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March 23 2020 My trip to Chaeng Wattana to get a Extension of Stay for my Non O for Marriage.

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Thanks for the info, I’m kinda in the same boat as you except my 90 expires mid April and I’m up northeast so I shouldn’t have to deal with the crowd(as far as I know). I’ve been told a few different  things as to what all one needs to bring so your info is much appreciated. Thanks.

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38 minutes ago, Samui875 said:

Hi, Thank you for your infos.


can i get also 60 days more at immigration office, after every 90 days on my Non-Immigrant Visa "O" (for my kids thai nationality , not marriage with my thai "wife").


thank you


Yes you can also get 60 days extension to visit your kids. Just have to bring their documents, and your child with you.

Edited by davidnak
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24 minutes ago, time2093 said:

I tough you had to bring your wife with you to get the 60 day extension?

Yes you have to bring your wife with you. That is why I got there when they opened, I wanted to get there at 7:30 but my wife was on her own time. 

Edited by davidnak
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Thank you very much davidnak!!!

Its crazy, i stay about 10 years on/off in thailand. And every time i did a Visa Bounce after 90 days.

Becasue i didnt know about this 60 days extension.

I feel mad about this "Visa Run Comapnies" sure they wont tell me this,

so they can sell more trips. Maybe i get out something good about this crisis 555.

Do you think its realy necessary to bring my to kids , i dont want to expose unnecessary risks.

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1 hour ago, Samui875 said:

Thank you very much davidnak!!!

Its crazy, i stay about 10 years on/off in thailand. And every time i did a Visa Bounce after 90 days.

Becasue i didnt know about this 60 days extension.

I feel mad about this "Visa Run Comapnies" sure they wont tell me this,

so they can sell more trips. Maybe i get out something good about this crisis 555.
Do you think its realy necessary to bring my to kids , i dont want to expose unnecessary risks.

f you are getting a extension of stay for 60 days because you have Thai children then you need to bring the child, you don't have to bring all of your children just the one you are submitting the paper work for.

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