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Posts posted by tonywebster

  1. i wonder who planted it, the government to justify the continued emergency decree, the reds or the yellows, or southern insurgents (terrorists). My money is on the fist one.

    OH ya lets blame it all on the Reds, my guess it was the government boys themselves to keep making them looking good, and to have them win the election in BKK, which they did.

    Read my post properly then engage brain, the government is clearly my first option.

  2. I wonder if anyone inside bothered jumping just prior to the elevator impacted with the ground? Thats what I would of done. :yohan:

    Might be a bit difficult to know when to jump. The floor indicator wouldn't be accurate enough and there was a power failure anyway. Also you would only be jumping up in relation to the lift cage which was descending and when you start falling again the lift could be rebounding from the buffers at the bottom. Still thinking all this through while falling 10 floors will take your mind off things i suppose.

    Well if you carefully measured the height at which you entered the lift and before doing so you obtained information as to what speed the lift normally travels at, then deducted this distance already travelled when freefalling commenced, then it would only be a simple calculation to accerately determine at exactly what moment you should launch yourself from the lift floor.

    Such an easy calculation would probable even allow you a bit of time to release some girly screams. Of course I didnt allow for the rebound off the bump stops at the bottom :o .

    Seriously this is a fear of mine & I can't help but think about it every time I get into a dam_n lift, its a terrifying business.

    it was covered on tv, mythbusters i think, and also QI, jumping before impact will not save you as you rightly state there are springs at the bottom which will bounce the lift back, also the lift will hit around 100 mph and the jump will only take a few mph off the speed. The solution is too lay down on a fat person to cushion your fall, so get a fat mate and take him everywhere with you. ( I am available, but not cheap).

    Normally though there are many cables and a braking system to slow then stop the elevator,

  3. You could have said, ____________ Underage Boy Bar Raided and everyone would fill in Pattaya. What a shame this city can't get it's act together.

    It's no secret, both the boy bars and the girl bars are full of underage workers. 15, 16, 17 years old, they are everywhere. Cops know it, owners know it, many of the customers know it. Only when someone forgets their tea money do they get raided.

    They need to once and for all clean up the kid stuff. There is just no reason to allow it.

    Let's face it. There is a big cultural difference. Thais in general are much less bent out of shape over the underage trade (especially when a little bit under like 17); reports are the vast majority of this activity nationally is Thai/Thai. They know that foreign standards are different and they need to make a show about enforcement when foreigners are involved. Though, ultimately they clearly aren't serious enough to actually wipe this out.

    There is also an understandable xenophobia in this phenom -- it really is very outrageous for foreigners to come to any country to prey on children for sex (though like I implied, I don't really believe most Thais think a 17 year old is a child).

    Are you trying to condone the crime based on nationality?

  4. I think it's a pretty clear case of 'police entrapment'.

    To me, it seems wrong for individuals to pay officials so that the individuals can break the law...and then the law arrests individuals.

    Clearly, this contradiction brings the law into disrepute & therefore cannot be trusted by the public to act honourably.

    In other words, with all the 'pay offs' that happen (publicly) in Thailand, how can anyone trust law enforcement officials to do a proper job?

    why is it entrapment? if they were not offering underage boys for sex there could be no attempt at entrapment, the fact is they had underage boys there to fulfil the needs of some pervert, the same goes for bars that offer under age girls for some pervert. The place deserves to be shut down.

  5. luckily I had a good sleep last night as I fear I will never sleep again at the worry about being put on ignore :rolleyes:

    so in you post you say it my right to be disgusted then criticise me for being disgusted, what a strange thing you are, as others have also pointed out your behaviour in this thread is uncalled for, like I say drama queenish to the extreme.

    Now I suggest you read my post again, this time when you have stopped flouncing round your room having a hissy fit, and understand my post, Irs not a troll (the usual response from a poster that can't answer reasonable questions when he knows they will make him look a hypocrite; and the usual allegation of flaming where none exists, and you wonder why people take the piss?

    At no point do I compare homosexuality with paedophilia, this thread is about both as it is about underage male prostitutes in a gay bar, so the thread in itself is about both, I use it as an example that you too can be disgusted about sexual things and asked you a question about being disgusted about under age sex, a question you have still not answered and I point out that some posters could read into this, its your choice to not answer and I am disgusted by your refusal to condemn underage sex.

    Anyway you are not reading my posts so I am not expecting an answer, amazing how when someone has valid points to make you choose to put them on ignore rather than deal with the issue, bury your head in the sand and hope the nasty man goes away, how dare he be against what I do :whistling:

    I have the feeling you are as yellow as the shirt you wear

  6. I have a car now so I tend to stay out of the town centre, but prior to that I would stay at the Fresh Inn, directly opposite the Hilton and right in the middle of town near all the bars and restaurants, walking distance to night market etc. For good seafood et that Chao Talay restaurant on one of the piers, the best along that stretch and again close to Fresh Inn.

    As for getting to samui, the train stops at Hua Hin and the buses heading south will also stop at Hua Hin. From there I would get bus to Chumporn (?) and get the high speed ferry from there.

  7. jayjay, seek and ye shall find, the figures are widely published, you will see a massive difference between the numbers of unarmed protesters murdered/injured and the the very low numbers of heavily armed military murdered/injured, but I guess your thinking is that these peothe tired ple protesting for democracy got all the deserved, and how sad that you choose to dance on the graves of these people by using old argument that people lost jobs, let me reiterate 'PEOPLE LOST LIVES' yet you are bemoaning people losing jobs.

    Well I can tell you that my business suffered greatly, and is still losing income and will until centralworld reopens, however I see the issue for what it is, thai people wanting democracy returned and to get away from the dictatorship the current unelected government have turned the country into, in their desire to hold onto the power the did not win and do not deserve.

    What did I do? well I sucked it up and made sure none of my staff lost their jobs.

    sell you tat elsewhere my friend, because I am not buying it, just like I don't buy the tat that your friend abhisit is trying to sell. I can't wait for the day that his world caves in on him and the proof is laid bare for all to see.

    Talk is cheap I notice you don't post any figures because you can't there are no figures for the number of people murdered. As you are not familiar with the way Thai's elect there PMs I will tell you they are elected by the ministers not by the population. The same way Thaksin was elected. Also I would like you to name me one country that is Democratic If the States were Gore would have been President.

    Nice that you are turning so much profit that you don't have to let any one go. How about the poor guy selling noodles who had no rich sponser to carry him. You say " using old argument that people lost jobs, let me reiterate 'PEOPLE LOST LIVES' " never have I said people did not lose there lives and what kind of justification is that for ignoring The plight of those who didn't lose there lives just there means of making a living. You red shirts are all alike Accept no responsibility claim democracy while you practice anarchism.

    And not that is any of your business but I am not a big fan of Abhisit. B unfortunately he is the best Thailand has to offer at this point in time. I actually sympathized with you people until you made it obvious you just wanted to cause trouble. When you invaded the hospital that was the last straw for me. There is no justification for that. Pure and simple children minds [ I want my way and I don't care about any thing or any body else ] in a adult body.

    so being pro democracy automatically makes me a red shirt? nice yellow view you have there. So by your thinking being a yellow shirt must be pro dictatorship, or pro democrat party makes you pro dictatorship.

    You comments about people losing jobs does indeed reek of ignoring the deaths, just like the stupid comments written on the wall outside centralworld along the lines of 'come back soon centralworld, we miss you' totally missing the fact that many unarmed protesters were murdered by the government/army, the shopping mall is more important to some than the fact that thai people trying to make the country a democracy again were murdered in cold blood, also in a temple.

    The figures are published, as I say seek and you will find them or are you afraid that they will show how one sided it was and show the government rhetoric that the army were defending themselves will be blown out of the water? I am sure those poor medics and reporters were such a threat that the army just had to murder them, right?

    Like I said sell it elsewhere

    edit to comment on your snipe about making profit, we are not making profit, I am juggling to make sure I don't lay anyone off, thats what people do, they don't whine and moan, they see the protests for what they actually were rather than what the dictators want you to believe, they knuckle down, they help their staff, they don't panick, they replace the lost custom as best they can, they work harder, you however just seem to sit at your computer throwing false accusation and being all 'woe is me'. pathetic in all honesty, the figures are there for you but you can't even be bothered to find, you would rather hope your ambiguity convinces someone else of the same low level intellectual standing.

  8. jayjay, seek and ye shall find, the figures are widely published, you will see a massive difference between the numbers of unarmed protesters murdered/injured and the the very low numbers of heavily armed military murdered/injured, but I guess your thinking is that these people protesting for democracy got all the deserved, and how sad that you choose to dance on the graves of these people by using the tired old argument that people lost jobs, let me reiterate 'PEOPLE LOST LIVES' yet you are bemoaning people losing jobs.

    Well I can tell you that my business suffered greatly, and is still losing income and will until centralworld reopens, however I see the issue for what it is, thai people wanting democracy returned and to get away from the dictatorship the current unelected government have turned the country into, in their desire to hold onto the power the did not win and do not deserve.

    What did I do? well I sucked it up and made sure none of my staff lost their jobs.

    sell you tat elsewhere my friend, because I am not buying it, just like I don't buy the tat that your friend abhisit is trying to sell. I can't wait for the day that his world caves in on him and the proof is laid bare for all to see.

  9. Mazeltov>> You come with accusations that the government shot innocent unarmed people. How about YOU post the evidence for that?

    I did already wrote long entries to support my claim that the killed were unarmed and innocent civilians, killed by terrorists. Have i now to repeat me again?

    I asked you many times to bring some evidence that the dead civilians were armed, but you never came up with a proof nor anyone else. nor i read somewhere in the newspaper that all or most of the killed were armed. If you have links to such articles - post them.

    Yes you have rambled on and on and on. But you have yet to show any proof that a soldier was taking aim at a unarmed red shirt. You display the typical red shirt mentality. Take no credit for your part accuse every one else show no proof of your allegations. I am sorry but a picture of a soldier aiming a gun into a area where there is armed red shirts is not proof of killing innocent citizens. If they were innocent what where they doing there. All the innocent people where at home and sad to say thousands of them should have been there earning there living. But you red shirts having no concience just ignored that. As long as Thaksins money continued to flow into your pockets that was OK.

    How many soldiers died and how many protesters/reporters died or were injured by gunfire?

    work it out for yourself who was doing all the shooting, it's not rocket science is it?

  10. I was in Koh Chang recently, stayed for one week, came back to Bangkok on Tuesday. I never saw any dolphins but I did see plenty of jellyfish, I even got stung from one and plenty of dead jellyfish on the beach (I stayed at Panviman).

    Actually slightly off topic but I can see you live at Koh Chang, while standing on the beach at Panviman I could always here a distant sound at sea, sounded like a diesel engine but there was never any boats out there, any idea what this is?

  11. BANGKOK: -- An independent reporter on Thursday filed a lawsuit against Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and other 12 persons for attempted murder and mayhem in the army's security operation to retake the anti-government Red Shirt rally site at Khok Wua intersection on April 10.
    The suit claimed the reporter was injured in May 2010, when the army under the order of the Premier sealed off Ratchaprasong Intersection, the main protest site of the UDD in May 2010.

    Isnt there something wrong here?

    He is filing suit for what happened in April then says he was injured in May?

    As the 2 dates were taken from different sources, it's likely this is a case of poor reporting.

    But if this has nothing to do with Mr TS, why is he using that lawyer?

    why shouldn't he use that lawyer? it makes common sense to use a lawyer that is already aware of the situation, too many people reading into the 'lawyer' situation and missing the bigger picture, the criminal court have accepted the case against 13 people for the injury and slaughter of unarmed protesters, the cases just seem to be piling up against the 'clean' abhisit, lets hope there are more to come and his downfall is swift and painful,

  12. This isn't a Thai thing at all. So why bother with labeling them this way? Check out any major city in the world that was overbuilt. Same problem in the row-house areas of any town in the U.S. Fights, damage to cars, shootings, etc. over parking spaces.

    Trash everywhere? Have you been to some other other cities in this world? Have you seen the airport in Paris? Most of Thailand is fairly clean compared to lots of "progressive' cities. Have you seen any central American cities? Have you seen the "other "side of Dubai? Kuwait City? Ever been to India? Baghdad? South side of Chicago?

    I have to agree with some others on here. This looks like a personal grievance of one individual concerning a personal parking space. Shame on that person for painting all with the broad, dark brush of generalization and stereotype. Get out and see the world before you condemn these people.

    here we go again, does the article state that this trait is only connected to Thais? no it doesn't so why try and assume that it does, it mentions thais because the writer is thai, in thailand, in a thai newspaper.

  13. he needs to sort himself out and answer the offences he has committed before he tries to reform anything, in fact maybe he should win an election before he tries to reform anything.

  14. dave, I can say 100% that the first we knew about repossession was a notice pinned to the gate, followed by a letter from a law company the next day, and the notice stated that the property would be in auction two weeks after. Things here do not always follow a set pattern, at no time was my missus called to court, if she was we would have dealt with it at that point.

    Of course there is one other possibility to explain your experience or repossession being 'different' to all of ours.

    If I may correct the wording of your statement to read

    "dave, I can say 100% that the first I knew about repossession was a notice pinned to the gate"

    then we have a version of reality that all the posters at TV would probably agree with.

    The ability of the Thai lady to hide things her teerak might not like to know is very well-developed.

    After all, you have already suggested that she omitted to tell you about the second loan on the house, what else may she have 'forgotten' (which makes me wonder, did you in fact know of either loan against the house before the end game? did you hand over your cash to fix the situation? and worst of all did your gf successfully scam you?)

    This appears to be true of Thai ladies of both the good and the bad type.

    there was one loan on the house that was to be paid back into two accounts, she misread the situation and had been paying one, the amount she was paying into one was indeed enough to cover the two accounts but as one account had not been paid into at all they went down the route of repossession.

    As for my wife scamming me you could not be further from the truth, I never paid a penny towards the 270,000 and left her to deal with it, which resulted in her selling jewellery and her car, we live together for 5 years, have no secrets and she has NEVER asked me for anything. She has a good enough job, never met her in a bar (as no doubt your narrow mind is thinking) and my attitude was that she messed up so she can solve it. Her version of it is correct about the two accounts as I checked when i visited the GHB with her and spoke with the staff there, and the payment into the one account was checked and the amount was indeed enough to cover the 2 payments.

    Please don't assume that all farangs here are idiots that get milked, there are some decent women here that ask for nothing except love and that is what she gets, if however she had asked me (or if it got to the point where she would lose the house) then I would have paid, but as I said to her she should try and solve this herself first, and she managed to do that.

    Take your small mind and stick it where the sun don't shine, idiots like you with stupid accusations are one of the reasons this forum has gone downhill.

  15. Seems weird that you'd need to put a house up as collateral on a car loan.

    When we bought our car we put about 15% down, and on the loan my wife just signed the documents etc.. she did not have to show any kind of property deeds or put property up against the loan.

    So i don't see why they required not only to have a co-signer on the loan, but the co-signer even had to pledge their property against the loan?

    And as others have pointed out if this is the stage where assets are being repossessed it means this has been in the pipeline for a LONG time. It's not like these things just fall in your lap out of the blue, there would have been notices, then final notices, then final final notices etc... Then court dates, then more notices, then maybe a "real" final notice that you described...

    dave, I can say 100% that the first we knew about repossession was a notice pinned to the gate, followed by a letter from a law company the next day, and the notice stated that the property would be in auction two weeks after. Things here do not always follow a set pattern, at no time was my missus called to court, if she was we would have dealt with it at that point.

    I think the thing to do is expect the unexpected, don't expect to be called to court as in our case it was all done in our absence and without our knowledge, actually thinking back the the first we knew was when i saw someone outside looking at the house, i went out and they showed me paperwork, I called the missus, she called the bank and only then the bank came and put the notice on the gate.

  16. ok, first of all a lot of what is written above is bullshit.

    recently we had this issue, my gf had loans out against the house, she was paying one but not the other. Same situation, notice on the front gate, pay 270,000 by a certain date (around two weeks), this was Government Housing Bank, I went with her to the bank and spoke with a helpful woman, the house was due to go into the auction two weeks later, so she had 2 weeks to get the money, she also said we could turn up at the auction and protest it however we could only do this once, this would then give around a further 2 weeks before the next auction.

    So we went to the first auction, the house goes through the auction, you then protest the sale and they have to accept the protest. We then paid the outstanding before the second auction.

    Forget about courts and lawyers, the court has already ordered the sale and you will be wasting your money. Pay the money, or attend the first auction and this will buy you more time. Trust me on this, I am talking from recent experience, as in last month.

  17. Thank you for the post, March...

    But... HUH????? That's a new one on me. I've never heard the criminal justice legal system here works in that fashion....

    Dvornikov said Pletnev, 53, was released on bail of an unspecified sum and was not asked to surrender his passport. Thai law requires suspects to post bail even if no charges have been filed, RIA-Novosti reported.

    It's similar in the UK. If the police arrest you because they suspect that you've committed a crime but they don't have enough evidence to charge you, can make you come back to the police station at a later date. In the meantime they will try to find more evidence against you or clear your name. Not sure if it is called bail, but it amounts to the same thing. Nothing unusual at all.Sometimes it takes time to invetigate a crime. You have to have enough evidence before you charge the person. Seems normal to me.

    there are diffeernt types of bail, the one you are reffering to is known as 'police bail' and this when there is not enough evidence yet to charge, the police can bail you to a certain date while they collate more evidence. This does not go through the courts as no charges have been laid however if you fail to surrender you will be arrested.

  18. The regular force called in the volunteer force to take down the Baht bus driver.

    Someone explain please.

    Did you read the report?

    It clearly says the volunteers assisted, as in assisted the regular police, and anyone with a police background will tell you that the more officers involved when dealing with a violent person the less chance there is for injury to that person or the officers dealing with it.

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