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Posts posted by Fishbucket

  1. She did fail to mention one small detail...like the protesters desiring the freedom to elect their leaders without military coups, election fixing and junta backed political meddling. :)

    Yes I agree this counttry needs a constitution which keeps the army out of politics. The probelm started when they overthrew a legally elected government. The election bo is the way to do that - not guns

    That hasn't happened in a LONG time politically. It certainly didn't happen in 2006. The coup displaced a caretaker government that was extra-constitiutional (not legally in place because their time to install an ELECTED governent had expired!)

    This lie just seems to be coming up time and times again

    when the Coup happened there was no legally elected Government in Thailand

    Thaskin was only a caretaker

    you just have to laugh when people talk about coups in the context of legally elected governments...LOL

    Oh by the way, there still is no legally elected government.

  2. I wouldn't say that thaksin has put this on the world stage, far from it, thats down to the murdering fascists tyrant despots who gave the orders for the troops to murder innocent civilians. ,

    In recent years it would have been swept under the carpet and hidden by that smile.

    Not this time, thanks to modern communication technology and embedded journalists , the international community have been informed have made their judgement.

    And the amart dont like it .

  3. As to the communist People's Republic of China posters...they as in the case of their failed predecessors are also pissing up a rope :)

    the proto Thai CP positions pushing a pro-Russia line would not be the same as the Maoist pro-China line-up.

    The split between the pro-Russian CPs and the Maoists was never healed.

    Left-wing expat red supporters are mostly holidaying liberals with who have sucked up all the red class-war bullshit.

    Sort of Lib Dem supporters on speed.

    As usual you got it arse about face

    The only Lib Dem supporter on speed ? one way of describing thatchers child I suppose.

  4. Who do you want to set the agenda, Thaksin or the state and its government? So you want to set the agenda but you shall not, not with me.

    Setting the agenda is the core of every issue, activity, controversy. It's the attempt you're miserably trying to do along with your comrades.

    I set the agenda with you, the Leeches (a certain silent partner) and all of the Red Shirts and their Paymaster.

    You don't like it, on my command put one thumb in your mouth and the other thumb in the opposite opening and play 'ready switch.' (Centuries old army instructions :D .)

    It's about agenda setting. You and your people can't do it. Ready, switch! :)

    Seems to me the one's with their thumbs up their arse is obama and hilary.

    Lost all respect for him and hilary over this.

    Either of them could restore thai democracy and stop abisits murdering at the snap of that thumb.

  5. When the time comes the army will probably drive tanks and APCs right through the barricades. PM sounds like elections will be in about 6 months. Reds really can't be thinking that they will get them any sooner can they? It's not up to terrorists to name the timing of elections, that's the job of the PM. Reds have lost the PR war already, what's the point of losing an actual one?

    Maybe your PR war, but they have won the international PR war, and won the argument.

    Thailand is exposed internationally for what it is and always has been.Undemocratic and opressed by a bunch of establishment thugs.

    Now people realise what has been hiding behind the smile, and they dont like it and won't accept it.

  6. There is no law that justified the massacre of 10. april.

    And it is the day where Abhisit and Suthep lost their legitimacy to lead the country.

    When you attack armed forces you are going to get a reaction. Naive to think otherwise.

    Why you send armed forces against protesters? Naive to think this was the right think to do.

    It isn't the job of the Thai army to fight against Thai people who just rally against the current government.

    The red shirt insurgent occupation of Bangkok is a rally, eh? That's funny. Kind of like saying the Nazis were a mah jong society.

    Yea, just like the PAD yellow mah jong society

  7. There is no law that justified the massacre of 10. april.

    And it is the day where Abhisit and Suthep lost their legitimacy to lead the country.

    When you attack armed forces you are going to get a reaction. Naive to think otherwise.

    Why you send armed forces against protesters? Naive to think this was the right think to do.

    It isn't the job of the Thai army to fight against Thai people who just rally against the current government.

    What should we send in then??? Police with sticks and stones??

    These people need to know that they can defend themselves. These people need to know that if they are fired upon, they can fire back.

    This is how it works around the world. In every "democratic" countries.

    How about sending in the ballot papers and respecting the result this time, like every "democratic " country.

  8. Without strict civilian controls keeping the military OUT of politics, Thailand will have a Roman republic. Then there will be a Caesar installed with a paid army. Democracy is messy but ya can't cave in to authoritarians or it's lost.

    Some reds honestly feel Mr T is really a benevolent man who i good with Baht. For Thailand's sake -if he buys his way back to power- let's hope so.

    My .02


    'Vote Caesar.

    Vote Crook

    Vote Thaksin.

    Can I have my 500 baht now?'

    And you are accurate to omit vote abisit, as you correctly regognise he didn't get any votes.

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