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Posts posted by boris52

  1. You are trying to apply a really simple answer to a very complicated problem

    Its often the case in life that complex problems require the application of a very simple solution. Take the Buddhas teachings for example. Its all about taking the higher road.

    Britmaveric is correct, it is a simple answer and a probably the most effective answer. Time to cash in on that goodwill for the sake of the nation.

  2. Abhisits leadership can be compared to a drunken teenager behind the wheel at 3am in the morning.

    Inexperienced, unstable, out of control, and doesn't give a hoot about the safety of his passengers or the impending train wreck he is about to drive the people of Thailand into.

    Sounds much more 'Thaksonian'* to me.

    ...unstable, out of control,

    and doesn't give a hoot about the safety of... the people of Thailand...

    *Thaksonian : pertaining to things of Thaksin and his history

    Abhisit is the one in the driver seat mate !

  3. The very concept of using a dating site for Thailand is mind boggling. One can only assume that the OP has not met enough Thais to be able to understand who would and who would not use such a site.

    There is all kinds of different women on those sites so <deleted> are you talking about ?

    What am I talking about? Reality :)

    arnt you the guy who cant sleep at night because you think Thaksin is going to sneak into your house and burn it down , then he will take over the world ? LOL

  4. Abhisit and his government are sooooooooooooo STUPID.

    There are millions and millions of Thais all throughout thailand who are disgusted with the govnerment for what they svery unjust treatment to Mr Thaksin.

    They see it as being very unfair and mean spirited, and it is not something they will forgive easily if at all.

    This STUPID government is going on a one way path in the complete opposite direction to reconciliation.

    They should be building bridges and negotiating.

    In the bigger scheme of things, this government is basically shooting Thailand in the foot, setting up the country for years of instability. Abhisit for all his oxford degrees really is a moron.

  5. Nothing like a nice civil war to pave the way for democracy - half the population on one side and half on the other. Is that what you mean? In what way is that a solution to Thailand's woes?
    Glad to see someone is taking a principled stand and standing up to the Military that are bullying the democracy of Thailand and its people.

    But id hate to see this as another excuse for the military to prove what a bunch of mass murderous power thirsty scoundrels they.

    So you have no problem if the army slaughters thousands of innocent civilians like they have done countless times in the past. :)

    Do you think the people have no right to defend themselves against this evil ?

  6. They key issue is that Democrats alone don't have the majority. They need the small parties to form a majority government. Now, the people that voted for the small parties thought they were voting for allies of Thaksin, because before they jumped ship and joined the Democrats, the smaller parties were allies of Thaksin. So really, the Thai people were deceived, because they thought that by voting for their small parties, in the end they were voting for the Thaksin government.

    Watch the next election (if there ever is one again in Thailand) and then come back to this post. Any pro-Thaksin party (Puea Thai or other) will win by a landslide, while Democrats will get a small percentage and the small parties will be nearly wiped off the map because of their betrayal of their voters.

    Exactly. Thats a huge reason why the smaller coalition parties are reluctant to hold elections soon as they know they will lose support.

    Thaksin will pour money into election advertising to secure electoral victory again.

  7. If you are TRUELY serious about national reconciliation, you would have to be a total idiot NOT to make a deal with him.

    Essentially, I believe the excrement bags was a message of frustration and disgust, and who wouldn't be frustrated and disgusted at this useless, idiotic government.

    I see. You tolerate the sheit bags. It figures.

    Luckily for Abhisit, he can hose the stuff off his driveway the next morning. I wish it were that easy to hose away Abhisit and his rat infested government but for now we have to tolerate it lest the army roll out the tanks again.

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