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Posts posted by smotherb

  1. There are many English teaching jobs in Thailand and your gf is right--you need to be here now. the session starts in a week or so. If you have some money left over after the plane ticket, I am sure you can find something. One issue is where. Some places need people all the time others not so. I know that Hatyai in the South is a good place to find jobs and it is cheaper living because not to many falangs about; hence the availability of teaching jobs too.

  2. wearing shorts on a date?????

    Doesn't it depend on where you go on the date? You collared, long-sleeved shirt, trousered, shoes and socks Eurps certainly appear out of place here in the tropics. What's the matter, can't afford some casual summer wear? Look around you, younger Thais, especially the girls, wear shorts too--and it is the tropics.

  3. Reading this as a woman, all I can think is the sex must really be great, because there's no way I could have gotten away with treating my husband this way during the early years of our relationship and still be married 38 years later.

    Unless I'm missing something, what kind of hold does this woman have on you? This isn't a mature, adult relationship. And the people in it aren't acting like mature adults -- that includes you.

    Quite frankly, what he is decribing sounds like the berating several of my frinds get from the mouths of their Western wives.

    • Like 2
  4. Why is that so many foreigners come to Thailand and insist on having relationships with prostitutes or daft, ignorant, money-grabbing country bumpkins?

    Maybe they are doctors and want to treat the prostitutes STDs.

    Unfortunately, they are all too often lonely unfulfilled men who do not do well with the ladies in their home countries; and these types of women are easy to get. Many are older now and their chances of young pussy at home is gone. Some men simply prefer the vast selection of attractive sex partners these girls provide in comparison to the overweight buffaloes at home. Some men even prefer the Asian ladies, and find these girls a veritable shopping paradise. And one old man out there actually fell in love with the person and not where she came from, what she did, or what she looked like.

    Exactly. Why wouldn't an older man who can't get woman in his home country (well, not a hot young woman anyway) not want to come to a country where for a small investment he can end his days living out his sexual and/or romantic dreams?

    Sounds perfectly acceptable to me.

  5. I couldn't sleep, the telephone call yesterday wound me up.

    She has been treated like a walking ATM since she's been back there.

    All her family have job's, but now her money has ran out they have nothing to lend.

    Yes she's been paying out for some medical bill's and there's been some gambling.

    It just wind's me up that she carn't make £1500 last a few week's. That's why she left her card's in the U.K because she know's she is rubbish with money.

    She's going to get a reality check in the next week re adjusting to Thai style.

    For the record she work's full time in the U.K, but as all women what's mine is her's and what's her's is her's.

    Meanwhile I'll be the best father to our children in the world!

    Venting of spleen over.

    Is this the girl who is ten years older and wealthier than you?

  6. Hello

    I have a girlfriend who I met while hiring her as a prostitute.

    I'm am now back in London, and she has asked me send her money every week. She says she needs what amounts to about 75 percent of my net income. She says that it's for her sick cat who has been passed down through many generations in her family.

    Now, she is living with a Thai man she says is her father but who appears to be the same age. She has told me she loves me very much and wants me to send her a bit more money so she can take care of her father who lives with her.

    Question: how much extra should I send for the father. I've got a good 200 pounds or so per month left.

    That's an expensive pussy

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Not even that, he is in London, that's expensive futures.

    • Like 1
  7. Why is that so many foreigners come to Thailand and insist on having relationships with prostitutes or daft, ignorant, money-grabbing country bumpkins?

    Maybe they are doctors and want to treat the prostitutes STDs.

    Unfortunately, they are all too often lonely unfulfilled men who do not do well with the ladies in their home countries; and these types of women are easy to get. Many are older now and their chances of young pussy at home is gone. Some men simply prefer the vast selection of attractive sex partners these girls provide in comparison to the overweight buffaloes at home. Some men even prefer the Asian ladies, and find these girls a veritable shopping paradise. And one old man out there actually fell in love with the person and not where she came from, what she did, or what she looked like.

    • Like 1
  8. I thought a slope was a curve or side of a mountain. Nobody in the USA uses that term unless skiing.

    They sure did when I lived there, but not really derogatory - more like wop or Jew, not considered insulting by most people.

    I used to wonder what it meant until I was on a bus in Vietnam and looked out the window and saw a bunch of peasants wearing sloped hats. I got up and yelled to my friend, "I finally know why they call them slopeheads!" Luckily, no one but us could speak English.


    In Australia if you call an Asian a 'slope' or 'slope head', it is considered racist and very offensive.

    It would be considered as fighting words.

    Certainly not the same as being called a Jew, which I doubt anyone would find that offensive. I'm not sure what a wop is?

    A Wop is an Italian. The Roman Triremes were powered by teams of rowers. Each team was called a wop. Therfore when the captain of the trireme wanted to increase speed, he would yell out the command, "Wop factor 4"

  9. I agree somewhat with most of the posters. She is probably spending the money on realtives, friends, lovers, gambling, drugs or whatever. Remember, her culture encourages her to spend on her peeps. She is under constant peer-pressure to give them something. And, let's face it, B5,000/day is easy to spend if you are buying food and drink for the whole village. Cut her off, her peeps will find a way to feed her and get her back to the airport on time. If not ...

  10. "...what would be a good timeline to use to get them where you want them, and give you some leverage..."

    You are the employee, you have very little leverage unless there is nobody with your skills to replace you. If you don't like that, become the employer by creating something from nothing with your talent by risking your money. You can then be condescending, like me, to people looking for work asking how to 'exploit' the person who pays their salary.

    While I agree with your premise on skills scarcity, I disagree with your right to be condecending just because you put forth time, effort, and money. Skills scarcity drives salaries. I was a software engineer when we really wrote code rather than simply checking a menu box--I always had leverage over my employers. Many falang English teachers here in Thailand indeed have little leverage because the primary skill they possess is a limited command of the English language and they had little or no teaching experience. If you have teaching education and experience and a true command of English, you have put forth time, effort, and money also; and your skills are indeed scarce. If you disagree, just go through the written English posted on ThaiVisa.

  11. Thai music is very similar to American country music--you know, something loke, My wife left and took the dog . . . sure to miss the dog. Some of it is very popular and gets replayed over and over as loud as possible. Try playing, "Your Cheatin' Heart" by Hank Williams over an over at the highest decibles possible--your neighbors will love you

  12. Most of the people from my home country are unable to study the law of foreign country the want visit!

    It's a leak of education , thinking every country have the same law then at home!

    No wonder austria is far away from top quality study standarts of other country's!

    Well, Austria ranks in the top ten for four of the categories and in the top 20 in four others of the eight categories in the Quality of life rankings world wide http://www.numbeo.com/quality-of-life/rankings_by_country.jsp. Austria is also #5 in environemnt, #9 in healthcare and #15 in education in the world http://www.photius.com/rankings/greenest_countries_2008.html

  13. A farang in Thailand robbing a convenience store is going to stick out like a...well...like a farang in Thailand.

    Stupid is as stupid does - Forest Gump

    Funny, years ago in the PI there was a falang who pulled gas station and convenience stores robberies all over the country. He lived there, making his spending money that way, for almost 15 years before getting caught. This Samui bandit may be one of us ThaiVisa posters, maybe one with thousands of posts.

  14. I only ask this because day to day in Thailand, I only seem to encounter positive, smiling happy foreigners and never some of the outright negativity displayed here. So who are these posters? Is there somewhere u can meet them in real life to see a bitter, angry foreigner?

    Like a petting zoo? Hmmm... Good idea

    wait until you complete your first session, then see if you may have encountered such people

  15. What are all you experts scribbling ? Who knows and who cares. I have been here 20 years and still don't know what is going on with 'regular' Thais, let alone the Thai prostitutes, who incidentally, I rarely associate with.

    They have nothing to say, its the same ol' crap over and over again. Why do you lot get so obsessed with them. Why even tell them what your name is ? Just take them, bonk them and get rid of them. That is what they are here for and nothing else. This is how Thai men treat them, they don't care what their names are or take them for dinner or have silly giggly conversations about rubbish with them. Its ridiculous !

    "Just take them, bonk them and get rid of them." Exactly. This is perhaps a better wording of an old strategy, the "Cold Beer Theory". Treat the ladies of negotiable virtue as you would treat a cold beer. Pick one, buy it, consume it, get another.

  16. If she owns and runs the bar why would you have to pay her a bar fine - or anything for that matter? wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

    Obviously, you are unaware of the intent of the barfine. It is revenue for the bar. If you take an offering of the bar away from the bar, you pay the bar. She may indeed not charge you a barfine, but if you want to keep the same happy go lucky arrangement you now enjoy, pay the tab.

    Otherwise, you could play the old game--meet me at the seven after work. However, that rarely works with the owner and you have to be a "hansum man" or a "sweetmout" to best play the game.

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