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Posts posted by sepia

  1. Apparently the protocol for removing someone from the program does not include confiscating any identification badges that had been issued? Was he removed from the program before his badge's expiration date? or after? Either way, it's reckless to allow someone to have possession of it who isn't authorized to have it.

    Also, was no one in the program aware that his personal vehicle was decked out with illegal lights and illegal sirens? Guess with their patrolling together when he was with the TPV, I presumed other TPV's would know about it.

  2. more news on this

    Jatuporn insists govt plan to kill Thaksin

    Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Prompan alleged Wednesday the government for hatching a secret plan to "get rid of" fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

    And he disclosed for the second time the classified memorandum prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to back up his allegation.

    Repeating his last week's claim, Jatuporn said the memorandum on Thai-Cambodian ties, classified as secret and sent from Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, was purportedly the plot to assassinate Thaksin.

    The term "get rid of" is a code word for killing, he said, claiming such code word is commonly understood by the MFA officials.

    At the Wednesday's press conference, he focused on his critique of the five-page annex to the four-page memorandum which he discussed last week.

    The annex outlined measures with varying intensity to respond to the prime minister of Cambodia, he said. Among the 18 measures included the ban for Thai citizens to visit Cambodian casinos, the cancellation of the extradition treaty, the reinforcement of troops along the borders, and the cancellation of the memorandum of understanding on maritime boundaries.

    He said the pros and cons analysis by the MFA shed light on the dilemma regarding the MOUs signed with Cambodia.


  3. Another 9 pages of confidential document exposed

    BANGKOK, 23 December 2009 (NNT) – The United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) core leader and Puea Thai MP Jatuporn Prompan has revealed another nine pages of confidential document of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on counter plans against Cambodia.

    Jatuporn made a press conference to expose another nine pages of the secret confidential document claiming to belong to the

    Thai Foreign Ministry. He elaborated that the document indicated guidelines to handle and counter actions against Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in three levels from soft, moderate, and harsh.

    According to the UDD core leader, the document explained advantages and disadvantages of each measure. The measures range from suspension of approval all the collaboration projects between Thailand and Cambodia to enforcement of troops at Thai-Cambodian border, especially around the disputed area of Preah Vihear.

    Jatuporn insisted that the actions indicated in the document was violating the law for meddling in the judiciary system, attempting to assassinate ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, and handling the UDD group. He also challenged the Foreign Ministry to take legal action against him as he would file a countersuit as well against the ministry for interfering in the judiciary system and violating the constitution.

    The Puea Thai MP continued to say that he would bring this issue to file a censure motion against Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya

    to unseat him from his ministerial portfolio. He announced that he would publish both the Thai and English version of the document online via twitter of the ex-prime minister as well.

    Earlier, Secretary to the Foreign Minister, Chavanond Intarakomalyasut confirmed with media that there was no order to

    assassinate anyone as claimed by Jatuporn.


  4. There is no requirement to be a government employee in order to be charged with releasing classified documents. Any number of journalists, for example, have been convicted of doing so.

    Are you talking about previous cases of journalists being jailed for this is Thailand or in other countries around the world?

    I can not recall any similar cases in the US (which doesn't mean that it didn't happen), but from my understanding in the US is that journalists are usually threatened with "obstruction of justice" or "held in contemp of court" for not releasing their source, rather than actually imprisioned for publishing the documents them selves.

    Googling I found several instances of journalists from other countries being prosecuted for publishing classified documents, which is a different situation than contempt of court for not releasing the a source of information.

    Also found this which seems to indicate the authorities will pursue criminal charges against those that made the unauthorized release of this classified information.

    This is only a part of the news article:

    Acting Govt Spokesperson:Public Can Judge Credibility of Translated Version of Classified Document

    The acting government spokesperson insists the classified document written by the Foreign Affairs Ministry is not an assassination attempt against the former prime minister, and that Thai-Cambodian ties will turn sour after the document is distorted by the pro-Thaksin movement.

    Acting Government Spokesperson Panithan Watthanayakorn believes the public is capable of judging the credibility of the translated version of the classified document that the former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has publicized on a website..

    Furthermore, he says it has no malicious purpose against Thaksin Shinawatra as claimed by the Pheu Thai Party.

    Panithan added that there are three consequences of the controversial document being revealed without permission.

    The first is that those who publicize the document will face a criminal charge.


  5. I disagree with the comments that Taksin should get in trouble for publishing the document... he is not a government employee and he did not do anything wrong (in this case).

    The person who committed an illegal act is the government employee who released the document illegally.

    The person that disclosed the document initially to Jatuporn is guilty, Jatuporn is guilty, and for publishing it on the internet, that person (Thaksin) is guilty, also.

    There is no requirement to be a government employee in order to be charged with releasing classified documents. Any number of journalists, for example, have been convicted of doing so.

  6. Edit: Had a friend look at the original and apparently it is just as vague as the English version. Uncle Takki's view of it as a proposed assassination is an extreme interpretation. So it seems this is just yet another media stunt from Uncle Takki. He'll be skydiving naked into press conferences soon.

    It didn't contain the purported assassination plans proclaimed by Jatuporn and it also didn't include his other claim which was that Thailand had invasion plans for Cambodia.

    As for the unauthorized release of documents, Thailand has 3 classifications:

    Top Secret (ลับที่สุด) Lap thi sut

    Secret (ลับมาก) Lap mak

    Confidential (ลับ) Lap

    I wasn't to discover what the penalties are involved in Thailand specifically, but did find a sampling of some other countries' punishment possibilities.


    An offence punishable with 7 years of imprisonment


    The maximum penalty is up to 25 years prison

    United States:

    Punishable up to the death penalty

  7. And I really pity that man since such an obsession is a sickness....an addiction which kills a human being slowly but surely since it's pure hate and hate is a very bad thing.

    Always so quick with the "obsession" accusations LaoPo. Nothing obsessive about it. People just expressing an opinion on a negative force. Fine, so you think there are other issues as troubling/more troubling than our square-faced friend, so start some threads on those matters and express yourself. Stop telling people how they should feel. They feel pissed off with Thaksin and think he is one of the biggest problems facing the nation then up to them. Why should that bother you so much, that you continually have to come on here and tell people to back off him - doing your merry dance of defending him whilst at the same time "not supporting" him?

    Very well said.

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