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Posts posted by dranor

  1. I don't know him or even care to know much about him, but it would seem he knew going in that they wanted to cut him to pieces. What they got was nothing worth reporting and they did anyway. Seems they may end up the fools.

    He's at the forefront of much of the ongoing turmoil. It'd be wise to get to know about him. His own website is a good starter and much like that website, what the reporters revealed was just how disturbed he is.

    I could imagine that, like others of his ilk having a distorted self-image and over-inflated ego, he went into the interview anticipating that he would show them up and by the end of the interview they would be lining up to want to join his cause.

    The interview is very much worth reporting as it reveals what's going on inside of his head, dark and dangerous as it is.

    Seh Daeng is his own worst enemy and the journalists shined a light on that for those that may be unfamiliar with him.

  2. Is this increase in ridiculous stories about telephones and exorcisms deliberate?

    I think for those of us living here, it's very beneficial to be reminded just precisely what the nature of the country is.

    It helps tremendously to keep things in perspective whenever discussions of Western thinking and experiences in Thailand are conducted.

  3. The Nation

    Published on January 15, 2010

    Just how much money does Thaksin Shinawatra have now? Well-informed sources say the former prime minister might not have a lot left.

    One source even speculated that his net worth could already have turned negative if his Bt76 billion now being frozen in Thailand is not taken into account.

    In a recent interview with Times Online, Thaksin said he still had US$100 million (Bt3.3 billion) as his total net worth, trying to create an impression that he does not have any financial problems.

    I read in yesterday's BP that the Central Bankruptcy Court has declared brother Payap Shinawatra bankrupt.

    Shame some of that 3.3 billion couldn't be shared to save him from insolvency, but while I can understand things are tight and Payap is a poor risk for a loan, it's still family.

  4. I've just seen it on TV. <deleted> is that Westerner doing protesting and kicking off? I reckon his wife must have got him dressed...

    I wonder what his user name(s) is/are

    :) The description fits quite a number of members.

    Hey c'mon now, many would consider the 500 baht to be good money. :D

  5. It's a Consulate, not an Embassy. It's a tiny office on the sixth floor of an innocuous office building in the suburb of Coral Gables that is a side business of a low-level attorney and serviced by a surly Cuban receptionist so I'd be surprised if they would be bothered to have a website, but if they do, I'd be interested also in viewing it, if only to see how far from reality it is.

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