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Posts posted by chomphoo

  1. Definitely criminal but the situation she put herself in............

    Drunk, having sex on the beach early AM with a Thai guy, just bad decisions altogether.

    But I am not condoning the criminal action, just saying ladies, probably not a good idea to be drunk on the beach at 4AM having sex.

    When will it stop?

    When men decide it's not ok for men to behave this way towards women. "The situation she put herself in", sure knowledge of the culture one is in is important, but peer presure is the best way to alter male behaviour. The perp should be shamed by his own - and, like in many other countries - east and west, that is not quite the same. Stop blaming the victim, whatever her state she was taken advantage of and that is NOT respect.

    Where were the male's friends saying 'enough'? And don't think the cops will be the anwer. When men decide it's not ok, then we will see change. (And I've worked with women victims of crime - we call it sexual crime but it is really violent crime) for decades and am one myself.

    She is likely to be emotionally hurt/scarred - the perp is likely to be far from such feelings. There is hope in victim/perp negotiation, but that is tricky and very selective by culture. We can accept that farang girls are at the bottom of the food chain, AND we can educate men - or better yet, have men educatate men. And we can learn Muay Thai@

  2. Rawai Muay Thai in Phuket, but I guess I can't put their link here. About 25% women trianners including fighters. Good fun, excellent training, hard physical work, good fighting results and good eye candy - and accommodation.

  3. Do you have a Departure Card stapled in your passport? Did immigration even give you one when you arrived by boat?

    Hi - no card stapled in my passport; doubt they were given especially since they stamped everyone out at the same time. But don't I need a VISA? People who live here (at the gym) say that immigration doesn't give visas, only the embassy does. I guess I will front up at Phuket town immigration, but it's pretty scary.

  4. Get it sorted out by immigration before you try to leave the country, sooner the better. Sure you are reading the stamps correctly? When and where did this take place, Bangkok Airport?

    In Phuket. Came in by boat. Every other port prior to Thailand immigration stamped passports for arrival when we got in and out when we were leaving. Can't believe the Thais were lazy and stamped all at the same time early in the morning. Sure others that got off here in same boat (bad pun), but haven't had any contact as I imagine they left shortly after arrival. People say I will have to pay 500b a day - but how can I if I haven't overstayed because I'm not really here.

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