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Posts posted by fulltone

  1. 11 minutes ago, JustNo said:

    Just because someone dislikes Trump, sees him for what he is (a good speaker, a bad businessman, and someone who has flip-flopped on much of what he has promises) doesn't mean that they are a leftist. In fact, if you fall into the left or right debate in this specific election, you have been played and manipulated. I am sure the elite love the way they set it all up, watch the masses fight and feud with each other, all whilst they know these very people actually have no real say in what happens at all. 

    What!! He is not a good speaker, he's a bad motivational speaker at best. And obviously, so far he is proven to be a good business man. China hated Obama, every country hated Obama (unless they were muslim, or anti jew) ...so we are better off. It's congress that has failed. And the democrats are playing a f&%king game because they are unhappy, they don't give a flying F%$K about the American people! Seriously, hold up everything because they have snot on their shoes. <deleted>!  There is a difference between left and right, liberal and conservative. But what is going on in the U.S. now is plain terrorism, from the left wing nut cases that throw tantrums because they don't get their way. I f&%king hated obama, but i did not throw a tantrum. He was the president. However, through history the democrats and the left don't get their way, they disrespect everyone. So, just because you vote differently your opinion is meaningless. if you don't agree with the opposition you don't count? They fight to remove the american history,  but what these f&%cking nut cases don't realize is they are removing their own parties history. Hence, the confederate flag! These lefties are f&%king morons! But yeah, i stand corrected again...it's cool to give 100's of millions to Iran. Nothing wrong with that says the Idiots!

  2. 10 minutes ago, JAG said:

    Post #19 "Obama and the democrats are the sole reason for ISIS..."


    Post#34 " The caliphate existed long before that, however,"

    Ohh...okay. You want to go that direction now. Fair enough, I stand corrected. See Im a fair person. 


    A caliphate is an Islamic state. It's led by a caliph, who is a political and religious leader who is a successor (caliph) to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. His power and authority is absolute.


    In lament terms....the idea, or ideology existed previously. However, It was Obamas military decisions that gave the rise for it to exist in modern day. Will that suffice? 

  3. 1 minute ago, JAG said:

    I'm not an American, but personally I would suggest that to claim that Obama and the Democrats are the sole reason for ISIS suggests a phenomenal level of ignorance and a stunning lack of comprehension of international affairs..

    Or are you just barking at a full moon?

    Would you like to state otherwise then, enlighten my ignorance. I don't mean to be facetious. I won't form an opinion on the reasons or lack there of why the American's invaded iraq as i have relatives that served during all campaigns. However, as history has shown, you do not pull out your military while a country is still unstable after destabilizing it. That is and was Obamas sole campaign. Which in return gave the rise to ISIS. The caliphate existed long before that, however, Obama gave it an open door. So yeah, I will give the democrats and Obama credit. I don't believe i have an lack of comprehension of foreign affairs...but i'm open to you correcting me. I can admit if i am incorrect.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    A great and bizarre example of how a trump supporter can read all kinds of fake fantasies into trump news. To lovers of facts and realities if trump visits (doubtful) it will definitely have nothing to do with genetic make-up of the western expat population here.

    You truly are an oblivious individual. The offer for a real debate still stands, that is If you have the nuts to a peaceful and factual debate. But I doubt you have the capacity beyond your keyboard. So carry on mate. But hey, you are a master advanced schmember...you have purpose!


    And...judging by your tagline...

    I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and dog-gone it, people like me.

    — Al Franken (President, 2020)

    That's says it all!

  5. 1 minute ago, Get Real said:

    Ok, got you! You mean that a total loss of brain function, really can make a positive impact. You must be the first one.

    I would challenge my intellect with you any day. Fortunately, there are flights all roads leading to bangkok. Let's debate lefty. You thai visa folk are tough to talk, but can't back up F&%K all. Yes, I am a trump supporter! I say it loud and proud. You left wing nuts have nothing to stand on. So put your money where your mouth is.


  6. Just now, Get Real said:

    Oh, dear! Please stop this visit. We already have enough crasies and morons here. No, need for Mr. Trump to add to that.

    Hopefully his visit will drive out the some of the crazies and morons. Cant do much about the local pool. But if he in fact drives out the lefty foreigners! God Bless TRUMP!!! Weeding out the weak foreign gene pool may help the locals realize what a poor selection they have had all these years.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:

    They've killed all discussion calling the right every name in the book ...... 


    The good news is the Supreme Court appointees (hopefully many) will be as far right as possible and overturn the left for generations to come.


    It's fun watching them meltdown and come up with this impeachment crapolo.


    President Trump will get the job done eventually and I'm still giving him a chance and would welcome him here although not sure if Thailand is the best place to spend his time.

    Well said. I concur.

  8. 2 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

    Ohhh i forgot maybe YOU can help him build the huuuge WALL too...

    Hes doing it for the PEOPLE--maybe HE should pay for it with all his daddys money :wai:

    Yes, I hope he does build a wall! What's wrong with that? Do you have a wall around your hut? If not do you have the right to build a wall around it? Enough said! If you do not understand the constitution of the United States or have read the federalist papers, then your opinion is mute. Obama and the Democrats quite literally destroyed America! Literally! He & they are the sole reason for ISIS, he & they are the sole reason for the racial divide. How's that for america's first black democrat president. But what would anyone expect from the Demoncrat party...look at the poor gene pool...Obama, Cross Eyed Nancy Pelosi, Luck Chucky Schumer,  Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren...Oh and let's not forget the highly intelectuall Maxine Waters, and Finally the Horrible Clintons! People in glass houses should not throw stones. If United States citizens who are democrats can accept these people as leaders...then those citizens deserve nothing less. Hell, they don't deserve anything.

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