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About billd766

  • Birthday 05/23/1944

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    Klong Lan Pattana Central Thailand

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  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3g32y8j772o
  2. Well I have been here for a long time also. I well remember the first Thaksin government was the first civilian government ever to complete the full 4 year term. At his re-election, his party TRT won an overwhelming majority of seats in parliament. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra#:~:text=Thaksin Shinawatra (born 26 July,Thailand from 2001 to 2006. Thaksin Shinawatra[note 2] (born 26 July 1949) is a Thai businessman and politician. He served in the Thai Police from 1973 to 1987, and was the Prime Minister of Thailand from 2001 to 2006. Thaksin founded the mobile phone operator Advanced Info Service and the IT and telecommunications conglomerate Shin Corporation in 1987, ultimately making him one of the richest people in Thailand. He founded the Thai Rak Thai Party (TRT) in 1998 and, after a landslide electoral victory, became prime minister in 2001. He was the first democratically elected prime minister of Thailand to serve a full term and was re-elected in 2005 by an overwhelming majority. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prime_ministers_of_Thailand Item 23 Thaksin was pm from 09 February until 19 September 2006 when he was overthrown by yet another military coup. After I read the first 2 lines of your post I gave up. quote "Well, here we go. We who have been here know that a Thaksin government never lasts a full cycle". I figure that if you can't get that bit correct, the rest of your post will probably not be correct either.
  3. And did they kill all of them? Did they kill any of them? Did they even harm any of them? Netanyahu on the other hand is responsible for thousands of Palestinian deaths and for the injuries of over 100, 000 more. He is responsible for all the deaths and injuries of innocent Palestinian men, women, children and babies and also the destruction of homes, offices, hospitals and infrastructure in Gaza. He is also responsible for all the Israeli settlers stealing Palestinian homes and lands.
  4. I wonder how many Palestinians were invited to the meeting? Israel should not have been there anyway as they are an invading force intent on stealing Palestinian land and property for their "settlements".
  5. quote "That is immoral. Hamas stinks and needs to be stopped. But, there has to be a better way than taking out 40,000 women and children. That is civilian slaughter." Another term that could be used is genocide. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=genocide+definition&sca_esv=d7a9dca790d176ff&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJQ2cvO_TNqBn7qzgAg-83mUhqQ7w%3A1721973726938&source=hp&ei=3jujZrb0NrGhnesPivTtgAs&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZqNJ7uiWlxdXsW-Kj3hnpcq4gQam0tgj&oq=genocide&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IghnZW5vY2lkZSoCCAAyDBAjGIAEGBMYJxiKBTIMECMYgAQYExgnGIoFMggQABiABBjLATIIEAAYgAQYywEyCBAAGIAEGMsBMggQABiABBjLATIIEAAYgAQYywEyCBAAGIAEGMsBMggQABiABBjLATIIEAAYgAQYywFIlDxQAFjjJnAAeACQAQCYAWCgAaAFqgEBOLgBAcgBAPgBAZgCCKAC_QXCAgcQABiABBgTwgIEECMYJ5gDAJIHAzcuMaAHpD0&sclient=gws-wiz noun the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. "a campaign of genocide" That is what happened to millions of Jews during WW2. However the Jewish people were not the only victims of the holocaust. There were also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust#:~:text=The Holocaust was the genocide,thirds of Europe's Jewish population. The term Holocaust is sometimes used to refer to the persecution of other groups that the Nazis targeted,[b] especially those targeted on a biological basis, in particular the Roma and Sinti, as well as Soviet prisoners of war and Polish and Soviet civilians
  6. To me, the story speaks more about the way some people, but not all people, act.
  7. Not every Immigration office is the same. The one I use at Kamphaeng Phet is farang friendly and very helpful. The front office staff all speak good English and I had a good conversation with a lady Cpl last week whilst doing a 90 day report. The (good/bad) news is that they don't use any agents . My marriage extension is due for renewal on 16 August 2024 and they suggested that I come in on 1st August with all the paperwork to start the new one. The only drawback is that they are 70 km and a little over 1 hours journey away.
  8. Great idea (not). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Railways_(Nepal)#:~:text=Existing Railway Lines,-Currently there are&text=Jaynagar–Bardibas railway line%3A Out,transport railway line in Nepal. Raxaul–Sirsiya railway line: This is a 6 km (3.7 mi) line from Raxaul, India to Sirsiya Inland Container Depot (or dry port) near Birganj, Nepal, and is primarily used for freight transport.[8] It allows container traffic to be imported to Nepal through the Sirsiya dry port container depot.[9] Jaynagar Bardibas line near Janakpur Jaynagar–Bardibas railway line: Out of its 68.7 km (42.7 mi) total line length from Jainagar, India to Bardibas, Nepal, currently trains are running on 52 km up to Bhangaha and is used primarily for passenger transport. This is the only passenger transport railway line in Nepal. It runs from Bhangaha to Siraha at the Nepal-India border and further goes to the Indian town of Jainagar, Bihar. Nepal Railway operates passenger train service on it.[10] In this line Bhangaha to Bardibas section has been left to be constructed. In the Jaynagar–Bhangaha (52 km) section now trains are running on a regular basis. Jaynagar-Bardibas Legend km Station objects INR Ter. (JYG) NRW Ter. (JYG) 3 India Nepal border 3.2 Inarwa 7.8 Khajuri 13.3 Mahinathpur 17.7 Baidehi 21.7 Parbaha 23 Postal Highway 23.5 Jaladh khola 28.4 Janakpurdham 33.1 Kurtha 34.2 Pipradhi 36.2 Bighi river 37.8 Khutta Pipradhi 42.5 Loharpatti 47.6 Singyahi 51.2 Bhangaha 51.8 Rato river Bijayalpura Bardibas Bathnaha–Biratnagar railway line: Freight transportation up to Budhnagar commenced. The eight-kilometre route from Bathnaha to the Integrated Check Post in Biratnagar was tested for operations in October, 2018.
  9. They were interesting links and from the first link I am either in the late adopter or the laggard group. I am 80 and though I still drive a bit TBH I feel that I am to old and stuck in my ways. If I were to enter the market for an EV it would probably be an electric trike or a 4 wheel version of one. I live in rural Kamphaeng Phet and the nearest public charging station is some 60 km away and the local PEA has a habit of browning out or sometimes losing 1 phase once or twice a week, sometimes for 10 seconds or so and other times for 2 hours or more. And this is before there are any EVs locally, so what it would be like if there were only 10% EVs charging at the same time I have no idea. EVs at the moment are OK if you are a commuter and if you have a dedicated home charging system but for longer distance driving they don't seem too practical once you get off the main highways due to a lack of charging stations, certainly in rural Thailand. Then there is research going on with other fuels such as hydrogen etc which may be cheaper and more plentiful once they can get their act together, though there may be storage and delivery problems with that in the future.
  10. Thank you again. It seems that some people don't like numbers, but many more of us do. Trends mean very little, and can change overnight. That is why some people are called trendsetters. A different week, a different fad or trend.
  11. I will try again. Thank you once again for your response. TO me that is a far simpler explanation and far easier to read and understand, than based on vague percentages of this and that. Considering how long EVs have been for sale on the markets, a 3.5% market share is not to bad, but certainly not that impressive, given the massive hype shown by some EV evangelists. In addition EVs have been heavily subsidised, so that is not a very fair or level market. What would be interesting is seeing ICE and EV sales with no subsidy competing on a level market. Also the resale values of comparable ICE and EV after say 5, 7 years and 10 years.
  12. Keep trying. Trends and percentages are also meaningless compared to actual numbers. So why not give actual numbers of ICE and EV vehicles actually sold rather than percentages of vague figures?
  13. Thank you for your post giving numbers instead of pointless percentages. So they actually sold an extra 272 vehicles in 6 months, or an extra 45 or 46 vehicles a month in Thailand. That is actually good going considering the state of the Thai economy and a much more realistic figure than 40% of ........
  14. So actually how many ICE vehicles were sold each month in the first 5 months compared to EV vehicles in actual numbers, rather than your usual percentages? That would be a much fairer comparison.
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