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Thai man who went to "spend a penny" lost a whole lot more!


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9 hours ago, HOAX said:

Particularly mathematics said so, unless his grandson had his wedding at the age of ten.


The grandfather is 49. Lets say he got a kid by the age of 15. His kid got his own kid by the age of 15. Now this youngest kid (the grandson) is going to get married. Lets say he is 15 years old. That brings us to 45 (15+15+15). Split these remaining 4 years on these three 15 year olds and you'll have two 16 year olds and a 17 year old. It could be that this is the scenario, but it could also be that the 17 year old is 20 year old. Then you will have to take away a year or two on the 16 year olds. It could be one of them got a kid at the age of 22. Now take away some more years on the other two.


Who knows how old they actually were. All we know is either they all were quite young when they had their first kid, or one of them have had to be very young, or the article messed up with the grandfather's age, or the grandfather made up the story about his grandson's wedding.

I've no idea what that garbage was all about but I do know that none of it confirmed any mention of 13 year-old parents.  Who is "Particularly mathematics"?

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10 hours ago, HOAX said:

Particularly mathematics said so, unless his grandson had his wedding at the age of ten.


The grandfather is 49. Lets say he got a kid by the age of 15. His kid got his own kid by the age of 15. Now this youngest kid (the grandson) is going to get married. Lets say he is 15 years old. That brings us to 45 (15+15+15). Split these remaining 4 years on these three 15 year olds and you'll have two 16 year olds and a 17 year old. It could be that this is the scenario, but it could also be that the 17 year old is 20 year old. Then you will have to take away a year or two on the 16 year olds. It could be one of them got a kid at the age of 22. Now take away some more years on the other two.


Who knows how old they actually were. All we know is either they all were quite young when they had their first kid, or one of them have had to be very young, or the article messed up with the grandfather's age, or the grandfather made up the story about his grandson's wedding.

Who cares? I'm sure anyone would rather have a young father and grand father than be in the unfortunate position of a toddler with a geriatric father and young mother which is so often the case in certain circles here.

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5 hours ago, Drago said:

Who cares? I'm sure anyone would rather have a young father and grand father than be in the unfortunate position of a toddler with a geriatric father and young mother which is so often the case in certain circles here.

Quite a lot of Thai children live with their elderly grandparents.

Toddlers living with elderly carers is entirely normal in Thailand.

I'm guessing nobody much thinks about it, apart from you.

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On 10/28/2017 at 8:10 AM, bannork said:

The finder refused any offer,  it wasn’t his gold and he knew the money was for a dowry so he probably did not want to upset any marriage plans. What do you suggest? Buy the owner’s son the latest I-phone?

No way, go for Samsung !


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6 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Quite a lot of Thai children live with their elderly grandparents.

Toddlers living with elderly carers is entirely normal in Thailand.

I'm guessing nobody much thinks about it, apart from you.

Where did I mention anything about grandparents or elderly 'carers'? I said a geriatric father with young mother which is often the case here. As for the 'nobody thinks much about it' comment, well that is just stupid. 60, 70, 80 year old men having children is hardly something to be celebrated and I bet the kids think about it when they get old enough to understand the ridiculousness and unfairness of the situation and the shear selfishness of those who created it.


BTW, though relatively common in Thailand in the poorer and or dysfunctional families, being brought-up by elderly carers is far from 'entirely normal'.

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Every month there seems to be a story of 100000 , 500000, 2 million that someone supposedly left in a toilet , a taxi ,a restaurant. 

Are there really that many people walking around with bundles of money and gold and forgetting it ?

And they always seem to refuse the reward because they are so happy the person got their riches back. 

Either people are stupidly forgetful, or people are stupidly gullible to believe this crap. 

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On Saturday, October 28, 2017 at 3:52 PM, Just Weird said:

So you're not so much a generous soul and the personification of perfection, you'd do it because you'd have to by law.  Which is that country that legislates that an owner has to give a finder 10%?

Thailand for starters, 10% or

B30, 000 maximum. 

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5 hours ago, Artisi said:

Thailand for starters, 10% or

B30, 000 maximum. 

I think it's the quite opposite, if you refuse to give the stuff back you're liable to 6000 baht fine and/or jail time not exceeding 3 years for misappropriation of the aforementioned items.

EDIT: So again criminal code and civil code clash,
civil law does have a clause for claim of 10% or max 30000 baht finder's fee in Thai civil and Commercial code part III sections 1323-1334 giving everything done by the book :burp: TiT

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17 hours ago, Artisi said:

Thailand for starters, 10% or

B30, 000 maximum. 

Legislated? Nonsense, absolute nonsense. A reward can be claimed, under very strict circumstances, but that doesn't mean that legislation says that it has to be paid.

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2 hours ago, Just Weird said:

Legislated? Nonsense, absolute nonsense. A reward can be claimed, under very strict circumstances, but that doesn't mean that legislation says that it has to be paid.

As you seem to be current expert on the  Civil and Commercial Code - section 1323 and 1324, would you might pointing out the "very strict circumstances" .  

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On 28/10/2017 at 11:34 AM, StayinThailand2much said:

And why is the owner such a cheap charlie? The finder's reward should me more than just 0.375 per cent (3,000 baht of 800,000 baht), whether he gives it to the finder or his son. People are just ungrateful!

What a load of drivel. If I had found it I would ask for nothing. The reward for me is in the act of doing what is right. Your attitude is selfish and troubling. 

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I can symphatize. The acrobatics involved in getting set up at a Thai gas station squatter are so demanding it's easy to use 110% of brain power trying not to wet your pants when rinsing the backside with 0.1" clearance to the wall.

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