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Posts posted by CMX

  1. I early made the point that I AM reducing.   To all those who feel clever by NOT responding to the question but rather indulging in enmity, let me point out how frail your brains are.  Nobody can go (when in their 70's) from waist size 48 (inches) to a satisfactory small size this week, nor this month come to that.  Thus, far from being helpful (the purpose of this forum, I sometimes suppose) your responses were obstructive.  I look forward to seeing your identifications attached to improved contributions (but have small hope).


    When are we by mass vote going to be able to bar the destructive types from this forum?  You know, those who cannot help the OP with a reasonable solution.


    To you constructive souls, my many thanks.  Helps, and does not insult.

  2. 54 minutes ago, cmtg1 said:

    i actually find her a bit of a buttinsky always poking her nose in almost every topic and her constant referral to hubby makes my toes curl. i'm sure that she must come from a vowel state. you know iowa or ohio they are all like that

    I cannot agree with above.  I've ALWAYS found her contributions to be positive and informative.  Of course, my following of her writings only date back to '10, or perhaps '11, but nevertheless, I insist that her knowledge has been a gift to us all.  I accept that her office in Expats has doubtless made her more involved, but in all cases, informed - so far as we can be.



  3. I looked at this new structure for an hour yesterday, as about 7 trucks and a score of linemen worked on power lines on Nimmen, and (auto) traffic was stopped.


    I concluded, observing the nature of the locals walking there, that no neighborhood in northern Thailand was more deserving of their very own McDonald 'restaurant' - and I'm willing to bet that it will make money in huge amounts.  Falangville should be ecstatic. 

  4. One of the things I've stopped doing in recent years is fretting about realities, such as Immigration rules and practice here, that are beyond my reach.  Those decisions taken by high authority might be wrong, but I've no way of knowing - nor do any of us expats.  Workers themselves, from what I've seen in 4 years, are wonderful in their service.


    So I am limited to doing, for myself, that which allows me to enjoy the many pleasures and advantages of living here - I find the least difficult solution for me.  It might be the mail, doing something online, or paying (relatively little) for a service; this is a shifting field.  But to live in anguish about how things should be does not enrich me at all; I pick one of the above.


    But all my regards to Pim!

  5. I have purchased and sold five bikes - one new Honda, one new Suzuki, and second hand Yamahas plus another Honda.


    I find that by far the best way to go is with a second hand bike.  I check the classifieds here on Thai Visa and another place for Chaing Mai second hand bikes as well.  These can lead to expats leaving the country (as opposed to the recycle types - follow for a while).  Test the bike, of course, and take along a friend (if you can) who is knowledgeable about bikes.  I most recently (the 6th) landed a Yamaha Nouvo SX for 32000 baht - not even 3000kms and perfect in every way.


    All this, by the way, not because of bad bikes, but because I wanted to test out various models to keep.  Turned down a PCX125 when they came out because it's under-powered for its gumpy shape.

  6. Actually, routes to the east - N. America in particular - have multiplied in such a way as to cut flying time, create a degree of price competition, and (best of all) avoid Bangkok, especially connections requiring long and overnight connections.

    What's needed now is west-direct, again avoiding BKK, perhaps to India or Turkey with handy connections to Europe - and price competition.  Judging from the amount of construction going on all around town, who knows?

  7. Yes. I've asked the question foolishly, without location. Obviously a difference with regard to response time and facilities with English speaking 24/7 responders..

    I live in Sansai, out off the old Alt. 1001 to Maejo, north of the 3'd ring road, nowadays called 1367.

    I wish to thank those who have not been facetious. Thus, a closer and competent place would be better. (I'm pretty far from hospitals on the row W of the canal in town, but then I fretted about pain.)

    The notion of hiring a mae baan has merit. I'm considering that as well. Many thanks so far.

  8. Since SOS has gone, I've wondered how I might call out for help from the medical world. Only speak English, French, some German.

    In my 70's now, and living in an all tiled floor, I live alone, never mind the intelligent dog I feed.

    But suppose, I said to myself, I fell and broke a bone. Also suppose I have my smartphone with me?

    I'm only looking for a source, not a debate, please. Just a suggestion for where I might phone to put in as a number.

  9. All those folk obsessed with the idea that 'Americans' are in the majority at this brunch are incorrect. I fear this truth, but we may be louder.

    Consider the burdens we bear: Viet-Nam, Iraq, Trump. No wonder some of us retire into what might be regarded as safe channels of conversation. Changing the subject is a practice all of us who have the experience of marriage should understand and perhaps accept.

    But I repeat my main notion that the eats are wonderful - which is only what OP suggested. (i.e. chow down)

  10. One thing rarely mentioned here has been Air-con. I find that I eat and drink (or is it drink and eat?) more comfortably - not only during the Heat Wave but the Hot Season - when it's cooler than 30 something, and I like it lower yet. Red Lion's bar is air-conned, and I wonder to what degree that comfort figures in. I've avoided outdoor places for months, I find, and that might be a factor in my favorites.

    Still, I'll name Duke's various places as favorites because I prefer the food from time to time and the comfort that comes with it. Of course, since I'm not thinking about a regular tipple place, price for me is not too much of a problem.

  11. The attraction is the food. It is brunch in the American style, to be sure. Choices are too many to eat. I can't or don't eat big brunches but happily there is a 'light offering' that is not simply breads, not at all; it has a lower price which I've forgotten, sorry. Best potato salad I've ever tasted. Coffee's good - none of your 3-in-1 junk. It's all good.

    Nancy's suggestion (one with which I agree, as usual) is that those interested in food for itself might come to see how good this is. Sure, it's not for me in my 'Cheap Charlie' uniform, but it is certainly a treat, and a bargain considering its merits, assuming that one enjoys this sort of brunch. I was a'feered of the rains today and missed it, and my home cooking is v. good - but Duke's is better. Much, actually. Consider it - Duke's for b'fast. Yum, sez I.

  12. Topsipp,

    I have not been a sufficiently great contributor to presume to welcome you, but welcome anyway!

    What I'm trying to remind myself all the time is what Neilrob put rather bluntly; lots of information, fully developed, is available by using the search function of this forum. I just recently, for example, reviewed choices for dentistry services. Didn't have to ask the question, for which - had I started a new thread - not a few members (old timers young and old) would have chastised me. And yes, often closely phrased queries on Google or other search engines may pay with specifics.

    Anyway, if you know the location of Airport Mall and go SSW on 108 (Hang Dong Rd.) past the Lotus/Tesco (big signs), you'll soon discover a tall building on the left. Lately they have mounted huge signs on it (visible coming north as well) with that 'geriatric' word. *Actually, latest information is that they're accepting folks over 50 yrs/age until their patients multiply.

    By the way, a "pinned" subject above on our forum subject listings will reveal suggested medical resources.

  13. Ignoring utterly and intentionally the clickbait issue, I submit one place that is no secret: HUEN JAI YONG

    I suggest it because OP meant, I think, to start a hare - here's one:

    It qualifies absolutely as a candidate because -

    A. It is truly Lanna authentic - check it out (don't ignore frog)

    B. It is almost always jam-packed, virtually all of the customers being Thais *unless a small bus brings visitors; going for lunch for me means arriving there at 11:30

    Note: I rarely go there in hot season, but otherwise it's a rare month when I don't drive out there.

    I defy anybody to challenge this place for the 2 qualities mentioned, A and B.

  14. I fear that when a writer lists 10 places and refers to the food as 'amazing' in most of them (or 'awesome, come to that) that the reporter has no personal experience of the specifics of the eats. And even less about how to write with clarity and meaning.

    Nevertheless, I'm looking up a few of my favorites by way of starting a chase.

  15. Look out!!

    Well, yes, whether on my m'bike or in the car, I'm trying to look everywhichway in order to avoid an accident. Oddly, I never have time to look at other drivers in order to see if they're Chinese or Martians! I focus on vehicles (+pedestrians) near and far as best as I can.

    But to those of you who can peer into the windows the cars all around you for ethnicity while piloting in today's increasingly hectic traffic, my helmet's off - or would be if I didn't intend to keep it on. After all, it is what it is.

    PS If Thailand truly wants to stop or reduce Chinese cars/drivers, they should mandate personal applications made at CM Immigration for their permits.

  16. Oh how I HATE to hear the thunder this time of year. The results inevitably lead to little good and power outages. Power outages raise temperature inside house 10 degrees, block I'net, threaten refrigerated goods, darken the house, and set dogs to bark.

    Meanwhile, aquifer is helped not at all, outside cooling is brief, it's more humid, and m'bike travel difficult.

    Admit gardens might gain some benefit, but....

    Anyway, it's noisy in Sansainoi.

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