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Some NFL players kneel during U.S. anthem again despite Trump call for protest to end


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2 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:


Yes, they did, and their bosses, the American People who are the consumers let them know of their displeasure.  Ratings dropped.


The "American people" are by no stretch of the imagination the "bosses" of NFL owners -- they are consumers. The owners make business decisions hoping to attract consumers, so their decision to stand (or kneel) with their employees, after those employees were called "sons of bitches" by the loudest mouth in the country, shows tremendous integrity.  

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Reuters) - Several dozen NFL players, fewer than last week, chose to sit or kneel during the U.S. national anthem at the start of games on Sunday, a day after President Donald Trump again demanded an end to a protest he sees as a sign of disrespect for the flag.


As the article states, the kneeling trend is fading, as is the NFL. Som nom na!

Edited by inThailand
fat fingers
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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


NFL TV Ratings Improve Overall in Week 3 After Boost from Monday Night Football

"The final viewership numbers based on projections from Fox Sports vice president of research Mike Mulvihill are that the NFL games from Sunday and Monday were up 3% in aggregate over Week 3 in 2016. NFL spokesperson Brian McCarthy also confirmed those numbers.

On Tuesday afternoon, CBS said its NFL coverage on Sunday drew 17.9 million viewers, up 2% from a year ago."



Fake news much?


I didn't know this, and am glad to hear it. (I followed the Broncos-Raiders game on ESPN Gamecast online; does that count?)

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Just now, Cory1848 said:


I didn't know this, and am glad to hear it. (I followed the Broncos-Raiders game on ESPN Gamecast online; does that count?)

There is yet any news for rating this week. This was for last week. the article is dated sep 26.  TonyClifton just made it up since the ratings numbers for this week haven't quite come out yet.

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14 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


The "American people" are by no stretch of the imagination the "bosses" of NFL owners -- they are consumers. The owners make business decisions hoping to attract consumers, so their decision to stand (or kneel) with their employees, after those employees were called "sons of bitches" by the loudest mouth in the country, shows tremendous integrity.  


Without those consumers, the NFL and bosses would no longer be required.

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21 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


NFL TV Ratings Improve Overall in Week 3 After Boost from Monday Night Football

"The final viewership numbers based on projections from Fox Sports vice president of research Mike Mulvihill are that the NFL games from Sunday and Monday were up 3% in aggregate over Week 3 in 2016. NFL spokesperson Brian McCarthy also confirmed those numbers.

On Tuesday afternoon, CBS said its NFL coverage on Sunday drew 17.9 million viewers, up 2% from a year ago."



Fake news much?






NFL's ratings decline, as explained by football fans | SI.com

NFL's 'Monday Night Football' Keeps Dropping In Ratings

NFL tries to reassure teams as TV ratings drop | Fox News

I could keep going but my cut and paste can only take so much.





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Just now, TonyClifton said:


Without those consumers, the NFL and bosses would no longer be required.

Which is not at all the same thing as saying " If the owner and coach cannot make their employees comport properly to their wishes then they should get out of the business."

And as your previous unsupported claim about ratings  shows, you have yet to prove that this will lead to a decline in viewership and attendance. 

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

Which is not at all the same thing as saying " If the owner and coach cannot make their employees comport properly to their wishes then they should get out of the business."

And as your previous unsupported claim about ratings  shows, you have yet to prove that this will lead to a decline in viewership and attendance. 


Look above.

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7 minutes ago, inThailand said:

And those that knelt Before the anthem were booed.


Apparently, some self righteous black guys will be working at McDonalds soon if they keep this kneeling up.  


Kudos to you for cutting right to the chase! Bravo!

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Which is not at all the same thing as saying " If the owner and coach cannot make their employees comport properly to their wishes then they should get out of the business."

And as your previous unsupported claim about ratings  shows, you have yet to prove that this will lead to a decline in viewership and attendance. 


Look up.

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1 minute ago, TonyClifton said:

And yet in the wake of Trump's criticism, the ratings rose.

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9 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


Kudos to you for cutting right to the chase! Bravo!

Sorry, you don't like the inevitable outcome.


They are the same as circus perfomers. They are entertainers and when the customers are no longer thrilled, their tent will be closing up.



Edited by inThailand
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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

And yet in the wake of Trump's criticism, the ratings rose.


I'm not sure where lies the source of your confusion.  I'm not finding articles claiming that they rose.  Since I quoted Forbes, SI.com, and ESPN, I think I will leave you to sort out your own debacle.



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1 minute ago, TonyClifton said:


I'm not sure where lies the source of your confusion.  I'm not finding articles claiming that they rose.  Since I quoted Forbes, SI.com, and ESPN, I think I will leave you to sort out your own debacle.



look at post #35.

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19 minutes ago, inThailand said:

And those that knelt Before the anthem were booed.


Apparently, some self righteous black guys will be working at McDonalds soon if they keep this kneeling up.  

 Dare I say that some people on here think that the fan's who boo the player's are  Anti American.Protesting during a sporting event is without doubt Anti American. 

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3 minutes ago, riclag said:

 Dare I say that some people on here think that the fan's who boo the player's are  Anti American.Protesting during a sporting event is without doubt Anti American. 

Thanks for offering a well reasoned proof of your contention. It just goes further to show how the sorry history of the National Americanism Commission of the American legion, which started all this flag and anthem and pledge of allegiance nonsense, has corrupted the general understanding of the 1st Amendment.

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17 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Thanks for offering a well reasoned proof of your contention. It just goes further to show how the sorry history of the National Americanism Commission of the American legion, which started all this flag and anthem and pledge of allegiance nonsense, has corrupted the general understanding of the 1st Amendment.

I'm American I happen to love the Pledge,Flag and National Anthem.Since grade school I still get Goosebumps when I hear and repeat the words and song.You need to stick with hating Mr. Trump and leave the history of the USA to the patriotic American's 

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Just now, riclag said:

I'm American I happen to love the Pledge,Flag and National Anthem.Since grade school I still get Goosebumps when I hear and repeat the words and song.You need to stick with hating Mr. Trump and leave the history of the USA to the patriotic American's 

I suppose all sorts of physiological reactions to those works are possible. Not sure why goosebumps are proof of patriotism.

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1 minute ago, riclag said:

I'm American I happen to love the Pledge,Flag and National Anthem.Since grade school I still get Goosebumps when I hear and repeat the words and song.You need to stick with hating Mr. Trump and leave the history of the USA to the patriotic American's 


America is not the greatest nation on Earth.  It should be, but it is not. The idea, the fundamentals, the essence of America is to be the greatest nation on this planet.  Our Constitution and our form of government, at least on paper, puts all others to shame.  


We won't be great until we stop misapplying our Constitutions both State and Federal.  With the help of Trump as President we again have a chance to be not just great again, but the greatest. 


All of the others here are nothing more than ankle-biters when compared American Idealism.  We have a chance.

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1 minute ago, TonyClifton said:


America is not the greatest nation on Earth.  It should be, but it is not. The idea, the fundamentals, the essence of America is to be the greatest nation on this planet.  Our Constitution and our form of government, at least on paper, puts all others to shame.  


We won't be great until we stop misapplying our Constitutions both State and Federal.  With the help of Trump as President we again have a chance to be not just great again, but the greatest. 


All of the others here are nothing more than ankle-biters when compared American Idealism.  We have a chance.

But without the Star Spangled Banner being played at football, games, America hasn't got a chance.

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8 hours ago, riclag said:

As a American I'm ashamed that these nitwits call themselves American's.They should respect the hand that feeds them and their families.I have emailed the NFL,NFL sponsors and  teams  to tell them I will join the  boycott . Politics has no business in sport's.

Tell that to Trump, he is constantly trying to find mis-informed backers in some areas to cover for his political blunders in others. What higher-profile pulpit for a pro-football player to exercise their Constitutional Rights and peacefully protest? They are not protesting during a game; thus, they are not jeopardizing their team, its wins/losses, its points, or its league records; they are protesting during a down-time, during the national anthem. Sure, both the US Flag Code and NFL Regulations say to stand for the anthem, but neither supersedes the US Constitution and the right of ALL citizens to peacefully protest--the Constitution does not say you have to stand during the anthem or in reverence to the flag.  And, the players, coaches, managers, and owners are protesting for a legitimate reason, racism in the US. By the way, I'd like to find some season ticket holders boycotting the NFL.    

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26 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:


America is not the greatest nation on Earth.  It should be, but it is not. The idea, the fundamentals, the essence of America is to be the greatest nation on this planet.  Our Constitution and our form of government, at least on paper, puts all others to shame.  


We won't be great until we stop misapplying our Constitutions both State and Federal.  With the help of Trump as President we again have a chance to be not just great again, but the greatest. 


All of the others here are nothing more than ankle-biters when compared American Idealism.  We have a chance.

So, the US is not great and that buffoon Trump will make us great, will he? Have you seriously looked at some of the utter garbage Trump is trying to shove down Americans' throats--the healthcare, the tax plan, that mindless wall? Trump is a festering sore on America, a childish little brat who respects no one but himself, blames everyone but himself, constantly makes demeaning statements, then denies them and apparently thinks all others are stupid; well all his supporters anyway. He says what you want to hear and the only things he tries to do are the things that will line his pockets. 

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3 hours ago, amvet said:

I thought it was interesting that they players stood for the UK Anthem apparently realizing there are no racial problems in the UK. 

No, it is not their right to protest the UK and it was simply common courtesy to stand for the UK anthem.

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10 minutes ago, smotherb said:

No, it is not their right to protest the UK and it was simply common courtesy to stand for the UK anthem.

Courtesy to stand and discourtesy to sit or raises a fist or kneel.  Well ya.  That is my only point. 


A protest is only a protest if people pay attention they only pay attention if something is done to get their attention.  A million football players have stood at attention for the National Anthem since the beginning of the league.  Sitting or raising a fist or kneeling is only 1 tenth of 1 percent of the time and is very discourteous and disrespectful therefore getting attention and the protest recognized. 

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38 minutes ago, smotherb said:

So, the US is not great and that buffoon Trump will make us great, will he? Have you seriously looked at some of the utter garbage Trump is trying to shove down Americans' throats--the healthcare, the tax plan, that mindless wall? Trump is a festering sore on America, a childish little brat who respects no one but himself, blames everyone but himself, constantly makes demeaning statements, then denies them and apparently thinks all others are stupid; well all his supporters anyway. He says what you want to hear and the only things he tries to do are the things that will line his pockets. 

So?  What does that have to do with black lives matter and cops shooting black people that Kaepernick started the protest before Trump was elected? 

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2 hours ago, inThailand said:

Sorry, you don't like the inevitable outcome.


They are the same as circus perfomers. They are entertainers and when the customers are no longer thrilled, their tent will be closing up.




Not a circus, but a minstrel show, right? Following from the sentiment of your original post, you're comparing the NFL to a minstrel show, correct?

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