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Status Updates posted by startrading

  1. I'm using Twit Cleaner to clean up my twitter. You should try it out here: http://thetwitcleaner.com

  2. I'am on Skype too - siamtrading2004

  3. Good morning, ...a new Day, ...a new week, ...a new month, ...

  4. Sorry we not accept any "NEW" Friends the are not can Write in a Common Language !Every-time we clean-up our profile and delete friends we not can understand !

  5. I delete some wall-pictures !Some people go politic discussions on me wall.The forget I live in a censure country.Very stupid !

  6. WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!fuc_kING ARSHOLE named "Top Lucky" put a lot of "Spam" on your pages.Check your Pages !

  7. Stock-Up and Export-Up // We must believe everything !

  8. Everton - Liverpool 2-0What is going on with Liverpool

  9. All is a big Dream, nothing is true.

  10. When you suggest friends you become a conform email.But the suggested friend become nothing, ant d'not know where the new one's come from !

  11. We are ready to move to Cambodia, with all our Business's

    1. axact


      So what ? And this is relevant to.......

  12. Boring - Mai Pen Rai

  13. Money Manipulation is Legal Stealing !

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