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Posts posted by Mystory

  1. Once again the PTP and Yingluck give more ground and Suthep refuses to even sit down and talk.

    At the end of the day Suthep can sit down and talk about reform and if the PDRC don't get what they want they can go right back to protesting as is their right.

    Once again its painfully clear Suthep has no interest in peace or negeotiation merely stirring the pot until finally the army are forced to step in. Beyond that he has no real hope for victory or any other avenue for acheiving any of his stated goals.

    Even the Democrats are sitting down with other groups today for peace/reform talks and if they can get what they want Suthep will be hung out to dry or at the very least forced into a humiliating retreat after all his grandiose rhetoric.

    Seems quite simple to me. The man wants money and power, yes that simplistic. They are doing so much damage to Thailand both from a fiscal point of view and international credibility....

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    That is it, a decade away from having thier nose at the troff, read any newspaper outside of Thailand and they will show you why they hate Thaksin so much, because when he was in government all the kick backs they where getting Thaksin took for himself. Thaksin is just as bad.

    So when does it become about the Thai People???? Suthep Family and Shin Family must leave Thailand.

    If this was for the Thai people I'm sure he would fight it legally, not taking to the streets and demanding the Shin family leave Thailand before he will talk.

  2. Some of the comments on here about 'Corruption' being endemic, part of something called 'human nature', are just inane. While there might be SOME corruption everywhere, everything important is to be found in the details of who is involved, at what level/s, and exactly how much it impinges on everyday life. To try to lump all the countries in the world under the cliche that it is 'human nature' is plain dumb. Just one example (i'm too busy to list more) - in Thailand, a school-teacher who wants to move schools, might well be expected to slip a very large wad of cash to the civil-servant/education administrator who will process the application paperwork - anyone EVER heard of that happening in for example, the UK ? No. Now repeat that exercise for as many situations as you want - the DIFFERENCES between countries really matter !!!

    No in the UK, they are smarter, they get a free paid for holiday, no receipts, no access cash left around, just get on a plane and go.

    Corruption is everywhere, as someone else posted, it is the morals of society whether they accept it or not when they find out. Thailand seem to except it. As in the UK, they would make the person quit from government.

    TIT, when I moved here I accepted it. When in Thailand do as the Thai's do. Respect the culture.

  3. No surrender you can't negotiate withl a scorpion or snake

    Well done Suphet. Notice difference between red shirt thugs in 2010 and this protest. So fat totally peaceful no burnings no guns with protestors just a very large group of determined people who are totally sick and tired of Taksin and his lot just doing whatever they want.

    I never thought Suphet it stood a chance but whatever Taksin supporters here say just going by crowds he obviously has massive support. And before we get a barrage of BS about elected government democracy elections and rest it is obvious to anyone not blind that Taksin and his vile government are not wanted by a very large section of Thais of all walks of life.

    To hold an election on 2nd feb is pointless and will achieve nothing. It would not even result in a government even if Taksin got 100% of vote since os many wont vote and their cant be enough MPs anyway. Even if Taksin managed to disregard rules again and try ot form a parliament it simply would not be accepted by so many it oculd not function and Army will not intervene.

    So only way pout is for Yingluk to resign and a interim new caretaker government not linked to Taksin take over for a few months while reforms are put in place. Then have an election without Taksin (or it simply wont work) and most would accept a voted government even one most red shirts would want provided Taksin was not involved.

    The only other way out is an army coup or Taksin pays enough to start a real civil war which in his desperation he could well try however I dont think that will work and I cant see cowardly reds supporting in enough numbers and so hell have to rely on paid mercenaries.

    Before Taksin tries to turn Thailand into a sort of Syria he should but wont do decent thing for sake of Thailand. Being vile coward he is and fact all he cares for is his own then that is not going to happen.

    Nibbles is back again with another user name.

    Unless you are born an elite you will never understand them.

    The Born Elite do what they do because they can.

    The Unborn Elite or Poor do what they do because they have to.

  4. I notice it is "pro elections" not "pro democracy" which they are fighting for. Again it highlights that all the PTP and UDD want is to win an election so they can practice their undemocratic form of government again. You could say, Thaksin adheres to one principle of democracy which is "the principles of majority rule (excluding of course individual and minority rights)"

    Suthep on the other hand is fighting for power and civic responsibility being exercised by all citizens, directly or through their freely elected representatives.

    Principles and practices that protect human freedom; it is the institutionalization of freedom.

    Democracies that guard against all-powerful central governments and decentralize government to regional and local levels, understanding that local government must be as accessible and responsive to the people as possible.

    Understanding that one of their prime functions is to protect such basic human rights as freedom of speech and religion; the right to equal protection under law; and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in the political, economic, and cultural life of society.

    That democracies conduct regular free and fair elections open to all citizens. Elections in a democracy cannot be facades that dictators or a single family regime or party hide behind, but authentic competitions for the support of the people.

    Ensure the rule of law and ensures that all citizens receive equal protection under the law and that their rights are protected by the legal system. Ensure democracies are diverse, reflecting each nation's unique political, social, and cultural life.

    Democracies rest upon fundamental principles, not uniform practices.

    That citizens in a democracy not only have rights, they have the responsibility to participate in the political system that, in turn, protects their rights and freedoms.

    That democratic society is committed to the values of tolerance, cooperation, and compromise.

    Democracies recognize that reaching consensus requires compromise and that it may not always be attainable.

    In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.” (PTP/UDD are intolerant towards World bank, Moody's, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, the environmentalists, the corn farmer, the rubber farmers, academics, global economists and IMF so much so that Dr Weng of the UDD sent a statement to the UN stating "you are misinformed" and "you are completely incorrect" So in summary the UDD are right and the UN are wrong.)

    SO who do you support? The guys that like to hide behind elections so they can abuse every other democratic principle or the guys that don't win the elections but do stand behind every other democratic principle.

    In Thailand the being the majority is not a badge of success, but of failure.

    Time for some change me thinks!

    I think you stired up a hornest nest with this post.

    Answer this for democracy, Suthep's Reform is to remove the voting rights of the Uneductaed and Poor as they can be easily bought.

  5. About time someone or some group made a stand ...

    PTP is willing to lose (steal / vote buy) untold billions

    Hope the rice scam finally crashes and burns ...

    Hey Yingluck ... Now boarding flight ... destination Dubai

    Really, think of the farmers who have been waiting for months. They are not as rich as the elite and need this money. People should stop thinking about Yingluck and think about the People of Thailand first.

    Yes it has failed and yes it should not be aloud to continue. But they should pay up the money to the farmers.

  6. Propoganda plain and simple - shame Thailand's media can't be independent.

    Typical response.

    When the Nation publishes an article that you like, you praIse it.

    When it hits the nail on the head you deride it.

    Which part of it do you disagree with?

    Bitmaveric has not disagreed with the article, he stated that it is written in way of Propoganda, one sided, he has asked for the media to stay Neutral a fare comment as a lot of people believe what the media shows them. At the end of the day the media also decides the outcome for the people.

  7. That clown running rampid in Bangkok has been scaring a lot of investors off last couple months, but the market here has been going hog wild today. Hell, there's even been foreign money coming in the last 2 days. I wonder what people are thinking? That maybe democracy could prevail here?

    Nah, that's crazy talk.

    Yes I approached my Stock Broker and they told me she has it on good Authority from a street vendor, who sells Somtum.

  8. entering a red shirt strong hold and trying to stir up a hornets nest

    by "handing out leaflets"

    Seems some forum members share the red shirts' intolerance of anyone else.

    I have it official the yellow shirts where listening to classical opera, drinking water and singing Buddha songs, they where so innocent.

    The red shirts where listening to Rock Music, drinking whiskey and singing kill kill kill, sorry the news forgot to put this in there one sided article.

    Dont believe everything you read, this is as far fetched as the Yellow shirt protestor caught with the policemans gun. Just to make people angry.

  9. Best thing for the caretaker government is too lie low. Try to ensure there are as few confrontations as possible.

    Let the shutdown proceed and the wait for the people of Bangkok,who will be severely affected,to do the rest.

    So civil war then whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn width=19 alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609>

    By Civil War you mean Bangkok. This is not a civil war this is people replying to a thug. A Civil War is when a country divides and fights. Please read the above statement he never mentions civil war. Just BKK. By the government not stepping in, it is safe and incident free protests, not like 2010. This is what Suthep wants so the army will stage a coup. He knows if this last push doesnt work and the election goes ahead, he will be facing more charges against him then a corrupt MP giving out land in Phuket. Whoops same guy.

    In Thai history they move the capital quite often. I think it is time for another shift to Swampy Airport.

  10. This would be a very disturbing development if such action by the police was planned. And yet, it is also sadly consistent with the administration's actions up to this point. It seems that - whatever happens - will likely be a defining moment in the country's history. The choice of the administration is to whether it will be a violent one or a peaceful one.

    The way Suthep is talking Battle Ground, fight fist over fist. I think the writing is on the wall.

    He needs the Army to stage a coup, He needs it he is now out of options.

    To the Thai people stay home there are peaceful ways to resolve this.

  11. Well Bangkok, your savior has now revealed his plans to screw you all. Wonder how long his support will last then?

    And were you one of the red cheerleaders in 2010, supporting the red shirts, who did the same for 2 months, but also with armed 'security', lobbing grenades at the public ?

    Given your post, I assume that you must have utter disdain for Juttaporn, Nuttawat, Arisman, Seh Daeng, etc., and the man that financed their nasty display.

    I have utter disdain for any of those persons red ,yellow, little green men or whatever who are yet again crapping on the country we have chosen as our home.

    Currently Suthep is causing, and about to cause more grief than anybody has for many years and is top of my personal disdain list.

    How sad that you have come to this conclusion - when we all know that the destroyer of Thailand is a little wealthy sociopath living in what he calls 'exile' but is in fact living as an absconder from justice. At least Suthep has put his head on the chopping block and has given a voice to so many people who are sick of the ruling family trying to take total control of this country through their lies and manipulation. I see no benefit from these elites going to the poor - it's take, take , take and more is not enough. They have more scamming schemes on the go than you've had hot dinners. No wonder some powerful individuals have encouraged and perhaps financed Suthep to stand up front and make the voice for human rights and decency stand against the sociopath and his family. If you want to know just how far Thaksin and his bully boys will go .... just look at the circumstances surrounding the shot policeman. That's something that is already begnning to backfire. I understand their games and those games are played with evil intent.

    HA HA, what do you think would happen if YS resigns and gives Suthep Ultimate Power. Do you think the PTP will sit at home and say thankyou Suthep you are a nice guy.

    They will be coming to Bangkok the following month to over throw him. It will never end. The only way forward is to have an election.

    There is something fishy about this whole thing. YS calls a snap election at the first sign of a protest, so quickly, no one expected her to give in so easy, knowing that the Amnesty Bill only has 180 days before it expires. Suthep doesnt have the PDRC contend in the elections as if they hold seats in parliment they can stop the Amnesty Bill from going forward. Sounds more like a plan.

    Thaksin and Suthep are as corrupt as each other and probably good mates laughing at the Thai People expense, driving the Baht and SET to all time lows, Ready to jump in and buy some stocks, looking at passing the Amended Amnesty bill (Include Suthep in 2014 for his protest) if no one is in parliment to reject it. The protest is not about Thailand it is about them. They are laughing all the way to the bank with Somtum in hand.

    • Like 2
  12. Someone in PTP is lying. Prompong and Surapong are at odds with the facts. Same as Yingluck says one thing and Chalerm says another.

    I know, let's make a common enemy to take the heat off. Fictitious bombers are always good for that. Insurgents are even better.

    Someone??????? :cheesy:

    Does anyone in Pheu Thai ever tell the truth? cheesy.gif

    I heard they where all in one helicopter flying at night when this happened cheesy.gif

  13. This was reported by another means, and there was no mention of Cambodian Soldiers or anything like that, in fact I am sure it did not mention 100 rounds but one or two being fired.

    Sensationalism from the Nation again maybe!!!

    And what does " dock at the emergency landing" mean?

    "Dock at the emergency landing", Means they pulled there Ship into Dockside for an emergency birth. Maybe they got mixed up when writing the article between a helicopter and ship. :whistling:

    Article should clearly read Cambodian Soldiers fired on flying ship near border. :lol: :lol:

  14. You didn't mention the amount of the SWIFT-transfer. There might be a control for money laundry ?

    No, it's less than 10,000 USD. Also, I wired out more than that to the same destination before, without any problems.

    Depends on what time of day you did the transfer, my transfers dont usually pop up for 24 hours and usually get released after 8pm Thai time as when the rest of the world wakes up.

  15. Thaksin fled the country to avoid a two-year prison sentence

    When did he flee the country to avoid the sentence? Wasn't he out of the country when he was tried in absentia?

    Geez, you'd think the Wash. Post could get basic facts like these correct.

    He will return to Thailand the night before the Pardon is given, he wont be a fugitive on the run anymore and then can recieve the pardon. He will probably have breakfast in Jail before his release. :ph34r:

  16. What really can Yingluck do, I really feel sorry for people in government for the first time when I read the posts of people. How can an army fix a flood?? They are not GOD. Lets face it the worst is here, the tide is going to turn soon, lets learn from what has happened. Yingluck can now focus on how to prevent the next flood. Why shoot the messenger when you should be shooting the people before her in government. I am not a particular fan of Yingluck, but i'm sure she is doing everything she can for the flood. That is all we can ask. RIP the Thai people who have died in this period, and hopefully all the people suffering will see relief soon.:jap:

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