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Posts posted by boris52

  1. Until they dump Thaksin completely and permanently, there is nothing to negotiate as that is a man you cannot even begin to have good faith negotiations with. That would be as silly as Chamberlain "negotiating" with Hitler.

    This is a good example of the type of inflexible, stubborn, melodramatic attitude that will split this country apart. :)

    Thaksin and his supporters aint going anywhere.

    What we need is negotiation and real reconciliation if this country will have any hope and peace in the medium/long term.

  2. I'm deadly serious when I say the current government is incapable of negotiation.

    There are PLENTY of actions for Abhisit to take that would speak far louder than his empty words of reconciliation, and yet the division has only widened under his government.

    Then again, Abhisit doesn't have much bargaining chips himself. He is under incredible pressure from the military (who are more accustomed to the brute force approach rather than diplomatic negotiation) and other groups who are, in all honesty, more concerned with preserving their power than seeing any real steps towards negotiation and reconciliation.


    Bagged waste dumped at PM's house may be linked to Red Shirts: Deputy PM

    Funny how the deputy PM makes this allegation without any proof whatsoever.

    This government has shown once again why they are INCAPABLE of fulfilling their most important task of real national reconciliation.

    Perhaps the DeputyPM will be the next to fall victim to the excrement wielding bandit. :)

  4. Bags of faeces and or fermented fish.... Most people don't even think this low.

    So it is not at all illogical that it was a red shirt tactic.

    Yellow shirts had bottles of stale urine ready to use if attacked during airport seizure :)

    Although we don't know exactly who tossed faeces at Abhisits house, it sounds like someone was copying a YELLOW shirt tactic.

  5. This is more a general comment rather than directed at anyone or any group of people specifically, but one thing I learned many years ago back in Russia was that you cannot win an argument against an ignorant person.

    Given your earlier 'school children" comment, we all know which group it is aimed at. I'm ashamed to say that I'm going to sink down to your level this once and say:

    Not used to losing then are you?

    You just cant help yourself can you ballpoint :)

  6. Steve, although there are some really good posters on here, they get drowned out by the serial pro-military pro-governemtn posters, just seem to be posting the same, strange, blinkered nonsense. I don't know if they are on the military payroll or have simply been brainwashed , or are perhaps trolls, but I think you know as well as I that any sort of "intelligent" debate with these types is doomed from the beginning. They are just too closed minded.

  7. I feel like I am debating with a bunch of small school children :)

    looking on, I can't help but feel one might say

    'I feel like I am debating with debating with and losing to a bunch of small school children'

    Strawmen and other basic debating techniques are what usually get used at a level of debating in lower high school.

    Beyond that, given the ability of the opposing side to rip the shreds of out of arguments based without substance, techniques tend to become a little more sophisticated.

    A fair few recent entrants to the political arena in Thailand consider themselves to be debaters of note; personally I think they are masters of their own domain; kings of their castles.

    But true debaters, they are not.

    This is more a general comment rather than directed at anyone or any group of people specifically, but one thing I learned many years ago back in Russia was that you cannot win an argument against an ignorant person.

  8. google is your friend

    Just when you think the level of debate can't slip any lower, a nugget like this comes along.

    Boris, if you are going to state something and you expect to come away with an ounce of credibility, have at least a tiny bit of reasoning with which to state your case.

    If you can't provide reasoning, there's little point entering a debate, don't you agree?

    So how would you react if a person said they have studied computer science for 30 years and then turns around and asks you what a keyboard is. How would you respond ?

  9. You have 'studied' Thai politics for 30 years and you really don't think democrats should feel cheated? Come on! [111 'banned' democratically elected politicians]

    Why don't you just come and say it. 'let them eat cake'

    LOL, i was going to say the same thing.

    how can somebody, in all seriousness claim they have studied Thai politics for 30 years and still remain unaware of the feelings (not saying you must agree with them, just be aware of what they are thinking and feeling) of the average red supporter. And, if you talk to enough of them, a pattern emerges.

    Anyway, somebody who has studied Thai politics for 30 years shouldn't need to be spoon fed such basic information. Do some of your own research on the internet or better yet, talk to as wide a cross section of red supporters as possible, be totally objective and try and gather information, pose yourself as the ignorant farang. They will be happy to tell you how they feel. Don't impose your arrogance or look down on them, as you will get a clouded message.

  10. Of course I said NOTHING about you taking any specific part or whole to be serviced,

    but i find it interesting how this comment of yours came just after I posted this:

    "I had to take it in for service for 2 days while they reformatted it."

    Disks are formated not computers....

    Next time, don't make the mistake of assuming things.

    Like I said, for a self proclaimed "observant member" , this is one quality you seem to lack most.

  11. You call yourself an "Observant Member" but you don't appear to be very observant.

    where did I say that i took my computer in for service ? they only needed the HDD to resintall the OS and software.

    Not true, they would need the actual hardware your system would be running to properly install your system. Heck, all current legal Windows OS versions will fingerprint themselves to your hardware and trigger a re-auth request if any major component was altered.

    Not if you have brought the computer into repair before and they have made an image file of the OS after a clean installation. Then its just a matter of rewriting the image onto the disk. It should have taken 2 hours but the IT guy was busy.

  12. i had a virus on my computer that messed with keyboard input

    Oh that IS a good one! Never heard of a virus doing that though,

    they like to just be invisible till they kill your hard drive,

    running a Amiga 64 or something?

    Ever heard of programs that autocorrect your typos? this virus did the opposite. I had to take it in for service for 2 days while they reformatted it.

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