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Looking for ISS parents (International School of Samui)

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We are planning to relocate to Samui from Europe and sending our daughter (then age 9) to ISS.  The only thing that could change our mind about moving to Samui is that we find the schooling to be subpar.  The reason we've set our mind on ISS vs. any of the other schools on the island is that based on our information ISS provides the most academically rigorous environment.


We would love to get in contact with parents of current or past ISS students and find out about their experience with the school.  As an alternative to Samui/ISS, we are considering BIS in Phuket and perhaps some of the top British/international schools in BKK (Patana, ISB, NIST, ...).  However, Samui would be our first choice by far, as long as we can be content with the school.


Anyone willing to share first-hand experiences, please send me a message and let me know how to contact you (email, skype, ...).



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Watch out with your assumptions ...


Lets say that BIS in Phuket would be a better option than Samui ... Also in BKK any of the mentioned schools would be a better alternative to Phuket or Samui.

Before you start spending your bucks in housing that you might regret later ... if you really want Samui just rent something during the first year ...


Regarding the Schools in Samui with "rigorous" environment ... that's non existent ! ... they all tell you that have certifications of this or that ... but the reality on the ground is very different ... been there and left when the education of my son went in a down spiral ... some parents went back to their countries of origin and the kids could not cope with the school levels at their own countries ... kids had to drop 1 or 2 years to learn what they have missed back in Samui ... painful ...


Been in Samui for many years ... Samui is nice but small ... we get tired quickly ... and then there is the connection issue ... by plane (overpriced fares) or by ferry (1h 30min) trip + a lot of road ...


If you love Samui go ... but don't buy house until you sure ... school might be acceptable till year 6 if you support your kid with online lessons like Khan Academy alikes ... not after ...


Good luck


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11 minutes ago, WhiteSnake said:

been there and left when the education of my son went in a down spiral

Can you provide a little more details on this?  Which school did your son go to?  What happened? Where did you go?


We (the parents) have a very academic background, and we have high expectations for our daughter's education.  I know that Samui isn't the first place that comes to mind when one thinks of academic achievement, but ultimately the question is whether our daughter can excel academically at ISS if given the right support and resources from us.

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ISS it was ...


High teacher rotation. Most teachers just recently graduated and come for a 1 year interim job ... some stayed a bit longer ...


If you give the right academic support ... you might survive till Year 6 ... not after ...

Senior is definitely a challenge ...


Bangkok is far better in terms of schools ... expensive obviously ...


People with deep pockets in the island or having good businesses put kids in BKK private schools usually when they enter senior school ...


Can't give you more details ... island is a small place ... long history of opening and closing schools ...




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My kid is in ISS. Has been since reception and is now in year 10. Almost all the other kids in her class have been there since the beginning as well. Some left to board at BIS or schools in Bangkok a year ago, but I think that has more to do with status then with educational concerns. Although I am not the biggest fan of the British curriculum, there is no alternative on Samui. And ISS is hands down the best school on Samui. Just compare iGCSE results if in doubt. Facilities (mostly sport) are superior at top level Bangkok and Phuket schools, but the fees also reflect this. Add the cost of boarding (as I want to live on Samui) and ISS is a very nice local solution. At least until the iGCSE level, since they no longer offer A levels due to lack of students. They do have a very good connection with BIS and top schools in Bangkok and the U.K. though, so ISS students can enroll there with nearly automatic scholarships due to the excellent iGCSE results generally acquired by ISS students. So personally for us it means we can enjoy another year and a half together on Samui and then we'll have to send our daughter to a boarding school in either Bangkok or abroad for further studies. But I'm not worried at all. Most recent year 11 graduates went to excellent A level or IB schools and onwards to top universities. 

As for whitesnakes comments regarding teacher rotation, I completely disagree. Of course there will be some teachers coming and leaving each year, but most subject teachers have been with the school for at between 5 and 10 years. That's exceptional for any international school. In primary I see the same faces year in year out as well, but am less in the know with these grades now obviously. 

I have an educational science background myself and can honestly say that ISS is a good school.

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My 2 kids did 4 years of Samui International schooling... when i hooked them back to Europe i found they had lagged quite a long way behind. They are now playing catch up it feels in a non fee paying (normal) European school


Perhaps... and i do say perhaps... because this is partly my own speculation as to why...  this is a combination of:


a) schools not able to attract the right level of teachers

B) general island laid back lifestyle

c) lax attitude towards education by other parents.... contributing towards (d)

d) overall communal sense of learning not as focused as it is in leading education set ups in Europe

e) mainly pupils come from more affluent side of the fence, and there felt to me a complete lack of drive and sense of importance given towards education - most kids had it on a plate already (speaking plainly)


in essence many lacked work ethic and that was very infectious. Just saying.


My kids were very happy socially it must be said.... but If you are thinking of moving your kids to Samui make sure you get them extra lessons and don't allow the work ethic to drop - because it is very easy to let that happen. This applies to all the International school's there



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