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Professor Karol Sikora: fear is more deadly than the virus

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(repost without the link to the youtube video)


Professor Karol Sikora: fear is more deadly than the virus


There is an interesting interview by Freddie Sayers (from unheard.com) with Professor Karol Sikora, the Founding Dean and Professor of Medicine at the University of Buckingham Medical School and an ex-director of the WHO Cancer Programme.

Professor Karol Sikora can certainly not be dismissed as conspiracy theorist, so open minds can dare to listen what he has to say. Feel free to search and find the video on Youtube. No link possible here, as the video seems not to be produced by an authoritarian enough source for TVF. 

Here is a summary of the interview, as made by the interviewer (Freddie Sayers), not by me, but in my humble opionion not bad:



Professor Karol Sikora has become something of a celebrity in the UK over the past months for his expert commentary on the pandemic, and his unusual tendency for optimism rather than pessimism.


Virus ‘getting tired’

– In the past two weeks, the virus is showing signs of petering out

– It’s as though the virus is ‘getting tired’, almost ‘getting bored’

– It’s happening across the world at the same time


Existing herd immunity

– The serology results around the world (and forthcoming in Britain) don’t necessarily reveal the percentage of people who have had the disease

– He estimates 25-30% of the UK population has had Covid-19, and higher in the group that is most susceptible

– Pockets of herd immunity help *already* explain the downturn

– Sweden’s end result will not be different to ours

– lockdown versus no lockdown


Fear more deadly than the virus

– When the history books are written, the fear will have killed many more people than the virus, including large numbers of cancer and cardiological patients not being treated

– We should have got the machinery of the NHS for non-corona patients back open earlier


Masks and schools

– Evidence on masks is just not there either way so it should be an ‘individual decision’

– We should move to 1m social distancing which means restaurants and bars could reopen

– More schools should reopen in June as ‘children are not the transmitters of this virus’

– We should be getting back to the ‘old normal’ not a ‘new normal’


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I strongly urge people to disregard the above "summary" and actually watch the video if intetested in what this man has to say. 


The above is highly distorted and slanted and completely misses the tone of what he actually says.


And as no source is provided for the quote thread is clised. 

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