. Has he recovered his investment in teapots; Yes or No?

    2010s Math

    A vendor has 100 teapots which cost him $5 each. He sells 80 of them for $6.50 each. Underline the number 80.

    • Like 2
  9. use you skills, your age, your education: post on university billboard forums in Thai and in English an offer to tutor--English, Math, Science, whatever your skill--offer to meet at well known university eateries or coffee shops, in fact hang out in such places; any male or female students you meet or who respond will serve you well--the girls may be who you like, and the boys most surely know girls who you may like

    • Like 1
  10. Udon grandmothers stretch them as babies. It's a traditional thing to ward off ghosts and predict lottery numbers.

    They have to stop doing it before the grandmother gets to 35 years old though. After that is bad luck.

    The stretching ritual also guarantees the girls meet dumb falangs to buy houses for them, but the grandmother cannot be over 30.

    • Like 1
  11. I took my wife (Thai) to Vegas, Hoover Dam, and the Grand Canyon in July. Her words were: "I don't ever want to hear anyone complain about Thailand being hot".

    Could only get her out of the car to pose for pics for a moment at a time.

    Different heat friend. The lack of humidity is like sitting in an oven. For a real thrill, soak in a pool awhile then get out--you'll shiver.

  12. In my experience I've always found that people who worship the heat are a little, well, simple..

    Being hot/sweating is a not a comfortable or pleasant experience in any way....the exception maybe if you fancy half hour on the beach or by the pool, but that's about it IMO..

    Great news Pat, air conditioning is available.

  13. Some men simply prefer Asian women. I know I do. Overall, Asian women are much more feminine than Western women, know better how to treat a man, and have a longer shelf-life. That is my opinion, but mine is the only opinion I can have.

    I have had three wivesthe first North American, the second two Southeast Asian. In between those marriages, I have also had three live-in girlfriendstwo Western and one Eastern. All six were good-looking, well-educated, and sexually compatiblethat may be superficial to you, but it is important to me. Two of my wives and one of my gfs were wealthy, the others from middle-class backgrounds, but had good jobs. The first five relationships ended due to me; my fault. I simply had not found THE one, enough said.

    I have been married to number six for 35 years now, I am still in love. She satisfies me in every way--she actually cares about meor at least makes me believe thatand takes better care of me and our son than either one of us probably deserve; and she is a self-sufficient well-educated career woman.

    My relationships with the Western women always seemed to leave me hollow, wanting something. They all seemed to think it was all about them. The Asian women I have known are different. They cared about me, wanted to please me. That expression of consideration for me made me want to reciprocate, to be good for them.

    So, by all means, try the Western women. I am sure there are good ones out there.

    Ready now, to the tune of Brown Eyes, lets sing. Beautiful, beautiful slant-eyes, I may never love round-eyes again.

    Are you serious????

    You are boasting. About have being married three times, but count it as six because of a live in gf

    Let Me guess, you are old but look younger and your wife is.20 years younger and super hot

    If I was married three times, I'd say maybe my judgement of.character is seriously screwed and not even.bother, let alone be proud of it

    I'm so lost for words

    I appreciate your loss for words. However, you may have misunderstood at least part of what I meant. I do not count six marriages, I simply count six long-term relationships with both Asian and Western women--relationships which provide me some experience on this subject.

    I am quite long in the tooth, so I have had the opportunity to have several lives. I married my first wife for the sex--not a particularly brilliant reason. However, we were both very young and finally realized we were not meant for each other. We are still friends. I married my second wife because she was the best woman, scratch that, best person I have ever met. To this day, I cannot say a bad word about her. However, respect and admiration is not love. She wanted to settle down to white-pickett fence suburbia and I did not. We decided to divorce, but stay friends. I married my third wife after several years being single. My previous wife-shopping must have taught me something, we are still together and very much in love 35 years later. So, yes, I am proud of my three wives. Each of them is a great lady in her way and each of them knows the other.

  14. It is men who have been the personal slaves of women doing dirty dangerous difficult jobs while women stay in safety in the home , men who have kept women alive .

    Maybe there should be equality in things that women are in better positions too , death age, workplace deaths, homeless

    Today 50% of graduates are female but women never pay fair share

    Why would you have to do those "dirty dangerous difficult jobs"? No scarce skills or education?

    And, with how many of those female graduates do you co-mingle?

    I make it a point to associate with educated self-sufficient women. I have never had a problem with any of them paying for anything--and I am not a leach, I gladly pay too.

    Difficult jobs like computer programmer, physicist . There will be a handful of women doing those jobs but if there is a cushy office job involving pushing buttons while chatting to mates then you can be sure that western women will have 90% of those jobs.

    In all of my long life I have only ever seen one woman willingly pay for drinks in bar .

    Why are women like this when they are over 59% of graduated ? They expect to find a stupid man to pay and sacrifice himself for her.

    It seems to me that there are a handful of feminist trolls starting here and they have been allowed to start posts. Feminists are idealogical bigots who have caused damage to men and boys despite females being the favoured sex

    Seems a shame to harbor such cynicism. Not all women are feminists and not all women are expecting a man to pay for everything. However, I have, to admit I have seen my fair share of dragons.

    The housewife is the exception today. The economy has a lot to do with it, but so does our penchant for keeping up with the Joneses. Yet, many men still maintain that male supremacy/breadwinner/protector thing.

    Interesting, you should mention computer programmer as a difficult job. I never thought of it as difficult and I was a computer programmer for over 20 years. Initially, there were few women in the field, but when I left there were many women programmers. Often, we would hit the bars for happy hour rather than face the traffic home. I remember a couple of cheapskates who never bought a round, but they were men. The women, generally, shouted their turn. Now, don't get me wrong, I have seen plenty of women who had that nuclear disease, you know, Shell-out Falter or Short Arms and Deep Pockets. However, they were usually the clerical staff, were playing the sheltered female role, or were kept from paying by insistent macho males.

    I have to admit, I liked the fact that I could support my wife, but I liked even more the fact that she was educated and went to work so both of us could retire earlier.

    • Like 1
  15. Foreign women don't dig me. I hansum man in Thailand

    May be all too true, but it works the other way, sometimes.

    Sitting, having a coffee early one morning in Phuket, a well-worn caucasian woman came up to me and said in a Slavic accent, "I'll do anything you want for B1,000."

    I told her, I preferred Asian women; hence, me being in Thailand.

    She insisted, "I'll do anything for B500."

    I told her to wash my Harley. She got mad, called me all sorts of names.

    • Like 1
  16. It is men who have been the personal slaves of women doing dirty dangerous difficult jobs while women stay in safety in the home , men who have kept women alive .

    Maybe there should be equality in things that women are in better positions too , death age, workplace deaths, homeless

    Today 50% of graduates are female but women never pay fair share

    Why would you have to do those "dirty dangerous difficult jobs"? No scarce skills or education?

    And, with how many of those female graduates do you co-mingle?

    I make it a point to associate with educated self-sufficient women. I have never had a problem with any of them paying for anything--and I am not a leach, I gladly pay too.

  17. Some men simply prefer Asian women. I know I do. Overall, Asian women are much more feminine than Western women, know better how to treat a man, and have a longer shelf-life. That is my opinion, but mine is the only opinion I can have.

    I have had three wivesthe first North American, the second two Southeast Asian. In between those marriages, I have also had three live-in girlfriendstwo Western and one Eastern. All six were good-looking, well-educated, and sexually compatiblethat may be superficial to you, but it is important to me. Two of my wives and one of my gfs were wealthy, the others from middle-class backgrounds, but had good jobs. The first five relationships ended due to me; my fault. I simply had not found THE one, enough said.

    I have been married to number six for 35 years now, I am still in love. She satisfies me in every way--she actually cares about meor at least makes me believe thatand takes better care of me and our son than either one of us probably deserve; and she is a self-sufficient well-educated career woman.

    My relationships with the Western women always seemed to leave me hollow, wanting something. They all seemed to think it was all about them. The Asian women I have known are different. They cared about me, wanted to please me. That expression of consideration for me made me want to reciprocate, to be good for them.

    So, by all means, try the Western women. I am sure there are good ones out there.

    Ready now, to the tune of Brown Eyes, lets sing. Beautiful, beautiful slant-eyes, I may never love round-eyes again.

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