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  1. If they banned Airbnb in Thailand, most of these issues would go away. Some condos are almost running as hotels. I feel sorry for the guys living there and keeping up with this every day.
  2. Lucky she wasn't caught in Singapore
  3. Well it works doesn't it? Recidivism rate in Norway is among the lowest on the planet. It boils down to what you want as a neighbour again? A angry Pitbull that has just been let out of the cage, or someone with an education and future ahead of him.
  4. It boils down to salary and education. If education is required for the job and a fair salary is paid, corruption goes down. I don't think that I have ever heard anything about something being smuggled into Norwegian prisons by the guards. I had a mate that did 12 years in Norway for premeditated murder, and has never mentioned that this happened during his stay in prison.
  5. No contact for two weeks when the bloke is on holiday in Thailand, and they go into a full panic mode, Insanity.
  6. To sachets of electrolytes and a bottle of water to start with.
  7. In the areas I frequent, Flower café in Sukhumvit soi 22 is a favourite of mine.
  8. Home detention is the next step then. Maybe he will be required to wear an electronic ankle monitor, but that one they will just strap onto the gardener.
  9. The likelihood of him doing 8 years in jail is exactly the same as the Red Bull heir showing up at the F1 races in an old Lada with Boss1 as the licence plate on it.
  10. I find it strange that anyone thinks that visa violations isn't a big deal in Thailand, and should go unpunished. If it was any European country throwing out illegals, it would be nothing but applause in the comments.
  11. I have never seen anyone attacked by a bouncer in Thailand unless there has been any provocation of some sort beforehand. It normally takes a long time before the boiling point is reached, at least that is my observation over the years. But I have seen the same type of persons ending up in trouble time after time. You just know it will end badly long before it kicks off.
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