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Posts posted by travellight

  1. you guys must be all nuts or something, the fault of these guys that they are PILOTS and CREW of a plane, I don't think it's their fault, they are just working for a cargo company and will take the plane from point A to point B . You wouldn't blame a crew of a plane that carried Saddam, or Osama Bin Laden as passangers?????


    Some people have too much good in their hearts, and tend to see the world as they are, I guess.

    No fault of yours, but honestly... :)

    You don't run guns without a trained crew. Chonger may be unstable, but not completely stupid.

  2. Text messages are not possible from overseas.

    As previously stated, there are multiple reasons. Maybe the OP wants to know if he should continue wasting his time calling someone who plays phone games. For me, I want to know for reasons along the same lines, but mainly because I want to know if I'm supposed to just wait through the beeping (if busy), hang up and try again (if bad connection). If busy, calling again might get irritating. If bad connection, trying over and over again might be the only way to get through. Sometimes I get the message that "the country you are trying to reach is unavailable". So there are definite connection issues.

    Call back service and "the number is not available at this time" are obvious signs it is off, right? So what about the beeping?

    The text message notification is the best way to determine whether the phone is on or off.

    The question is why would you want to know? If she doesn't want you to call her in certain situations she can just turn her phone off. So what does it really tell you when the phone is off?

    If you feel there's something fishy going on you are probably right, and time to get a new g/f. Life is short.

  3. I have a similar question. What does it mean when there's normally music playing (for the caller) instead of a ring when you call, but sometimes when I call the thai cell phone long distance, it's a periodic beep instead of music? Does this mean it's busy, or turned off, or being tapped by spyware even? I think the person on the other end can still see that i called, and even answer it sometimes, so could it just be the carrier doesn't play the music sometimes? It's pretty confusing trying to figure out if I should wait while it beeps, or hang up and try again....

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