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Posts posted by moetownblues

  1. <br />
    <br /> Australian military never consider themselves as special as Americans do.  
    <br /><br /><br />How about the Aussie SAS? They are special forces and excellent soldiers who help out the rest of the civilized world on a regular basis. <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    The SAS are British. The SASR are Australian and are not considered special forces but Australian Army. Special Forces is American. Every Australian Soldier considers him/herself equal and not above each other. The SASR comprises of a few hundred Australian regular Army. Just a Regiment of the Army.

  2. <br /><font size="5"><b> Denmark’s intelligence service disrupts terror attack against Mohammad cartoon newspaper </b></font><br /><br />            2010-12-30 06:11:22 GMT+7 (ICT) <br /><br />             COPENHAGEN, DENMARK (BNO NEWS) -- Denmark’s Security and Intelligence Service (PET) on Wednesday disrupted a terrorist attack against a local newspaper that published a cartoon of the prophet Mohammad in 2005, which angered the Muslim community.<br /><br />According to Politiken newspaper, PET arrested five individuals suspected of preparing the attack against the Jyllands-Posten office building. Four people were detained in Denmark and another in Stockholm, Sweden.<br /><br />PET informed that the suspected terrorists were in the process of preparing an attack against a building located on the main town hall square Rådhuspladsen in Copenhagen. The building hosts the offices of both the Jyllands-Posten and Politiken newspapers.<br /><br />"Several of the suspects, who can be described as militant islamists with connections to international terrorist networks, were planning to attempt entry into JP/Politiken premises in Copenhagen and kill as many of those present as possible," informed PET.<br /><br />The arrests were made in the Herlev and Greve suburbs, south of Copenhagen. Three of the suspects arrived overnight in a vehicle rented at a gas station in Kitsa, near Stockholm. The operation had the collaboration of the Swedish Security Police SAPO.<br /><br />Police forces discovered an assault rifle, a silencer and several ammunition during a subsequent search after the arrests. Law enforcement agents also found plastic strips, the ones used by police officers to restrain suspects’ hands.<br /><br />"The arrests show the serious nature of the terrorist threat targeted at Denmark and particularly institutions and people connected to the cartoon issue," says PET Chief Jakob Scharff.<br /><br />Three of the suspects live in Sweden, a 44-year-old man from Tunisia, a 29-year-old Lebanese national, and a Swedish man of 30 years of age. One of them is a 26-year-old Iraqi asylum-seeker that currently resides in Denmark.<br /><br />SAPO arrested a fifth suspect in Stockholm who was identified as a 37-year-old Swedish man of Tunisian origin. PET announced that further arrests might be made as the investigation is ongoing but ensured that the attack was disrupted for the time being.<br /><br />"It is shocking for our employees and their families to once again see their place of work threatened," said JP/Politikens Managing Director Lars Munch. "We are gratified by the efforts of the Danish and Swedish security and intelligence agencies and we have great confidence in the police and intelligence service efforts to protect us."<br /><br />  tvn.png

    -- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-12-30   <br /><br /><br />

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    So one was an assylum seeker. This is why we don't want boat loads of them arriving in Australia. You just can't be to careful.

  3. The 15 year old daughter of a resident in our village drives her mother and younger brother around our city. I was more than stunned to see this happen. But she comes from a very wealthy family who thinks they can do anything and get away with it.

    I wonder whether the 16 yo girl in that sedan that caused this accident on the freeway had a driver's license. They should the parents for letting an under aged person to drive on the freeway.

    The same in our village I see young kids driving cars all the time to and from school and some children as young as 10 riding motor bikes. Traffic laws in Thailand don't really mean a lot.

  4. <br />
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    Children should not be brain-washed to hate. <br /><br />

    <br /><br />I agree children should not be taught to hate it is a pity that Israel can not take some of your advice.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />There is nothing even remotely close to this kind of hateful trash being broadcast in Israel. This is a Palestinian TV station.  <br /><br />

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    don't mess with the Zohan hey. great movie very funny

  5. Australia are all out for just 98

    Australia's lowest 1st innings score at MCG since 1st ever Test in 1877. 1st time since 1936 Eng have dismissed them in Aus for under 100

    A sad, sad day indeed and it is suppose to be xmas. Anyway chin up it's not over untill the fat lady sings, but I wish she would stopping warming up the throat so early.

  6. Does this answer your question?

    Nounrock spider (plural rock spiders)

    1. Australian prison slang for a pedophile/child molester. Rock spiders constitute the lowest rung of inmates in the prison system, and are looked down on (and often mistreated) by all other inmates.
    2. A term used to refer to a paedophile. In common usage within correctional facilities. Derived from the analogy that a paedophile, like a rock spider, is always getting into little cracks. Crass I know, but there it is.

  7. Makro, Yok, Kasam, BakerMart, maybe Rimping

    When I asked at Rimping ( Meechok) they had'nt a clue what it was and the girl behind the Butter is Better counter said she'd never heard of it and her husband is English.

    Nice to know it is available. Makes good pastry mixed with butter.

    I thought people stopped using it about 60 yrs ago when heart desease became a major problem.

  8. Nothing thats legal and could be talked about openly.:ph34r:

    See garyh's post above regarding the Jsat TV sponsor. :)

    Beware pay your money and take your chances. Here today and gone tomorrow.:whistling:

    Yes just like the Dynasat scam I fell for, 26,000 baht had shows for 2 weeks then "Poof" all gone. now just have a useless reciever and satelite dish.

  9. Elephants need to eat too. So what is wrong if people, or animal work for food. I suppose you do that too.

    The problem with this situation is that if a farang tourist buys food from the handler and feeds the elephant they can be fined 10,000 baht by the BIB. Then on the other hand if they refuse to buy from and feed the elephant then they may be assaulted by the handler and his mates as part of a scam. Farang tourists are damned if they do and damned if they don't. The best thing is if you see an elephant and the handler on the city streets stay well clear and you keep your holiday funds and your physical health intact.

  10. We're off!!


    Being an Aussie I am ready for my shafting so pls give it to me now so I can come back with a fresh outlook after the lunch break. I must admit the pommie bastards are bowling extreemly well. 4/58 OMG.

    P.S. If an Aussie calls you a Pommie Bastard it is a term of endearment and NOT derogatory.

  11. Just makes you wonder how many of these rock spiders are crawling around the gutters of Pattaya. How many is this now in the last month? Well into double figures. As a parent who loves his kids very much I personally would not take my children within 100 kms of Pattaya. They place frightens the hell out me hearing all the horrible stories comming out of the place everyday. (murders, serious assaults and pedophilles to name just a few)

  12. Art Cafe offers a basic turkey dinner for about 350. I'm pretty sure that that is the same price as Thanksgiving.

    So Americans have a big pigout feast on turkey for thanksgiving then 3 weeks later pigout again on Turkey for xmas is that right? Um I guess that is the reason why turkey's are expensive and in short supply the yanks ate them all a couple of weeks ago.;) I don't really care as turkey is a very strong smelling and tasting meat not really my thing we let the Americans keep that disgusting stuff.. The traditional roast pork and ham for xmas dinner with the prawns and other seafood is the way to go..

    " I don't really care as turkey is a very strong smelling and tasting meat not really my thing we let the Americans keep that disgusting stuff"

    Who is 'we', and by what imagined power are you 'letting' "Americans keep that disgusting stuff"?

    What I mean is turkey is more of a traditional American meal. Not big on the Australian menu, I also mean that I find the taste of turkey very strong and gamie and what I mean by not my thing is that I find it a disgusting taste. Everyone unto thier own and not ragging on Americans for eating it. I love Kangaroo steaks and find them much better than a beef steak but Americans may find this disgusting. If I offended any Americans because I do not like the taste of Turkey then I am very sorry and you have my humble appology

  13. Art Cafe offers a basic turkey dinner for about 350. I'm pretty sure that that is the same price as Thanksgiving.

    So Americans have a big pigout feast on turkey for thanksgiving then 3 weeks later pigout again on Turkey for xmas is that right? Um I guess that is the reason why turkey's are expensive and in short supply the yanks ate them all a couple of weeks ago.;) I don't really care as turkey is a very strong smelling and tasting meat not really my thing we let the Americans keep that disgusting stuff.. The traditional roast pork and ham for xmas dinner with the prawns and other seafood is the way to go..

  14. "They also work as guides and taxi drivers. More than that, they give wrong information to Russian tourists. They tell them not to use Thai tuk-tuks or taxis, or any service provided by Thai people," he said.

    Well it would appear that they are giving correct advice.

    Wonder how many Thai tour operators/guides can actually speak Russian fluently enough to be of use anyway.

    The Russians are probably sending them to the wrong tailors, gold merchants, bars and jet ski operators. You can only be taken to these places by an honest well respected thai Tuk Tuk driver.

  15. So why is it they are always found in Thailand? and why is it that it is a known place to run to? Feed him to the sharks!

    Maybe it is an easy place to hide out and there is many people willing to supply the product for thier lust for a couple of hundred baht. Wth the amount of these people being rounded up in the last few weeks there must be hundreds if not thousands of them in the country.

  16. Cricket one of the greatest games on earth and the Ashes series is the pinacle of the game and the greatest match in the series is the Boxing Day match at the MCG. Bring it on poms and the Barmy Army.:lol::D

    The only person who could destroy our joy is Ulysses G and thank god he is not a Guru on cricket.

    Yes indeed, this is really where it starts to heat up and I'm so thankful that at least one place is able to show this spectacle on the big screen........I can safely say the UN Irish Pub is the only real sports bar in Chiang Mai. thumbsup.gif

    Although the next Ashes Test starts at 0630 Thai time, I have been informed that the UN Irish Pub will be opening on Boxing Day at 7:30am. sleepy.gif

    You can get live coverage on the net if you don't want to wait for the pub to open

  17. <br />
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    <br />What a nice double standard some of you boys have going on here. The collective view is that It's the women's fault, they seduced him, they were evil whores etc..
    <br /><br />Re read what you said in post #165.  Bit of a pot and kettle attitude you have.<br />
    <br /><br />Not at all. Are you getting desperate to excuse Mr. Assange's behaviour?<br /><br />The man has multiple sexual partners. That is called promiscuous behavior. I am not passing a moral judgement. It's a fact. He is selfish because he repeatedly refused the HIV test despite the women's request. They asked that he take the test because he did not use a condom and they realized that he was a promiscous male and was therefore more likely to be an HIV carrier. Males that remain with  one partner are less likely to  transmit HIV. That's a fact, not a moral judgement. There is indeed a double standard at work. There is one that say's its ok for a guy to screw around. If a woman does it she's a whore. The difference between the  man and the women in this case, is that the women are acting responsibly by seeking to determine if they are now carriers and would put their future sex partners at risk. Mr. Assange  apparently doesn't care about anyone else, just his need for sexual satisfaction,<br />The Swedish case is going to  expose alot of hypocrites.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    What are you on about? Are you advocating that every man who has sex should then go out and have a HIV tests. That will surely clog up the health systems around the world with billions of men lining up everyday for a test or you asking that one single human being in assange take one? If I demanded that you take one after everytime you dipped your wick you would probably tell me to go F$#% myself as it is against your civil liberties and privacy. Why should Assange take one just because he dipped his wick does he not have the same rights as you to refuse.

    Guess the asprin excuse is dead so when the cheese and kisses wants me to go diving I have to say the can't slam the donger because I hate the thought of the prickles.

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