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Posts posted by Sushi75

  1. Hi everyone,

    I want to get a decent health insurance for my Thai wife´s two kids. I´ve already talked to two insurance people here in Chiang Mai but they keep telling me that in addition to the actual health insurance I also need to pay for some kind of bs savings plan. However, all I want is actual health insurance that covers all costs at a decent hospital (if such a thing exists in Chiang Rai, where they are living). Can anyone point me to a good (again, if such a thing exists) health insurance company?

    Thanks in advance

  2. For a really good, original italian-style pizza I would recommend a small place called "Viva Pizza". The owner (and chef) is Thai but has lived in Italy for many years, so you get the real deal. Pasta is great too. It´s located between CM Saloon and the Reaggae-Bars. Whenever I need my regular pizza-/pasta-fix I go there.

  3. Hi there,

    as I´m crazy about good Sushi, I was wondering if there are even better restaurants in Chiang Mai than the ones I have already found. My favourite places right now are Tsunami (decent quality food and I just like the place) and Sushi Ichiban (I´ve only recently discovered the place and must say that the tuna is one of the best I´ve had outside of Japan). Any suggestions?


  4. Hi there,

    hope this is this right place to post this question. As my Thai girlfriend loves to read I would very much like her to read two of my favorite books. They are "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse and "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. While her english is quite good, I think it would be much easier for her to read them in Thai. Does anyone know if there is a Thai translation of these books?

    Thanks in advance,


  5. Personally I disobey the curfew - I value my freedom more than anything else. There might be some risk associated with my attitude but I'm willing to take it. I spent a couple of hours last night just riding my motorbike all around Chiang Mai. With very few cars and bikes on the street it was great fun. Only saw a lonelz policeman on a bike and he didn't seem to be interested in me at all.

    I think some of you are taking this curfew thing way to serious, but if you want to stay at home that is your call of course.

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