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Posts posted by Cholorado

  1. No money to take care of them. Better they starve in the 'safety' of an unfunded shelter (over 70% of those intercepted died of starvation) than provide protein to poor people, money or plastic buckets to those who don't want to take care of them, and deprive traders of a livelihood supplying a market. Is starvation a more merciful death than a quick death at the hands of a skilled butcher?

    Quick death? So a little info for you in those restaurants that serve a menu of dog's, the diner gets to go into the back and pick the dog they want (much like we pick lobsters or crabs in a live aquarium of a seafood restaurant) In some cases the dogs are hung up and roasted alive with a flame torch because of the belief that the adrenaline that surges through the body as they are scorched alive gives the meat a tastier effect. As for smaller dogs and puppies they are sometimes thrown into a pot of boiling water ....alive. So is it better to die of starvation? I don't know buddy that's debatable.

  2. Please tell me this is an APRIL'S FOOLS joke as this is really a scary prospect. I cant imagine how many
    people are going to die during this "transition" but it's going to get uglier than it already is. A lot uglier. And I think that it's pretty low that they even mention that another reason they're doing this is because of drunk tourists that travel here. What a slap in the face to have them mention that when not even a month ago 2 brits died just walking on a sidewalk.

  3. Oh, the hitler thread again. Whoopee. All we need now is a thread full of raging farang complaining about being called farang and our day will be complete.

    Yesterday a couple of Thai kids laughed as I went past them and when I asked them why they laughed they replied because you are farang that looks like Hitler. House is on the market, car on the market and I'm leaving and going back to UK.sucks...but do you look like hitler?

    sucks but do you look like hitler?

  4. My breakfast was poisoned on Koh Pan Gan Island the morning the "hosts" knew I was leaving. They were enraged that I had reported that my belongings had been stolen from my bungalow to the police because they said they would have to pay the police a fee. They told me that someone would have to die for my goods being stolen - I thought they were talking about the thief. Poisoning is widely under-reported. Would not be good for tourism. Did they ever find out the cause of the 5 or 6 "mysterious" farang deaths in the same hotel in Chiang Mai? To avoid being poisoned it is always a good idea to not eat specially prepared meals or food. Just pick from the trays of communal food or canned drink. Sadly there is not much respect for human life and poisoning is a lot more common than one would imagine. Why, I don't know?

    the chiang mai deaths were because the cleaning ladies were using too much pesticide for killing bed bugs...

  5. The locals in Phuket drive like maniacs, I live here and I can honestly say I have never seen such bad, aggressive driving anywhere in the world compared to this place. This said I feel deeply for the poor girl and her family who are left to pick up their lives with such an empty void.. This person who was driving this killing machine which is what a 10 ton 20 wheel lump of steel is needs to be hunted down fast.

    Why do the thai police let these stupid fools drive like crazy on this island? Why don't they enforce the law (if there is any law left).. I see everyday stupidity of people on motorbikes as well as cars, they don't have any consideration for other road users period..

    Common sense, consideration and respect for others have not yet developed in the Thai gene pool. Sad fact.

    i think thats a stupid thing to say, they have an amazing amount of patience, common sense and consideration in ways westerners couldn't conceive unfortunately thats more often not the case ... Even on the BTS I ve had people completely cut right in front of me while waiting on line but I checked him real quick... Regardless the buses, minivans and some bikers are maniacs I have a bike and hope i dont ever end up like poor old girl there...RIP

  6. I was in Chumphon a few months ago and heard about another american that stabbed this expat over a dispute about the king.... we'll actually the american was talking really bad about the king and some brit expat punches him in the face. The american comes back and stabs this guy up (he did not die from the stab wounds), and is release after a few weeks. I just want to remind everybody from the states that every time an american does something in this country or any other country it will be scrutinized and added to the already infamous rep we have as a nation. We are already disliked by the majority of euro's I dont want to start being disliked by thais. May god's hand act swiftly and justly upon the murderer of this innocent lady.

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