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Education Visa For Shan Lady

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asking this on behalf of my shan girlfriend, i understand that there are schools which we could enrol in a get a education visa for really studying in thailand, my Shan girlfriend (holds a valid Union of myanmar passport) wishes to come over to bangkok to study. she has not prior formal education but speaks and write good Thai langguage, as well as able to speak english and read as well.

what are her options? she is 21 this year and she hopes to upgrade herself in bangkok, study and get some sort of certification, and of cuz get a education visa which allows her to stay in bangkok with me .

any options here? and suggestion of schools? she was asking if she could start from the bottom but i think 21 is kindda overaged? where can she start?

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She has an international Myanmar Passport or only an ID card? I'm impressed.

My Girlfriend - also Shan - only has one of this temporary Thai-ID and some paper from Myanmar. She's living here for 16 years in Thailand now. This fascist scumbags on the other side of Mae Hong Son now want 50.000 Baht for an international Passport.

Can't tell you about an education visa, i will ask my girlfriend tomorrow. But if she has a passport she has at least the same options we have. If she qualifies for university she can go there easily. Search for "Non-Immigrant-E" visa in this forum.

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She has an international Myanmar Passport or only an ID card? I'm impressed.

My Girlfriend - also Shan - only has one of this temporary Thai-ID and some paper from Myanmar. She's living here for 16 years in Thailand now. This fascist scumbags on the other side of Mae Hong Son now want 50.000 Baht for an international Passport.

Can't tell you about an education visa, i will ask my girlfriend tomorrow. But if she has a passport she has at least the same options we have. If she qualifies for university she can go there easily. Search for "Non-Immigrant-E" visa in this forum.

I think I could arrange ED visa, I know one school - quite cheap. I got my ED visa already there.

Anyway - I learn thai, your gf doesn't need it. For her better are english lessons to study.

English lessons are more expensive and school has a lot of students already.

Check out this topic - it's about thai lessons, but ED visa (english lessons) works the same way:


And PM me if u need more info about school.

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WOw Vit77 are u shan as well? well to answer some questions here, my girlfriend never lived in thailand, she lived in Kengtung. and she has a Union of Myanmar passport, not the temp ID that was mentioned on 2nd post.

so she is techinically the same as us forieigners, she would love to stay and be able to stay in thailand with me, and i would like to apply for her a ED Visa. howvwer, 1 hiccup, she has no documented qualifications, so i really dont know wad she can study or even qualify, except prolly English schools.

Vit77 i would love to hear more details and info about this as this can really help me and my girlfriend, 3 years with her and frequent travels to kengtung is really too taxing and tiring for me and the relationship.

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There is another school for thai lang in bangkok, that can help you get long term ed visas. www.smitlanguage.ac.th. They have helped several Burmese people I know get visas. Quite helpfull and knowledgeable, but costs around 20,000 baht.

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There is another school for thai lang in bangkok, that can help you get long term ed visas. www.smitlanguage.ac.th. They have helped several Burmese people I know get visas. Quite helpfull and knowledgeable, but costs around 20,000 baht.

thanks for the tip, i think it's reasonable, but im looking for english lessons, not thai, do they provide??

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