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Posts posted by Stump

  1. I just wonder whether more is being read into this than should be. The guy passed a fake bank note and was arrested for owning an ink jet printer. It did not say he was arrested for possessing bank note plates,

    merely owning a printer and other accessories, maybe some extra ink cartridges. This is how the news gets distorted.

    Anyone could have the misfortune of passing counterfeit currency, and how many of us would be found guilty on account of owning an ink jet printer, not a printer one would typically associate with fake notes I might add.

    Sherlock Homes, you might be right. But why did he have so many of them? And different bills, was Dr. Watson asking.......:annoyed:

    Where can I get this cashed ??? ( Im German)


  2. Fakes have become a major problem round the world.All the multi national companies who set up in China are sure to have a fake copy company set up as well.cambodia is fast become the place to set up fake sweat shops with close access to Thailand.Medical fakes packed as good as the real thing are available over the net from China and have been found sold in Boots chemist in London.Fake drugs like malaria tablets and insulin are killing people round the world .Its out of control and a worry.

    Eamonn Australia

  3. What you have just described is typical of Pattaya; Samui; Pha Ngaan and Phuket; basically where the thais that live there are mostly not from there; simply scumbags drawn to those areas due to the opportunity to extort from tourists any opportunity they get. Yes the majority of Thais do hate Farangs in those areas because the majority of farangs they see are either sex tourists, pothead backpackers or groups of young lads on the piss who are generally not too bothered about cultural aspects etc. Don't give up on Thailand; just move away from Pattaya buddy

    I haven't been to Thailand for 8 years.Are thia dependent on Drugs a reason for a increase of robberies? It is a problem around the whole world.You would expect Pattaya would be a good place to rob someone for a wod of cash..

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