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Thailand Vs Japan


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I've just been offered a transfer to Tokyo with my company...actually don't know much about the place but seems nice enough :o At the same time I may have the opportunity to take a role at the same level here.

I'm fairly young and I'm aware that Thailand doesn't look that great on your CV, but I have a Thai fiance. She works at the same company as me and is also studying an MBA, so can't come with me initially.

After drawing a list of negatives and positives, I'm still non the wiser which to go for so appreciate some of your views :D

Edited by moonoi
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I'm afraid that there are just too many variables, many of them personal, for me at least to offer advice.

Where do you see you future going? As you say Thailand isn't exactly a cutting edge assignment to include on your resume. How long would your stint in Tokyo be and what opportunities are likely, or would you be looking for, to follow? Where does your fiancee want her career to take her, what does she think about your future course?

Honestly it is so much a personal decision it's unlikely you'll get any strong direction from advice here. Or have you made the decision and are just looking for confirmation?

btw when faced with a change in lifestyle/location I never make up a list of negatives and positives. Human nature automatically resists change and we all tend to wallow in a soft blanket of familiarity. What I tend to do is look at my current situation and ask myself, if I don't change course, where will I be in ten years time and will I be happy there? Then I mentally fast forward and imagine myself sometime in the future asking where would I be now if I took that decision, that blind leap, all those years ago? If you don't take your opportunities you know exactly where you'll be, if you do take them you'll still know where you would have been but you may be somewhere better. Who knows the outcome of the lottery of life.

If you are worried about your relationship, well a little separation will either strengthen it or break it. If the latter it probably wouldn't have lasted anyway.

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I can only say which I would choose, and without hesitation, that is definitely Japan. I would love to be offered a job there, as it is it is too expensive to spend any extended time in otherwise.

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I can only say which I would choose, and without hesitation, that is definitely Japan. I would love to be offered a job there, as it is it is too expensive to spend any extended time in otherwise.

JR Texas: I am with PhilHarris on this one.....it is a personal thing. But, my two cents: If you have never lived in Japan and they are going to give you good housing and great salary, etc., I would go to Japan and let your Thai girlfriend finish her MBA (that will be a test of love). And, of course, you would not be "lonely" in Japan (beautiful, smart girls all over........lived with Japanese girls for two years....so know something about them).

Adventure is good.........the more experiences in life the better.......helps put things in proper perspective. Downside: very expensive and the food is horrible........some people love the food, but I am from Texas and we do not eat raw stuff unless it is a vegetable, and even then most of the time we cook it. You can find Western food in Japan now (no need to eat sushi if you do not want to).

Good luck!

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I'd say "Go". A chance to go to another country, experience another culture and it looks good on your CV. It's not that far by plane, so you & GF can visit each other & have romantic long weekends together. It will be a good test for your relationship, also. Sure, it's an expensive place, but your salary will reflect that.

Just my 2 yen... :o

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just go, japan is not so far from thailand to meet the gal again, if u break up with her in the future u will always regret not to take a chance cuz of her.. dont waste the opportunity

Edited by pop_corn
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You go where your career takes you, as your Thai Girlfriend is probably also taking a career course in her life, she will understand.

Ask her what she would do in the same situation. :o

Japan is a good place to be, I'm in Tokyo right now, and the vibe is good, don't be put off by the high prices crapola, London is more expensive. The service one gets in Japan is second to none, the people are generally very nice, and besides, you will get the most helpful and oldest Taxi drivers in the world!

If you have a package with an international company, they will pay the cost of accommodation, the prices of quality international foods is probably cheaper than Thailand, alcohol is not so expensive, and if you want quality alcohol like Grand Marnier for instance , in the Supermarket in Japan it is half the price it would cost you in the supermarket in Thailand.

Give Japan a try, your girlfriend can always come over for a long weekend, it's only a 6 hour flight to Narita.

Tokyo's nightlife is far better than Bangkoks, it maybe more expensive, but it sure is better!

Edited by Maigo6
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concerning prices, $6.oo an hour internet , in cafe very reasonable in tiokyo. i say go, the girl can find another farang, if you are one......lol.

6 USD per hour ?

It's cheaper than that, but don't forget, some people live in internet cafes in Tokyo cos it's cheaper than hotels, you have unlimited drinks machines and showers etc.......

Tokyo sure is different, but it's a great experience.

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i'm envious that you have these options.japan really interests me,probably because its so different than the uk (or i would hope so). i spose its how serious you are with the girlfreind thats the main issue..........hopefully not to serious. :o

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You go where your career takes you, as your Thai Girlfriend is probably also taking a career course in her life, she will understand.

Ask her what she would do in the same situation. :o

Japan is a good place to be, I'm in Tokyo right now, and the vibe is good, don't be put off by the high prices crapola, London is more expensive. The service one gets in Japan is second to none, the people are generally very nice, and besides, you will get the most helpful and oldest Taxi drivers in the world!

If you have a package with an international company, they will pay the cost of accommodation, the prices of quality international foods is probably cheaper than Thailand, alcohol is not so expensive, and if you want quality alcohol like Grand Marnier for instance , in the Supermarket in Japan it is half the price it would cost you in the supermarket in Thailand.

Give Japan a try, your girlfriend can always come over for a long weekend, it's only a 6 hour flight to Narita.

Tokyo's nightlife is far better than Bangkoks, it maybe more expensive, but it sure is better!

After 4 years in Tokyo I am looking for a way out, would move to BKK on a drop of a hat now.

Still, It has been a great experience, I just don't need more of it.

If I were you, I would get as much of assurance as I can that transfer back to BKK is an option after 2-3 years. You may not want to leave after that, it's also possible.

Tokyo expensive: my engineers when they go to Sydney (every quarter one goes for a 2 weeks rotation) are shocked how expensive the place (Sydney) is.

Gf coming for a visit - very hard, may take a month and a humiliating procedure of bank accounts, employment, real estate ownership reviews etc. to get a visa, even for a tourist package. Unless there is an invitation from the company for training or something.

Japan on your CV - depends which industry you are in. In IT, it hardly stands out. Even contrary, people would not like to work for someone who has spent years working 280-350 hours a month and has high tolerance for private life sacrifice that work in Japan requires. Even if it is just drinking with work buddies from 8pm until last train (yours or theirs) leaves.

I have never brought my family here - what would they do ? No friends to call, not understanding TV, buildings have no amenities (pool etc), just sitting until I turn up midnite and leave 8:30am.

Not impossible, someone may be vacating the post in Tokyo due to weak yen. When I came, it was 72Y for 1 A$. Now it is 102.3Y for 1 A$. It's 50% pay cut (to buy A$ you need almost 50% of the value 4 yrs ago) when set aside what it was. It's OK if you are not spending out of Japan but some have mortgages and other obligations back home.

So, moneywise, a fat Japanese salary boils down to 150K baht in BKK, in my case. That amount would make me save the same money as I can do now, no double rent and economies of scale when the family is together.

Better life in Thai is a bonus.

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Thanks for the replies :D sorry I couldn't respond sooner, crappy TOT internet been down all day....again!

Well for me the problem is I want the position offered in Japan...but in Thailand :D with regards to salary, in Thailand it would be around 110-120k THB per month (I'm on local terms here). For Japan it almost 190k THB per month, plus housing allowance, transport etc etc

So finacially I think they would both offer a similar standard of living in each country. The positions themselves although completely differant have the same level of seniority in the company. Basically is project management (Japan) vs people manager (Thailand).

As for my gf coming to visit if I went to Tokyo, visa shouldn't be an issue...shes' already been once on a business visa so I guess that would make any subsequent visa application easier. The problem is her parents won't allow her to travel to see me on her own (and they don't want to go with her). So most likely I would be heading back here every month or so for a long weekend.

Don't think theres any chance of securing a return to BKK in 2-3 years...they are reducing the foreign headcount here, in fact they've already stopped any expansion here and sent work that was originally destined for BKK to our shiny new office in Shanghai.

As for what my gf thinks, she wants me to stay here. Even though she understands my arguments for leaving (better prospects mainly), she would prefer that I wait until we're married and then look for another opportunity elsewhere in the world and leave together :D

I'm probably leaning towards Japan at the moment, thinking that it could be good for our relationship and make her more independant from me (we do everything together at the moment). At the same time I have a house here and friends, and staying here obviously is the easy option....and no relationship issues (at least for now :o).

Not an easy choice at all, but thanks again for your replies

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I've lived in both countries for quite some time and now I'm back in Tokyo. I would say that if your relationship is strong then you should indeed go to Tokyo due to having more future job opportunities through networking in Tokyo. Bangkok is no comparison in this regard as you know.

If your future together is in another part of the world then the job you take in Tokyo may just be the stepping stone to that other life. However, you should keep in mind it's not always easy to move to another part of the world with work experience that is predominately in Asia, even Japan based. Recently, I had this conversation in Tokyo with a respected American businessman who knows of many who spent years in Japan—he noted that the specific Japan-related work experience that one gets doesn't always transfer. Nevertheless, I wouldn't let this hold you back—Tokyo does offer more in terms of work opportunities than Bangkok that would be able to move you up career wise.

If I were in your shoes I would travel to Bangkok every month and hopefully she would be able to visit Tokyo. After her MBA, you never know, may be she could join you in Tokyo before both of you contemplate a future elsewhere in the world.

Lastly, you said that you do everything together at the moment and that being away would allow her to be more independent from you. I think this would also allow both of you to think how important your relationship is—I definitely believe that the strongest of relationships survive even when away from each other for periods at a time.

Keep us posted.

Edited by antsinmypantsouch
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Mr. Rosner admits that Japanese Women are just plain yummy. Get out, don't look back and get perspective of Asians who know how to live and be governed by people other than children in uniform.

Rosner, you really do seem to be developing into a pretentious one trick pony, posting drivel in the vein of 'Jimmy with the jumping shoes' is perhaps the most lame thing I have ever seen on the internet.

And I've read Stephen King on line.

Go back to how you used to post, it was marginally more amusing.

To the OP, take your chance, it is only 2-3 years, and keep visiting Thailand regularly. Neither salary is particularly high, but with Japan you stand the chance of returning in 2-3 years and earning a decent wage (ie. 200k plus) which will enable to you get a decent house etc etc if you choose to stay here.

Do it for the work, not for the women or whatever other sick rubbish the peanut gallery might suggest. Culture, new language and so on are the bonuses.

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