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Posts posted by NamF0n

  1. We have a Thai guest come to visit us next week, and im having difficulties putting her on my car insurance here in England, in that the insurance company has refused as she doesnt have an EU licence .... with the amount of foreigners from outside the EU coming for long stays im surprised at this.

    She has an international driving licence aswell as a Thai one and has more then 15 years driving experience.

    Is there any way around this as she will be here for 6 weeks and a car would make life more enjoyable for her.

  2. Ive an 16 month old daughter who was born in Thailand last year her mother is Thai and Father is British, thus she has dual nationality.

    Anyway we got her a British passport in BKK last year which she used to come to the UK last November.

    We are now looking to come back to Thailand to live, i know we can bring her in on her British passport but obviously she will only have a 30 day stamp.

    Now its a real hassle for us both to get to London to get her a Thai passport, we've been told we both need to go.

    So i am wondering would it be possible to bring her in on the British passport and get her Thai passport in BKK, but would it cause a lot of problems for us in the fact her British passport wont have a exit stamp and would we need to exit Thailand and effectively do a visa run for her.

  3. ^^

    A good sales person would have got him to buy at a later date this one made sure he wont, you seem to believe that everyone that walks through the door is instantly going to buy and that the hard sell is the only way to go.

  4. Try googling "Gary McKinnon" to see how America works in its extradition procedure, please come back and tell me if you still support America!

    America supplies weapons to all sorts of despicable depots as do the French, British and other major sellers of arms.

    Complete hypocrisy i hope he walks.

    Gary McKinnon info:

    McKinnon has admitted in many public statements that he obtained unauthorised access to computer systems in the United States including those mentioned in the United States indictment.

    Dang crazy Americans! Trying to arrest somebody how has admitted hacking into federal sites! Shame on them....oh...maybe it was the anti-american messages he left on those sites?

    OK dumbdumb read a little bit more, please go deeper then what CNN offers you might just learn something. But you wont i know as youre edukated.

    What? Please keep this above board. I never claim to have perfect knowledge on anything. Just enjoy a lively discussion...without personal slams.

    BTW...CNN is just one of many news outlets I read. It is always interesting to getting each side of the story...well, as best you can!

    Believe me the extradition is a joke, but its the former US lapdog Labour govt. that back it.

    Anyway how any of you Americans can back your govt in such a case be it Dems or Reps is beyond me, its pure hypocrisy and nothing less, and nothing to do with anti Americanist as its just your constant overbearing govt thats despised for reasons such as the one above not the people.

    • Like 1
  5. It's so funny how so many non-Americans are anti-American. It's very obvious that your countries and governments and medias use America as a scapegoat from their own problems and wrong doings even though they followed Bush and whomever else is in charge around like a little puppy dog. It's all just string pulling of course and you guys are the puppets. Don't worry, won't be long now before you are complaining about those terrible Chinese and all their wrong doings.

    Nope my simpleton American buddy we dont back our govts. one iota in their wrongdoings and using overly excessive powers, but im starting to feel sorry for the poor American govt with all this victim status on display on this forum.

    • Like 1
  6. Try googling "Gary McKinnon" to see how America works in its extradition procedure, please come back and tell me if you still support America!

    America supplies weapons to all sorts of despicable depots as do the French, British and other major sellers of arms.

    Complete hypocrisy i hope he walks.

    Gary McKinnon info:

    McKinnon has admitted in many public statements that he obtained unauthorised access to computer systems in the United States including those mentioned in the United States indictment.

    Dang crazy Americans! Trying to arrest somebody how has admitted hacking into federal sites! Shame on them....oh...maybe it was the anti-american messages he left on those sites?

    OK dumbdumb read a little bit more, please go deeper then what CNN offers you might just learn something. But you wont i know as youre edukated.

    • Like 1
  7. It's so funny how so many non-Americans are anti-American. It's very obvious that your countries and governments and medias use America as a scapegoat from their own problems and wrong doings even though they followed Bush and whomever else is in charge around like a little puppy dog. It's all just string pulling of course and you guys are the puppets. Don't worry, won't be long now before you are complaining about those terrible Chinese and all their wrong doings.

    History shows us you may hit the nail on the head. It may take some struggle, but hopefully peacefully. Not easy, some Brits still pine for their lost Empire which is 'only' 50-odd years ago.

    Which Brits are these?

    Ive been British for my entire 35 years and ive never met one who has ever spoken about his pride in the empire or has ever mentioned about wishing the British Empire was still alive or for that matter has ever had his life en-richened because of it, but keep on coming out with your simpleton American tales youve clearly made up.

    Good luck to Bout i hope he walks.

    • Like 1
  8. Expect regional exports to get more expensive and the West will pay the price, look also for regional labour costs to increase sharply, sooner rather than later - indeed, tapping Africa or other cheaper countries will be a temporary stopgap for the West. World class companies you say, world class companies depend on cheap labour and inexpensive manufacturing costs and until the West wants to/is able to deliver those things, ownership/invention/creation don't really matter.

    I think you raise a very good point Chiang Mai. To the extent there is a general appreciation of Asian surplus producing currencies, I think we will find less elasticity in demand than people expect because the major shift in the manufacturing base has largely occurred. The price effect will be a wealth effect that is the key to balance.

    But Chiang Mai has which we both agree on said companies will always look for the cheapest place for labour. (and relatively stable)

    Youve agreed, and as you believe Thailand may go 25 to the dollar you are also CONFIRMING that Thailand will no longer be even close to being the cheapest, yet you arent accepting that a strong bht will at some point affect Thailands economy.

    And as these companies arent Thai as Thailand has NO world class companies they have no allegiance to stay here what so ever, its just as easy to pack and ship the machinery in the factories here to India as it was when shipping it in from wherever it came.

  9. Abrak ChiangMai

    Please can you tell me at which point a strong baht will start affecting Thailands economy, as you seem to think it will do nothing but rise in the coming years.


    But please can you answer the following -

    Tell me how is the west going to pay the extra price of Thai goods with huge tax increases imminently occurring, mass unemployment and wages stagnating and already unaffordable housing that govts have done whatever necessary to keep inflated?

    Ive an old fashioned view on looking at economics, if youve got money you can buy if you havent you cant, and if youve borrowed as the western govts have then one way or another its got to be paid back and then as if by magic you havent got any money to buy.

  10. In Russia, the state usually has a hand in illegal arms sales and that's the issue that needs to be hushed up.

    Im sure youre right, but America creates gorilla armies and funds all their munitions to fight sovereign states, its something America has constantly done for years now.

    Its hypocrisy nothing else.

    PS it was American citizens that funded and armed the IRA and your govt who funded Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda etc etc...

    • Like 1
  11. In the recent months ive tried most the burgers recommended on here the best imho is the 70bht cheeseburger at the stall outside Nana, its good but not out of this world

    Followed to my surprise by a bacon cheeseburger with bbq sauce at burger king.

    Lots of the more expensive burgers at the fancy bars/restaurants were of dry beef with a strange taste to it (Thai beef maybe?)

    My preference for a burger are the tender to slighty greasy ones that you get in America, though Wendys knocks out a better burger then any ive had here.

    Was that the stall on the ground floor of NEP they just took down? Any no contest its The Dukes for a Hamburger.

    It was about 1 month ago i ate there its by the entrance on your right handside as you walk in .. sad to hear if its gone.

  12. Strong resistance at 25.

    That's actually funny, true nevertheless - USD/THB 25, GBP/THB 35, within ten years.

    But if the bht were to go to 25 v usd and 35 v gbp and similar to the euro, then thatll make most of Thailands exports around twice as expensive as they were a few years ago thus companies will go to Africa or to jungle people of the Amazon or wherever else is the next place cheap enough to make their goods.

    Or is Thailand all of a sudden going to be the hub of invention and intellectual property rights?

    The only way Thailand can stay competitive is too have a weak (ish) currency, or grow from within which they havent yet managed to do to a sustainable level ..... or at some point in the future things will go tits up here.

    The argument against the UK US does seem to forget about the world class companies both nations have aswell as the ability to create and invent, Thailand has NONE of these aspects!

    Expect regional exports to get more expensive and the West will pay the price, look also for regional labour costs to increase sharply, sooner rather than later - indeed, tapping Africa or other cheaper countries will be a temporary stopgap for the West. World class companies you say, world class companies depend on cheap labour and inexpensive manufacturing costs and until the West wants to/is able to deliver those things, ownership/invention/creation don't really matter.

    But tell me how is the west going to pay the price with huge tax increases on the imminent horizon, mass unemployment and wages stagnating and already unaffordable housing that govts have done whatever necessary to keep inflated?

    I agree that SOME companies need cheap labour to make themselves as profitable as theyve been, but at 25 to the dollar and having to ship goods to the other side of the world then Thailand is certainly not going to be cheap anymore.

    Your trying to say Thailands going to be pretty much unaffected by the upcoming credit crunch thats been delayed by politicians, i believe this is impossible.

  13. Strong resistance at 25.

    That's actually funny, true nevertheless - USD/THB 25, GBP/THB 35, within ten years.

    Yes, back to where it was previously.

    January 2, 1997 USD 25.30:bah:

    And we all know what happened after this date.

    I can see why you are saying it'll go to such levels but common sense says that if it is cheaper to make goods elsewhere in the world then thats what will happen, and at 25bht to the dollar 35 to gbp and say 30 v the euro then this is what will happen.

  14. Be glad that all your worries are only about the US$.

    What shall we exporters say who rely mostly on the EURO?

    Last year the € was about 50.-Baht, early this year as low as 38 and now about 40.-Baht. A loss of 20% within less than a year.

    Or think of the people living in Thailand but receive their pension from the EURO zone. Some retirees may even have visa problems because of the weak EURO.


    The Euro is holding up better then the USD GBP on its mid term averages, i was getting paid in Euros 3-4 yrs ago and it was 45 to the BHT then, when at the same time it was 70s for GBP.

    Though i think the Euros time is bad time is yet to come, as i for one and praying that in its current fascist form that it fails.

  15. Strong resistance at 25.

    That's actually funny, true nevertheless - USD/THB 25, GBP/THB 35, within ten years.

    But if the bht were to go to 25 v usd and 35 v gbp and similar to the euro, then thatll make most of Thailands exports around twice as expensive as they were a few years ago thus companies will go to Africa or to jungle people of the Amazon or wherever else is the next place cheap enough to make their goods.

    Or is Thailand all of a sudden going to be the hub of invention and intellectual property rights?

    The only way Thailand can stay competitive is too have a weak (ish) currency, or grow from within which they havent yet managed to do to a sustainable level ..... or at some point in the future things will go tits up here.

    The argument against the UK US does seem to forget about the world class companies both nations have aswell as the ability to create and invent, Thailand has NONE of these aspects!

  16. Why no just concrete the whole of the island and be done with it, they never know when to stop!

    Because foreign investment has dried up, otherwise im sure they would.

    This article sounds like the sort of story agents come out with when speaking to each other to try and come across as being astoundingly clever, and someone was daft enough to put it too print.

    A significant amount of property going on the market all at once and buyers few and far between! it certainly sounds like the makings of a property crash Salinee Prab is talking up there.

  17. In the recent months ive tried most the burgers recommended on here the best imho is the 70bht cheeseburger at the stall outside Nana, its good but not out of this world

    Followed to my surprise by a bacon cheeseburger with bbq sauce at burger king.

    Lots of the more expensive burgers at the fancy bars/restaurants were of dry beef with a strange taste to it (Thai beef maybe?)

    My preference for a burger are the tender to slighty greasy ones that you get in America, though Wendys knocks out a better burger then any ive had here.

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